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You know you should have dropped the class when...


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When the professor is obsessed about homonyms to the point that you spend 20 minutes everyday on them.

"I'm looking for a word that sounds exactly like the word read (as in I will read the book) but means a marshy plant"

And no one except you can give the correct answer.

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when it's almost midterm and the teacher hasn't actually gotten into teaching what the course is supposidly about cause you need to know the "history" of critical reasoning in such great detail it's crazy. When you wonder why you bought the book to go with the course cause you've never cracked the book and not just cause you're lazy, cause youre teacher told you not to touch it.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Oct 12 2005, 09:26 PM']everyone in the class wants to strangle the teacher and bury him in the rugby field becuase he is by far the worst teacher ever.


Oh please let me know what Professor that is lol

when you're failing the class horribly, the Prof doesn't know what he's talkilng about, and you're unhappy in your major.

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When all your fruit flies have died and you're forced to make up data for your genetics class, largely because you couldn't see any differences in the traits of the ugly, smelly little buggers anyway.

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[quote name='Sojourner' date='Oct 13 2005, 09:22 AM']When all your fruit flies have died and you're forced to make up data for your genetics class, largely because you couldn't see any differences in the traits of the ugly, smelly little buggers anyway.

ROFLLLLLLLLLLL Reminds me of what happened to one of the genetics labs one day. Some how all the fruit flies got out of their containers... yeah needless to say those little suckers were everywhere in the Science building.

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[quote name='StColette' date='Oct 13 2005, 09:25 AM']ROFLLLLLLLLLLL Reminds me of what happened to one of the genetics labs one day. Some how all the fruit flies got out of their containers... yeah needless to say those little suckers were everywhere in the Science building.
I have a pretty strong stomach, but it got to the point I couldn't enter the lab without having to control waves of nausea. When I dropped genetics, I also dropped my biology major, and happily went on to less smelly pursuits.

I did still occasionally work as a tutor in calculus, though, for the remainder of my college career.

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when you're convinced your psych professor is the black reincarnation of Frued, constantly talks about sex, makes everything a race issue, and compares catholicism to voodoo...

when your history professor uses a ruler to check the margins on your paper and nearly fails you because you formated your document to read "this document is about....", instead of "THE document is about....", and makes ambiguous test questions...

When your physics professor gives you a zero on a test because you were two minutes late ...

When your English composition professor comes in on the first day talks about how the world has problems, how much she likes snakes, and that she doesn't even know why she came in today...

when your algebra teacher smells funny, smothers himself in chalk, says weird things like "i'm going to get down and dirty with you in a dark alley" and "if you send a man to the moon, you better think of a way to bring him back" , refers to the calculator as "the Machine" and is so knowledgible in math he can't explain it to people at a lower level and fails people on every test....

when you're taking a math class for educator's and your instructor doesn't know how to teach it herself, tells you the book you bought foe the class isn't required but everyone else in the class with a different professor uses it, spends most the time stalling, is unprepared, and explains how to do the math problem ten mins before class gets out ....

sad thing is, i had teachers like this and stayed in the classes :sadder:

Edited by hopeful1
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