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You know you should have dropped the class when...


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when the professors hands back a first draft paper with a handful of corrections to be made and you turn it back in, untouched, and get a perfect grade on it anyway....

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when all the teacher ever does is talk about herself...

when Anais Nin is required reading

when the whole point of the class is for students to "find themselves..."

when you're not allowed to go to the bathroom during the class and it's a THREE HOUR lecture and before class, you had a venti coffee at starbucks.

when you spend the entire class learning about why Fox News is conservative and how evil and wrong Fox News is (and the class is called, "Media and Politics" and not called "Fox News: Fair and Balanced, or Evil Conservative Media Outlet")

when the professor constantly bashes the Catholic faith and those who follow it.

when the professor makes you memorize the entire AP Stylebook

when you can't understand a thing the professor is saying because while he is a very smart man, he doesn't have a strong enough grasp of the English language and his accent is too thick.

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[quote name='FutureNunJMJ' date='Oct 12 2005, 07:58 PM']When your prof talks about aliens and its a psych class...

He's his own case study, perhaps?

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when your professor spends more of the class time checking his email than teaching the class and the class is more than two hours long...

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Mary's Knight, La

The entire class considers taking a collection to bribe your calculus prof's wife to er... fulfill wifely duties...

(It wouldn't be so funny if it didn't actually happen)

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