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An Old School Catholic Message Board

You know you should have dropped the class when...


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when the most important things you've learned is that Karl Marx is the best sociologist or that the beatnicks saved us from suits and ties...

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everyone in the class wants to strangle the teacher and bury him in the rugby field becuase he is by far the worst teacher ever.


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when the guy in the class who asks the dumb questions (there's always one, you know there is) asks his 100th dumb question before the midterm even.
"can you repeat that" when the prof says you don't have to write it down, it's a story.

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when the professor suggests studying how to use microsoft word for a minimum of five hours.... in all seriousness

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When the proff tells you to read "Lolita" or however one spells that trash.

When the proffessor misgrades your paper and tells you to use less "made up terms" like locus.

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