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Now, I realize that gambling in itself may not be a sin, but it seems fruitless to use it as a means to raise money when it leads so many to sin in our society. Why do you allow gambling in your churches? To me, there was an implicit rejection of gambling when the Roman soldiers cast lots for Jesus' garments. There are so many other ways to raise money.

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gambling is only alright insofar as it does not enter into sin. If you knowingly gamble with someone who has a problem, then you have sinned because you put that person into a near occasion of sin. If you gamble nickels and dimes, you should be alright, however if you gamble with mortgage payments then you are in trouble.

Same with drinking...a little is ok and can be fun, but addiction is bad.

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Gambling is the (financial) speculation of an unknown event, correct?

Then let's take this question a bit further...is it therefore wrong to buy stock, to invest in the stock market?

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[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='Oct 12 2005, 08:40 AM']Gambling is the (financial) speculation of an unknown event, correct? 

Then let's take this question a bit further...is it therefore wrong to buy stock, to invest in the stock market?
You know, I've lost more with my current stock that I own than I have gambling.

In our house, we use the extra play money for investing in stocks and gambling. Usually, when we go to the boat to gamble, we take about 20 bucks a piece, and if you lose it, it was a fun night out for 20 bucks.

The problem is when you make stupid moves with essential money.

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[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='Oct 12 2005, 10:40 AM']Gambling is the (financial) speculation of an unknown event, correct? 

Then let's take this question a bit further...is it therefore wrong to buy stock, to invest in the stock market?

Gambling is not a calculated risk as is buying stock. The chances in gambling are completely random with no way to wisely invest money. Stocks can be researched and often someone can buy a stock with a proven track record and with slow growth the chances that a person makes money is almost sure. With gambling the chances of making money on something that is completely random is almost absurd. I believe it was Dave Ramsey who said gambling is 'paying the stupid people tax'.

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[quote name='jgirl' date='Oct 12 2005, 10:49 AM']You know, I've lost more with my current stock that I own than I have gambling.

In our house, we use the extra play money for investing in stocks and gambling. Usually, when we go to the boat to gamble, we take about 20 bucks a piece, and if you lose it, it was a fun night out for 20 bucks.

The problem is when you make stupid moves with essential money.

I 'bet' if you put $1,000 into the 'mega millions' lotto games and you put $1,000 into a slow growth mutual fund through your employer after 20 years your $1,000 in the stock market will pay off far more than your money in the lotto tickets.

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it is a sin to risk your livlihood or your family's livlihood on a gamble.

it is not a sin to gamble with money that is not necessary for you and your family.

though it is stupid to gamble against machines that are rigged against you anyway. always go for a fair card game or something where you have an equal chance of winning with everyone else.

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Its all about moderation. Its really sad to see people gamble away all their money hoping to hit "the big one". Likewise, people with tight budgets shouldn't be gambling, hoping to supplement thier income with "winnings".

The way I approach gambling is simply as an entertaining night with friends. We'll hop on a Limo, wander around the casino getting free pop, and spend $20 bucks or so. I usually stick to slots. If you end up ahead, thats great. If not, its 20 bucks for a night out with friends.

If you're not having fun gambling, you shouldn't be doing it.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

Gambling isn't always random chance. In some types of gambling, the house always wins in the long run. That goes for slot machines, blackjack, and other casino table games. The types of gambling that you have a little more control over are things like sports gambling and poker. In those events you may know information that others don't. Also, if you analyze that the expected net value of any kind of investment is greater than one, it doesn't mean that it is moral to make that investment. Sometimes the lottery has a greater expected return on investment than what you put in. The big jackpots turn out that way usually (odds of winning are around one in 150 million and if you can win $200million with a $1 ticket you come out slightly ahead). I wouldn't dump $1000 into the lottery though.

The difference between most professional gamblers and gambling addicts is that the professional gamblers (poker players especially) tend to treat their gambling like running a business. Any business owner will tell you that you keep personal finances and business finances separate and pay yourself a maximum fixed amount over any time period.

And as it would be immoral to gamble with money your family needs for basic care, it would also be immoral to start a business or buy stock with that money.

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not necessarily to start a business with that money, actually. at the very least that wouldn't e classified the same as gamblingit away, because that's a respectable thing to do to start a business.

risking stuff on starting a business is alright because a business is in a sense a family necessity itself.

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If you believe in Bible alone, and from your posts so far it seems you do, then if you can't show us in the Bible then you can't condemn it. Sorry. To gamble in moderation for entertainment purposes is okay. I spend a buck on a lottery ticket once in a while. I don't see that as a sin, though some baptists would say otherwise.

By the way, from your Bible Alone perspective can you give me the verse that says cloning of humans is a sin? It is clear to me that it is. I am very glad that I don't believe in Bible Alone or Sola Scriptura because I don't see how one could come to that conclusion strictly from the Bible in the plain and simple manner that you say one can easily discern truth in your other thread.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

[quote name='Aloysius' date='Oct 12 2005, 10:53 AM']not necessarily to start a business with that money, actually.  at the very least that wouldn't e classified the same as gamblingit away, because that's a respectable thing to do to start a business.

risking stuff on starting a business is alright because a business is in a sense a family necessity itself.
I'm not saying it is the same as gambling, but it's bad to take away from necessities your family. As for things beyond the necessities, it gets a little different. Mainly that most forms of gambling people participate in are out of their control. If I bet someone $100 I can run a mile in under 10 minutes and I know I can and someone takes the bet, then I really have risked that $100 wisely. But if I bet someone $100 that when I flip a coin it will come up heads, then I've really gambled on something out of my control. The stock market can go be like that. If I pick a stock randomly then I'm really at the mercy of chance. If I research the stock and company carefully and make an educated choice on it, then I haven't thrown my money totally at chance. Sure there is chance in everything we do and nothing is certain (expect, actually, in certain poker hands being the best).

Starting a business would be more like the $100 running bet.

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[quote name='Jesuspaidtheprice' date='Oct 12 2005, 08:14 AM']Now, I realize that gambling in itself may not be a sin, but it seems fruitless to use it as a means to raise money when it leads so many to sin in our society. Why do you allow gambling in your churches? To me, there was an implicit rejection of gambling when the Roman soldiers cast lots for Jesus' garments. There are so many other ways to raise money.
[/quote]What Catholic Church allows gambling? I have NEVER seen or heard of gambling in a Church.

If you are talking about Bingo, that's hardly considered gambling, and it's not done in the Church, but the basement or social hall. And most Bingo games don't make much money on the Bingo part, it's selling the cakes and snacks. Bingo is also a social activity. Where in the Bible does it say Bingo is bad?

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I have noticed that the Catholic Church doesn't condemn or disallow things unless they are indeed [i]always[/i] bad.

Of course that means that activities are allowed that for many people are wrong or harmful. We have to form our own consciences to know if we're doing the right thing. Everyone is different.

Gambling is so bad for some people, with so little benefit for others, I don't see much benefit in allowing or encouraging it. But it's not my call.

The tendency to wager seems almost inborn in people. Must be something about how we notice patterns.

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