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being shallow


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Heh...I'm waiting for Theoketos to reply. He's the only one of you with the spheroids to call me an ass & laugh at me.

The rest of you guys are just whiney little [color=red](that's not nice!!)[/color] and are quite boring.

To post a picture of my studly wonderfulness would cause you to weep at not having a chance in hades of ever having me...and that would be too cruel, even for me.

Edited by Cow of Shame
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[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='Oct 12 2005, 03:04 PM']To post a picture of my studly wonderfulness would cause you to weep at not having a chance in hades of ever having me...and that would be too cruel, even for me.

:lol_pound: wow...that's interesting. trust me, by the way you talk, i'll pass on the 'having you' comment...honestly, what i think of you? you're an arrogant punk who needs to come back to reality, and needs to stop talking shinobi! **if i have offended anyone other then cow of shame, i am sorry**

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[quote name='onathing1' date='Oct 12 2005, 02:09 PM'] you're an arrogant punk who needs to come back to reality,  and needs to stop talking shinobi! **if i have offended anyone other then cow of shame, i am sorry**

Whatever helps you get some sleep at night, instead of lying awake, pining after me. see? I'm charitable.

I'm quite honored you singled me out for offense, by the way. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but you honestly need to try a little harder if that's your goal...'hun'.

ooh, a little jab. ya feel it? that little jab there? right in the ribs? a bit of the jab-jab?


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[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='Oct 12 2005, 12:53 PM']C'mon, you know you want the hotties you can never have...

poor poor Theoketos


:smokey: :P:

In all seriousness. I am the worst sinner on the board. I do not pray enough. Get angry with people often. I am really selfish. I cannot spell well, write papers well, and am the worst procrastenator in the world.

That all being said, I have a beuatiful pregnant wife, who gives to me more than I can ever imagine. :D: :cool: :blush: ;) So if I am jealous, it is of your hippness and writting ability, general ability to make others laugh, and the highest quailty so far exhibted has been honesty about yourself , not of the casual dating you do. (I was never truly good at that either :pinch: )

(And your Baulder's Gate Avatar.)

Please forgive me for implying you are an jacka$$, you are not one. You just do things that are mean to make people laugh. Really it is not funny. EDIT In truly humorous way.

Also, I do laugh at everything you say, I just wish it was for GOOD and GODLY reasons.

P.S. Do you post on SA or PA forums?

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Oct 12 2005, 02:42 PM']That all being said, I have a beuatiful pregnant wife, who gives to me more than I can ever imagine.  :D:cool:  :blush:  ;)  So if I am jealous, it is of your hippness and writting ability, general ability to make others laugh, and the highest quailty so far exhibted has been honesty about yourself , not of the casual dating you do. (I was never truly good at that either  :pinch: )


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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Oct 12 2005, 02:42 PM']
P.S. Do you post on SA or PA forums?
Since I don't know what those are, it's highly unlikely. Wanna educate me?

Hey, I love a good wrasslin'. There's nothin like a good natured throw-down. You form close ties with people when you work each other's kidneys over with your bare knuckles, get up & laugh the whole thing off.

For those of you who are still hyperventilating, I don't date casually (sorry to mislead, Theoketos). Certainly a person's looks plays a role in our initial perceptions of people, but once we get to know them better, we can view their God-given casings with a bit more clarity. I once knew a girl in college who I thought was quite cute...I assumed all the guys would be after her to date her. I attended a meeting where she actually [i]threw a tantrum[/i], she mashed a bag of chips in anger & threw something across the room because she wasn't chosen to lead some sort of activity...afterwards, it was much easier to see her physical flaws.

Regardless of all that, I'm still a Greek god.
You can kiss my pic if it will help you deal with the pain of living without me.


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[quote name='PVmelonhead91' date='Oct 12 2005, 02:48 PM'][SIZE=14]

oh, that is so beautiful. did you do that on purpose?


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I wouldn't date someone two years younger than me, but that has nothing to do with being shallow, it has to do with the fact that he'd only be fourteen, and fourteen and sixteen are not really that close. Esp. if the older person is a girl, b/c girls mature faster than boys do. I'd feel like i was dating one of my little sister's guy friends and that's not good. Plus, i don't think my parents would be too thrilled by that. Also, i'd want a guy I was dating to be cute in my eyes, at least, b/c i want to be attracted to someone. b/c w/out attraction, we'd just be hanging out, not dating, and only be friends, or, if we're really close friends, then more like brother and sister. so, while inner beauty is a very important thing to consider, you want to be attracted to them as well. Don't date someone if there's no chemistry, b/c if you're looking for someone to marry, you should be able to love them like that and following your heart is very important. And Theoketos, congrats to you and your wife for your baby :)

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O Magne Dedeci Vaca, summus veri ammici, but are we twins?

This is a pic of me.


P.S. I have broken too many hearts of women.

P.P.S Raph, I probably got the vocative gender wrong, but I am not sure how translate vaca into the masculine, so I treated it as I would agricola.

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If so, I'm obviously the smarter twin. You're lucky you didn't electocute yourself taking that cell phone into the water like that. Look at the [i]size[/i] of that thing! It's powered by what, a car battery?

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