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being shallow


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[quote name='morostheos' date='Oct 11 2005, 09:25 PM']Could you define what exactly you mean by being shallow?  One can be shallow in many different ways....

in dating

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i personally don't think that it is a sin, it's just a stab in the wrong direction. being shallow may end up leading to other things.not to mention its kind of cruel. i mean, say you wanted to go out with a girl**or guy depending on who you are** just for her looks and not who she was...and then she found out. how do you think she would feel?

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If a girl wanted to go out with me 'cause of my overwhelming hottness, I'd think, 'heh, that's right, baby,". I'd go on at least one pity date with her...two or more if she was smokin'.

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pity dates hurt people, i wouldn't know from experience, but i know people who have been hurt by them. and if you went out with a girl because she said you were'overwhelmingly hot' then i find that very sad. you're not looking for anything more in your relationship then only a few dates, no marriage will probably even be thought about. and that's why people used to date, because they were looking for a spouse. now it's just, 'everybody's dating,lets do it!'. it's taken far to lightly, and as a result, many little 12 year olds are no longer acting their age and being kids, they're now 12 going on 20 and trying to be much older then they are and need to be.

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[quote name='onathing1' date='Oct 12 2005, 07:53 AM']and if you went out with a girl because she said you were'overwhelmingly hot' then i find that very sad.

Only ugly people say stuff like this. I feel so sorry for you....


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I think "love your neighbor as yourself" contradicts shallowness in dating.

Or shallowness in dealing with anyone, ever.

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If by shallow you mean solely basing your attraction on looks then yes. The person who does this is treating the person as an object. In other words you become a tool by treating her like a tool. (A tool for an erotic experiece not a person to which total recipretive self donation can happen)

If by shallow you mean being attracted at first to the person's physical beauty, then no, so long as that attraction is intergrated into Love. For Love purifies the attraction. Increases it. Makes it holy and healthy.

[quote]Only ugly people say stuff like this. I feel so sorry for you....

Only asses say stuff like this. I feel so sorry for you....


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I see nothing wrong with casual, non-exclusive dating if both parties are aware of the situation and on the same page as far as the relationship goes. Communication is key, as is true with any relationship at any point.

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[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='Oct 12 2005, 09:37 AM']Only ugly people say stuff like this.  I feel so sorry for you....

lol...im sorry that you think that i'm ugly, but just for your information, i've turned down 3 guys since the beginning of october, and 5 minimum in september...not bragging or anything, just proving my point.

[quote name='Theoketos' date='Oct 12 2005, 12:26 PM']Only asses say stuff like this. I feel so sorry for you....


thank you! and by the way cow of shame, there's nothing wrong with finding a person attractive, it's just the fact that you would go out with that person for only one reason, and that is her looks...never mind who she is, her dreams, her goals in life, and the way she may love you...hell, as long as she's hot and has an awesome body, you're happy...have you ever thought of if she was? how her heart could break when you guys end? dig a little deeper hun, and stop judging people on looks.

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Oct 12 2005, 11:26 AM']Only asses say stuff like this. I feel so sorry for you....


No, no...you're secretly jealous. I can tell by the way you type. You put up a good front for all your pious little friends, but you can't fool me. You're so filled with jealousy, most would mistake you for the Green Lantern.

C'mon, you know you want the hotties you can never have...

poor poor Theoketos


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A Realty chick? Yeah, that sounds good. You've got to be good looking to sell a lot of houses, and then they're loaded with cash...there's some major greens to be had in real estate. It's better if it's daddy's money, but as long as they're stacked & have stacks, then it's all good in my book.

It's so hard to 'pic' (sic), but so far, I've been able to just bounce from one looker to another without having to make any big choices. No hurry....

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[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='Oct 12 2005, 02:21 PM']A Realty chick?  Yeah, that sounds good.  You've got to be good looking to sell a lot of houses, and then they're loaded with cash...there's some major greens to be had in real estate.    It's better if it's daddy's money, but as long as they're stacked & have stacks, then it's all good in my book.

It's so hard to 'pic' (sic), but so far, I've been able to just bounce from one looker to another without having to make any big choices.  No hurry....

let me clarify for ya hun...i know you think you're funny, but heres the low down on what i just said, plain and simple..'reality check', you need to come back to reality and stop living in your phantasy..and as for pic, i meant a picture, cuz if you're sssooo hot, i think that we should be able to judge for ourselves.

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