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[quote name='Mickey's_Girl' date='Oct 10 2005, 03:18 PM']Denial.  I've heard the same speech impediment before, and they weren't from the same region.  Then again, there's a particular British accent that can't seem to say the letter "r" either.

I always thought it was denial, as did, I'm sure, every student in her classes.

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[quote name='Sojourner' date='Oct 10 2005, 01:46 PM']Is "y'all" a purely Southern expression? I use it often, although not in any official writing.

I've been questioned on it a couple of times, and I maintain that because I have Southern roots -- grandma lived in Tennessee and Texas before getting hitched and moving to Indiana -- that I am justified in using it. But even if that weren't the case, I still believe I could use it because saying "you all" is just cumbersome. I think "y'all" is genius.

Y'all should not be used by anyone except people from texas cause then i can laugh at texans :mario:

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As a fellow Hoosier, I say "no". "Y'all" is bad. I say stick with late Middle/Early Modern English: "thou/thee" for singular second-person, "you/ye" for plural.

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Y'all is a CONTRACTION! You + All = Y'all!


However it CANNOT be used any other way.
i.e. y'all all Redundant. and annoying
all y'all -ditto

My cousins from Philly say youse and mines(instead of mine)

Edited by missionseeker
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[quote name='Mickey's_Girl' date='Oct 10 2005, 05:18 PM']Then again, there's a particular British accent that can't seem to say the letter "r" either.
yeah, it's the Yorkshire accent. my best friend in elementary school talked like that.

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I think it's pefectly fine. Y'all is very convenient. As one born in Ohio who grew up in Virginia, I use it quite frequently, but I still use "you guys" more often. Sometimes, to be silly, I say "youse guys" :P:

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I predict y'all will be common use eventually. It's too hard to enunciate "you all" and (despite Snarf's suggestion) we've lost our second-person plural.

You're just ahead of the trend. :)

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[quote name='hugheyforlife' date='Oct 11 2005, 11:18 PM']saying "yous" and "mines", im sorry to say, just sounds idiotic.
Uh huh.

You would say that...

Being part of the secret Texan plot to take over the world with "y'all"!


(Okay, I better lay off the candy now. Ahem. :mellow:)

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But still, saying "Peace be with youse" is quite endearing. Note that South Jersey/Philly people say "youse" as "yooooze" and New York/New Jersey people say "yuzz." Also note that not everyone from those areas (especially me!) talks that way.

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[quote name='Mickey's_Girl' date='Oct 10 2005, 03:18 PM']Denial.  I've heard the same speech impediment before, and they weren't from the same region.  Then again, there's a particular British accent that can't seem to say the letter "r" either.

If it's the accent I'm thinking of, they say the r...just not in the right place so it comes out sounding like, "Bob had a good idear" when is means, "Barb had a good idea"

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[quote name='hugheyforlife' date='Oct 12 2005, 12:51 AM']how is it endearing :huh:

ill give you the night to come up with a good answer to that one. sleep calls me. :yawn:
hey, at least you're able to sleep.

it's endearing because when the priest said it it made me go "awww..."

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