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Sorrow in Heaven?


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It is said that Saints weep over the sinners on earth. Or at least, they mourn or are "sorrowful" from the sinners on earth. There is no sorrow in Heaven, it is eternal happiness, but how can they feel sorrow, if there is no sorrow in heaven? Is it a different kind of sorrow, a sorrow as to not dampen the happiness of heaven, or what? :idontknow:

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It's a literary tool known as "anthropomorphism". For example, Scripture speaks of God "repenting" of a decision. Of course, God cannot change his mind; but the Sacred Authors describe it in such a way that we human beings can understand.

"Sorrow", in this case, would be a superabundance of love, the willing of another's good. The Saints and Angels will our eternal good more than we can ever imagine. On earth, we feel sorrow when we know another has not attained their eternal good, and so the Saints are depicted in this manner.

My favorite verse in Scripture is Revelation 21:4:

[quote]God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more. Neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow any more, for the former things have passed away.[/quote]

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that's a good question.. i would go with era might on this one.. often I ask God for this type of holy sorrow for souls, that i would feel sorry for souls who are far away from God and offer up acts of reparation for them instead of judging.

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Guest JeffCR07

I agree with Era Might, even Our Lady of Seven Sorrows does not "suffer" in heaven in the sense that we usually mean by the word suffer. It is rather, as he has said, the outpouring of a superabundant love for all people, including sinners. In this sense, Mary and all the saints "are sorry" for our sins and desire that we repent, though they do not literally feel suffering themselves.

Your Brother In Christ,


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[quote name='Era Might' date='Oct 9 2005, 06:10 PM']It's a literary tool known as "anthropomorphism". For example, Scripture speaks of God "repenting" of a decision. Of course, God cannot change his mind; but the Sacred Authors describe it in such a way that we human beings can understand.

care to explain this a lil bit more? What of the verses that God expresses regret? Are we to assume that any emotion is foreign to God? If so does that make them a result of the fall?

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I'm not sure I'd label this "anthropomorphism"... or assigning human charecteristics to things... the saints in heaven are human already. anthropomorphism can be applied to certain expressions we make regarding God, but not the saints in heaven

scripture says that in heaven every tear will be wiped away, not that there won't be any tears. the saints in heaven have real sorrow in every sense of the word for the sinners on earth, but they are comforted in the eternal beatific vision and as such they are not depressed, they are automatically comforted by God. they cry over the sinners on earth, and God wipes away their every tear.

eternal joy can include being held by the Eternal Father while you cry over the sins of men.

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Guest JeffCR07

[quote name='Revprodeji' date='Dec 16 2005, 10:26 PM']care to explain this a lil bit more? What of the verses that God expresses regret? Are we to assume that any emotion is foreign to God? If so does that make them a result of the fall?

We must always keep in mind that God is Love, and that Love is perfection. When God "regrets" it is not because He has made a mistake, nor because somethinging that we have done has grieved Him. Rather, the "regret" of God is the expression of Perfect Love that desires all of creation to be in communion with Him, with the recognition that, through our free actions and the fall, it is not. Thus, God "regrets" the situation on Earth, because Perfect Love desires for God to be "all in all."

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I believe that they probably do cry and have sorrow...in a way that we might. Because I thought I heard that when it's the end of the world..or rather after the world is over, that God would create then a new Heaven without any tears. Is this true, has anyone else heard this? Maybe I'm crazy, lol. :P:

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