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Sex In Heaven?

Paladin D

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Starting at this point, no one who could truthfully put "I have not read the article" should be posting here.

The whole point of a thread about an article is to read the article and then post. I die a little inside when I see "I have not read the article so I can only comment on what you have said here ..."

Where is the netiquette?

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[quote name='son_of_angels' date='Oct 6 2005, 11:47 PM']It doesn't really make sense that we would have sex in heaven, seeing as our genitals are rotting in a grave somewhere....

:shock: Oh you sweet talker you.

In heaven like on earth (I guess) sex without being married is fornication.
Isn't God against fornication, no matter where it is?

I am going to be too busy for that when I get to heaven.
Ya' wanna' see my list?

Cooking and Baking ( eating) i won't have hips in Heaven because I will be a spirit. Is that right?
Hang gliding
Sky Diving

Pretty much everything I would like to do down here but I am not doing because I am afraid of getting myself killed. See in Heaven if I do these things and it kills me it won't matter because I will already be there.

Yeah, I just said what you thought I said.


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[quote name='Benedict' date='Oct 7 2005, 04:11 PM']Starting at this point, no one who could truthfully put "I have not read the article" should be posting here.

The whole point of a thread about an article is to read the article and then post.  I die a little inside when I see "I have not read the article so I can only comment on what you have said here ..."

Where is the netiquette?

Welcome to America, home of the free and land of the "I have a right to not read an article but comment anyway."

Why because I am grown, and the boss of me.
Who are you?

I am allergic to "should." I was bitten by a SHOULD as a child and now pretty much ignore them. But thanks for sharing.
Anyone else's country want to be heard from?

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I'm saying we WILL have glorified bodies, but not until the final resurrection of the dead. (CCC. 999-1001) In heaven there will be only soul, not body, and therefore not sex. (CCC 997) There will not even be marriage, for they become "one flesh" and not "one soul." Sex exists as a condition and the consumation of the Sacrament of Matrimony, created from the beginning of man, and therefore, without marriage, without a body, there will be no sex.

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[quote name='son_of_angels' date='Oct 7 2005, 04:47 PM']I'm saying we WILL have glorified bodies, but not until the final resurrection of the dead. (CCC. 999-1001) In heaven there will be only soul, not body, and therefore not sex. (CCC 997) There will not even be marriage, for they become "one flesh" and not "one soul." Sex exists as a condition and the consumation of the Sacrament of Matrimony, created from the beginning of man, and therefore, without marriage, without a body, there will be no sex.

I'll be hanging out with Jesus anyway, busy talking.

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[quote name='ofpheritup' date='Oct 7 2005, 03:43 PM']Welcome to America, home of the
rude, who dream up a whole slew of "rights" that do not exist because they cannot stand to act in a civil manner.

Why? Because they somehow think they are subject to no one and no thing but themselves.

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White Knight

Extactly, thats something I think everyone will do in heaven, make up lost time with Jesus our Lord and Savior the time we lost here on earth, think about how distracted we get on earth and think about Heaven, no distractions.

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By the way, I read the article and I think it is relevant on many points. However, I disagree with the notion that the relationship between the Father and Son is sexual. After all, is your relationship with your sons, those who have them, sexual, or something else?

Charity, in its best form, requires no sexual interplay between the two participants. It is only when one commands the other in a procreative relationship that something becomes sexual. I am willing to say that the relationship between God and nature, or even God and the church, or the Holy Spirit and Mary, is a spiritually sexual relationship, but these are different matters.

The relationship between the Father and Son is not procreative. It does take on a certain Personality, but this is not an accident or effect of their charity, but the actual Person of their charity itself. Hence he, the Holy Spirit, is not born from the Father and Son, but IS their relationship. There is no procreation here.

In the same way, love between two males is not intrinsically sexual but, rightly ordered, a working of the highest form of charity, as Plato imperfectly points out in his Symposium. Likewise, when we are reduced to soul, and thus incapable of procreation, our ego, removed from sexuality, is incapable of a sexual relationship except as a collective, the "Church" Obviously these are all my philosophies and not directly from Church teachings.

He is free to profess the truth of Christ in philosophy all he wants, I just hope he doesn't encourage a distortion of Christian theology through it.

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[quote name='Benedict' date='Oct 7 2005, 04:58 PM']rude, who dream up a whole slew of "rights" that do not exist because they cannot stand to act in a civil manner.

Why?  Because they somehow think they are subject to no one and no thing but themselves.

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Of course, I don't want to imply that, in being the Charity between the Father and the Son, that there is any but One principium of divinity in the Trinity. There is only one, which proceeds from the Father.

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[quote]I'll be hanging out with Jesus anyway, busy talking.[/quote]

Where, pray tell, will you get those handy vocal chords? :P:

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[quote name='son_of_angels' date='Oct 7 2005, 04:47 PM']I'm saying we WILL have glorified bodies, but not until the final resurrection of the dead. (CCC. 999-1001) In heaven there will be only soul, not body, and therefore not sex. (CCC 997) There will not even be marriage, for they become "one flesh" and not "one soul." Sex exists as a condition and the consumation of the Sacrament of Matrimony, created from the beginning of man, and therefore, without marriage, without a body, there will be no sex.

We will have glorified bodies in heaven after the resurrection.
The final end of our beatified state is to have our souls reunited with the bodies. Thus, it is innacurate to say we will have no bodies in heaven. The separation of body and soul (death) is temporary.

Edited by Socrates
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[quote name='son_of_angels' date='Oct 7 2005, 05:07 PM']Where, pray tell, will you get those handy vocal chords? :P:

OK funny man. :idontknow:
Maybe and perhaps the same place you will get yours.

Vocal chords, I mean. :D:

That is an excellent question though.
Does anyone think we will be talking?

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We will have glorified bodies in heaven after the resurrection.


Sort of, in the sense that it won't be exactly the same place that we live now. Rather the world, and even the old heaven itself, will have passed away by their transformation in Christ. (CCC 1042-1044)

Serious thought needs to be given into properly catechizing the Church on this subject.

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