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If you controlled the US gov for a day


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I'd like to buy the world a home and furnish it with love,
Grow apple trees and honey bees, and snow white turtle doves.
I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony,
I'd like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company.

It's the real thing, Coke is what the world wants today.

(and I also like the cheesecake for lunch thing.)
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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Oct 3 2005, 11:17 PM']I will create a grand army of the Republic, to counter the increasing threat of the Separatists.
Wait, wrong universe.

As long as you put an end to corruption and promise not to turn evil ;)


Um, since evolution EXCLUDES GOD from creation of life (man, animals, the universe, etc), its bunk. I did NOT evolve from a monkey.

Creationism (the 10,000 year old Earth or whatever) is what I don't believe in. I believe that GOD created everything. The only "evolution" is adaptation like flying squirrels and tree frogs. And some animals that are descendants of prehistoric animals (elephants and mammoths, triceratops and rhinocerous for example)/

But I will NOT believe that humans evolved from monkeys!

Evolution is a THEORY, its not proven. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Jedi_StClaire' date='Oct 4 2005, 09:59 AM']As long as you put an end to corruption and promise not to turn evil ;)


Once I gain the position, I promise to hand it over to the Papacy.

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[quote name='tnvolunteer' date='Oct 4 2005, 06:38 AM']If I were in charge....  :)
1. Ban abortion.
2. Ban the death penalty.
3. Repeal the tax cuts made for the wealthy.
4. Outlaw off-shore tax havens.
5. Keep American industry strong by creating state run corporations.
6. Phase- out the use of fossil fuels.
7. Ensure every American has a job, health care, and free public (including university) education.
8. Raise the minimum wage.
9. Ensure the freedom of religion for all.
10. Foster understanding and repect between the west and Islam.
11. I would practice my Catholic/ Christian faith and feel grateful that I have the freedom to do so.

I would definitely not agree with some of these. The wealthy get tax cuts because they pay all of the taxes. It is a fact that the top 20% of income brackets pays 80% of taxes. And, 50% of people pay no taxes. Who's gonna pay for free university? What if I want to go to a private university that wants no gov't interference?
If I was the head of the gov't for a day, I'd make a permanent Catholic monarchy. I wouldn't have to be the king (we'd find somebody royal), but we could make some cool laws. And, it would make gov't so much simpler.

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[i][quote name='tnvolunteer' date='Oct 3 2005, 11:25 PM']
Wow, some of the things said on this particular post are EXTREMELY un-Christian! Here are some shameful quotes:

[QUOTE] Repeal the seperation of Church and State. [QUOTE] maddest.gif

How would you feel if Christians were the minority in this country and you were forced to obey pagan gods? This nation is based on freedoms, that includes religion. We must respect everyones right to their own faith! [right][snapback]745287[/snapback][/right]

Did I elaborate on what I meant by this? How dare you judge me! The whole speration of Church and state idea has caused endless trouble for peoples of all faiths in this country, because it is now used to suppress all religions, especially Christianity. I didn't say I would merge Church and State, did I? And even if I had proposed that, why do you assume that automatically means that religious minorities will be oppressed? Almost every European nation has an established state religion, and religious minorities and secularism flourish there.

[i][quote name='tnvolunteer' date='Oct 3 2005, 11:25 PM']
These posts sound like a bunch of southern baptist fundamental rants! Let's desire to further Christ's kingdom not promote hate, intolerance, injustice, and evil. Blessed are the peacemakers! [right][snapback]745287[/snapback][/right]
You dare preach to us about promoting hate and intolerance, while characterizing Southern Baptists fundamentalists as people who rant in promotion of hate, intolerance, injustice, and evil? O hypocrit, remove the beam first from thine own eye!

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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


That is contrary to the principles this country was founded upon. The settlers of massachusetts were indeed puritans who founded a theocracy (let us note they were escaping from religious intoleration in England and wanted their views respected but not forced upon non-puritans). Indeed theocracy was such a good idea that people were burned at the stake as witches! The founding fathers of our nation (many were deists not Christians) saw how damaging theocracy was and banned it in the constitution. Our government is based on ideas from the enlightenment, and ancient philosophies of the Greek tradition. Indeed the enlightenment rejected religion as the basis for political process. So, our government is not based on religion, nor should it ever be.

[quote]The death penalty is no more wrong than war, and neither of them have anything to do with the morality of abortion.[/quote]

Why not? It's all killing. War is can be justified (see the Vatican's "just war doctrine" but the illegal war in Iraq does not fit the doctrine. No, I am not saying the US governmnet must follow the Vatican- but I would like to. Also, we must state the war is wrong according to ethical philosophy. Death penalty: "the first shall be last and the last shall be first" the death penalty prevents a person guilty of a crime to confess, repent, and find God's salvation. By killing criminals we deny God the ability to claim one of his children. Also, murder cannot justify murder.

[quote]The very few differences between it and the constitution are only in favor of the poor, the outcast, the destitute, not the other way around[/quote]

Hence, we have through leaders such as FDR, created social programs to aid the poor. The Church should also do as much as it can.

[quote]I simply am against the West allowing Muslims, who are in fact believers in an ancient heresy, to control any non-monarchical sovereignty, because it perpetuates their views and is a haven for anti-Christian activity.[/quote]

What do you intend to do? Conquer them? Impose Christianity upon them? First of all the US is not strong enough to conquer all of Islam. Secondly, they think Christians are heretics and want us to follow their ways. The best solution is mutual respect for them (removing our troops from holy places) then they will respect us. We all have a right to this earth.

[quote]But I will NOT believe that humans evolved from monkeys!  Evolution is a THEORY, its not proven.[/quote]

Most current antrhopological research indicates humans did evolve due to natural selection just like flying squirrels - that is evolution. Also, there were many species of human like animals living at the same time throughout history. Our species simply won out. In science the word "theory" has a different meaning than in everyday English. A scientific theory is regarded as fact. We do not interpret the Bible as a literal account of creation, therefore could God not have created humans using evolution? Science is merely a way to understand how God works.

[quote]I would definitely not agree with some of these. The wealthy get tax cuts because they pay all of the taxes. It is a fact that the top 20% of income brackets pays 80% of taxes. And, 50% of people pay no taxes.[/quote]

The wealthy (income of 326,450 and up) pay taxes at 35%. The poor pay 10-15% (incomes less than $15,000). When the poor pay there share it is much more a burden than the rich. The rich have more, they have used societies recources to obtaian more. They owe a greater share of the tax burden. 50% percent pay no taxes?? Actually when accounting for dependants (remember some people have kids and elderly in there care) 35% don't pay taxes (like my little brother-he is part of that 35%) If we want a more fair tax scheme hold the weathiest corporations accountable. In the 1960's they paid 68% of the taxes, today they pay only 24% (even though they make more today) Why? They hide it in tax havens, and the Republicans give them insane breaks that cause the middle class to shoulder the heaviest tax burdens!

[quote]You dare preach to us about promoting hate and intolerance, while characterizing Southern Baptists fundamentalists as people who rant in promotion of hate, intolerance, injustice, and evil? O hypocrit, remove the beam first from thine own eye![/quote]

Southern Baptists do preach injustice: for women, (be subservient) They are the only religious group to support the illegal killing in Iraq. Many of their members are openly hostile towards gays.

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