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If you controlled the US gov for a day


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[quote name='MilesChristi' date='Oct 2 2005, 09:55 PM']-The entire Black Hills region of the Dakotas will be restored to the Native Americans. Mount Rushmore will be torn down.

You remind me of that Michael Moore puppet in "Team America"!

Don't be a "giant socialist weasel"!

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Wow, some of the things said on this particular post are EXTREMELY un-Christian! :maddest:

HELLO!!!!!! God calls us to LOVE THY NEIGHBOR. Here are some shameful quotes: :sadder:

[QUOTE] 3. send troops to conquer the Palestinian territories
4. Put a nuke right in the center of Mecca [/QUOTE] :maddest:

Please tell me you are kidding! This made me sick to my stomach to hear someone of my faith say such entirely evil things. Remember: Thou shalt not kill???

[QUOTE] Repeal the seperation of Church and State. [QUOTE] :maddest:

How would you feel if Christians were the minority in this country and you were forced to obey pagan gods? This nation is based on freedoms, that includes religion. We must respect everyones right to their own faith!

[/QUOTE] -Ban anything to do with the theory of evolution from all classrooms [QUOTE] :ohno:

You deny proven scientific theory? Could God not have intellegently designed evolution??? The creation stories are not to be taken as factual, but rather they were written with divine inspiration by the early Hebrew tribes literally millions of years after creation.

[/QUOTE] I would announce that the US is done with the UN and if they want their problems solved they can do it themselves. At which point I will resign. [QUOTE] :(

We wonder why America is hated throughout the world....
Should we not work together with other nations to further peace, justice, tolerance, you know the things Christ called us to do? These posts sound like a bunch of southern baptist fundamental rants! Let's desire to further Christ's kingdom not promote hate, intolerance, injustice, and evil. Blessed are the peacemakers!

Edited by tnvolunteer
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If I were in charge.... :)
1. Ban abortion.
2. Ban the death penalty.
3. Repeal the tax cuts made for the wealthy.
4. Outlaw off-shore tax havens.
5. Keep American industry strong by creating state run corporations.
6. Phase- out the use of fossil fuels.
7. Ensure every American has a job, health care, and free public (including university) education.
8. Raise the minimum wage.
9. Ensure the freedom of religion for all.
10. Foster understanding and repect between the west and Islam.
11. I would practice my Catholic/ Christian faith and feel grateful that I have the freedom to do so.

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[quote name='tnvolunteer' date='Oct 3 2005, 11:25 PM']
Wow, some of the things said on this particular post are EXTREMELY un-Christian! :maddest:

HELLO!!!!!! God calls us to LOVE THY NEIGHBOR. Here are some shameful quotes: :sadder:

Please tell me you are kidding! This made me sick to my stomach to hear someone of my faith say such entirely evil things. Remember: Thou shalt not kill???

-Ban anything to do with the theory of evolution from all classrooms I would announce that the US is done with the UN and if they want their problems solved they can do it themselves. At which point I will resign. [QUOTE] :(

We wonder why America is hated throughout the world....
Should we not work together with other nations to further peace, justice, tolerance, you know the things Christ called us to do? These posts sound like a bunch of southern baptist fundamental rants! Let's desire to further Christ's kingdom not promote hate, intolerance, injustice, and evil. Blessed are the peacemakers!

Would it to you that this is not a SERIOUS thread???
I would do most [but not all] of what everybody else wrote.
I would want a flat-tax and abolish the IRS, and give all the federal government employees the same medical coverage we get for Medicare and see how they like it.
I would abolish all the laws I don't like, including property taxes that support school districts unfairly.
I would require all cats be licensed and leashed.
I would also throw the UN out of New York.
I also want cheesecake every day for lunch.

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I will create a grand army of the Republic, to counter the increasing threat of the Separatists.

Wait, wrong universe.

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alot of what others said except for the immoral use of nuclear weapons to wipe out whole populations

1. abolish property tax.

2. institute major policies of subsidarity so that everything that could be accomplished at the lowest level possible was given to that lowest level to accomplish and thus the federal government's only real job left would be foreign policy and national secuirity.

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Oct 4 2005, 12:25 AM']
2. institute major policies of subsidarity so that everything that could be accomplished at the lowest level possible was given to that lowest level to accomplish and thus the federal government's only real job left would be foreign policy and national secuirity.

You saw how well this worked in New Orleans :blink:

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My list of decrees, if I could rule the country.....

I think Canon Law and the Catechism need to become precedents for the interpretation of natural moral law, and Bishops therefore capable of nullifying laws as unexecutable if found contrary to these precedents.

I would build a new National Cathedral of Washington D.C. and request the Pope to make the Archbishop there into Primate of all North America.

I would reorganize the government so that the legislature consisted only of the Senate, composed of appointed and elected members who serve as Lords of various ministries, giving it supreme Judicial authority. The House of Representatives would become an advisory council of Tribunes capable of exercising veto only in limited circumstances.

I would perpetuate the office of President by making the selection of successors belong to the appointed Cabinet of Ministers, deriving itself from the Senate, and give that office almost complete executive and and legislative powers .

I would endeavor to end the possibility of Muslim sovereignty or influence both in the United States and in the Middle East by the colonization of most of the non-monarchical Middle Eastern states.

I would wipe out political parties all-together.

I would require the prayerful observation of the Immaculate Conception of our Lady by all Americans, imploring her aid for the success and benefit of the nation.

I would make it impossible for any person to accept any title of office without assenting to the Nicene Creed.

I would command the public reading of the Scriptures and the writings of the Holy Fathers in the public squares on every day, together with the most recent laws of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

I would expel the Freemasons from the nation as a secret and impious sect, under pain of death should they return.

I would order the death of any doctor who would perform an abortion or issue a contraceptive, and the rehabilitation of any woman who suffered such a thing to be done.

I would order the death of anyone sentenced to life for a capital crime, and make this the permanent law, or the reduction of sentence for those sentenced to those over twenty years to only ten years. Rape is considered a capital offence.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Oct 4 2005, 12:33 AM']You saw how well this worked in New Orleans :blink:
New Orleans expected the federal government to bail them out, so they didn't use their own buses and they didn't do most of their stuff.

anyway, national secuirit concerns might be applicable to such large-scale disasters and obviously in such a big disaster a local government is not sufficient to completely take care of it.

however, ultimately this is a principle of Catholic Social Justice, what can be sufficiently done at the lowest level should be LEFT to the lowest level to be done. lower levels shouldn't make themselves so dependent on the higher levels.

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Dear "son of angels,"
Do you know what a fascist is? Let me help you understand, Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, etc... It is totalitarianism, i.e. forced subscription to anothers ideals whether or not you believe in them. Not everyone in America is a Christian! (It is great if an individual makes the choice to be Christian, but it is a free country and one can worship whatever they choose!) Not everyone wishes to fend off the dogs of war and greed that come from unregulated corporatism. Again, I hate to harp on about this post but I find it very scary the ideas some people within the church hold that are so absolutely contrary to the ideals of Christ. I am so very thankful that my priest and my congregation have respect for our fellow human kind and try to perpetuate the love and tolerance Christ calls us to. As much as you might wish Christ's example would fit your extremist and hate filled views, it certainly will not! I am not attacking you personally (please forgive me if you feel this way) but rather I am warning you- as it is my duty to do so- that these views are contrary to the example set by our Lord. Yes, in American politics the left has often ignored the fact that abortion is wrong (but let's face it-so is the death penalty!!) and pornography is not protected expression. However, the right has ignored the plight of the poor, the weak, the opressed, and creates policy to enable the wealthy to exploit the lower classes. The right also stands idle as giant corporations rape and destroy God's earth with unsustainable economic practices and wages unjustified wars that result in the deaths of thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians. Christ believed and taught peace and tolerance, not death and persecution! To hear such hate and un-charitableness being spewed out by other believers has been a heavy blow to my faith. Let us follow the example of Jesus and the Church- not the ideologies of extremists.

Edited by tnvolunteer
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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Oct 3 2005, 11:17 PM']I will create a grand army of the Republic, to counter the increasing threat of the Separatists.
Wait, wrong universe.
HAHA i almost fell out of my chair laughing.... :lol: :lol:

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Ah, you misunderstand my views.

First of all, it was, and still is, a commonly held view in politics that when heresy becomes an issue of state, it is well within the rights of the state to suppress it. None of my ideas institute a singular religion binding on everyone at all.

Secondly, none of them are hate based. I have many Muslim friends, Jewish friends, and otherwise. I simply am against the West allowing Muslims, who are in fact believers in an ancient heresy, to control any non-monarchical sovereignty, because it perpetuates their views and is a haven for anti-Christian activity. We can deal with pompous sheiks concerned over their own wealth, but it is more difficult to deal with nations like Iran, etc.

Thirdly, I am indeed a totalitarian. I believe that the most political thing most people do every week is walk through the church doors. Here they receive their notion of morality, their belief in authority, and participate with other people in a society. In fact, Jesus's teachings are unabashedly political in the broad sense of the term. Also the most religious thing many people do in a single year is walk into the voting booth. ALL GOVERNMENT IS BASED ON RELIGION. For example, our government derives its ideas from a Puritan/Quaker anti-Papist liberal philosophy. Our enumeration of rights, while based partly on natural law, appeal to a code of morality which transcends the boundaries of most modern "political" thought. ALL TRUTH IS GOD'S TRUTH. I am a totalitarian in that I believe the political person is no different than the religious person, and government, like faith, should minister to both parts of the human experience.

The death penalty is no more wrong than war, and neither of them have anything to do with the morality of abortion. Both war and the death penalty arise out of necessity, and ought to be lessened in frequency by necessity. I quote from the Catechism, "the traditional teaching of the Church does not exclude recourse to the death penalty, if this is the only possible way of effectively defending human lives against the unjust agressor." It goes on to say that modern society has other means to "prevent crime" not "punish crime." Whence we can determine that, indeed, if we can prevent crime without using the death penalty, we should, but that has no bearing on the actual use of the death penalty as punishment. After all, the penal system hardly does anything to "prevent crime."

I also talked about making the Catechism the method for determining natural moral law. What is the difference between this and the Constitution? The very few differences between it and the constitution are only in favor of the poor, the outcast, the destitute, not the other way around. It is the constitution which perpetuates a bloated secular society with no concern for the poor, not the authority of the Church.

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[quote name='tnvolunteer' date='Oct 4 2005, 03:02 AM']Dear "son of angels,"
  Do you know what a fascist is? Let me help you understand, Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, etc... It is totalitarianism, i.e. forced subscription to anothers ideals whether or not you believe in them. Not everyone in America is a Christian! (It is great if an individual makes the choice to be Christian, but it is a free country and one can worship whatever they choose!) Not everyone wishes to fend off the dogs of war and greed that come from unregulated corporatism. Again, I hate to harp on about this post but I find it very scary the ideas some people within the church hold that are so absolutely contrary to the ideals of Christ. I am so very thankful that my priest and my congregation have respect for our fellow human kind and try to perpetuate the love and tolerance Christ calls us to. As much as you might wish Christ's example would fit your extremist and hate filled views, it certainly will not! I am not attacking you personally (please forgive me if you feel this way) but rather I am warning you- as it is my duty to do so- that these views are contrary to the example set by our Lord. Yes, in American politics the left has often ignored the fact that abortion is wrong (but let's face it-so is the death penalty!!) and pornography is not protected expression. However, the right has ignored the plight of the poor, the weak, the opressed, and creates policy to enable the wealthy to exploit the lower classes. The right also stands idle as giant corporations rape and destroy God's earth with unsustainable economic practices and wages unjustified wars that result in the deaths of thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians. Christ believed and taught peace and tolerance, not death and persecution! To hear such hate and un-charitableness being spewed out by other believers has been a heavy blow to my faith. Let us follow the example of Jesus and the Church- not the ideologies of extremists.

Are you reading different posts than the rest of us??/

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