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If you controlled the US gov for a day


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[quote name='Era Might' date='Oct 2 2005, 02:40 PM']The President can't just say "poof", I abolish abortion. He's a President, not a King. The balance of powers, and what not.

The question asked what we would do if we controlled the US government for a day, not if we were president for a day.

I would:

1. Outlaw abortion.
2. Outlaw gay marriages and civil unions.
3. Abolish the death penalty in civil cases.
4. Outlaw euthanasia, and assisted suicide.
5. Outlaw remarriage after divorce.
6. Start a national health care plan
7. Provide free college educations to all who pass exams.
8. Shut down the pornography industry.
9. Repeal the seperation of Church and State.
10. Pack the Supreme Court with conservative Catholics.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='son_of_angels' date='Oct 2 2005, 09:23 AM']4. Put a nuke right in the center of Mecca

So you'd put a nuke in the hands of those you believe will use it for terror? :huh:

Oh...you meant nuke them... :unsure:

Yeah...not a good idea. Remember Sodom...and be just as merciful as God was expected to be..."ten righteous men" and all that...

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Since the president does not have the power to do a single one of the things you guys have said, I would do the only thing the president can do: hang out at Camp David and do nothing.

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1) Illegalize abortion
2) Deport all liberals to Afghanistan and other such places.
3) Fire most supreme court and federal judges and replace them with die-hard states-rights conservatives who would not inflict liberal rulings on the state governments.
4) abolish income and property taxes and get rid of most federal programs and agencies
5) Declare war on Canada (kidding!)

(And for those arguing about the powers of the presidency, the question said "control the US gov't," not become president - these are not the same thing. This is a fantasy, for crying out loud!)

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Yes, I remember Sodom, "and behold a flame went up from the earth, as the smoke of a furnace. And it came to pass that when God destroyed all the cities of the region round about, God remembered Abraam, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow."

Seems God destroyed more than just Sodom and Gomorrah that day.

"That day of wrath, that dreadful day,
Shall heaven and earth in ashes lay,
As David and the Sybill say."

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i would, outlaw pollution, make recycling every citizen's duty, outlaw abortion, outlaw euthanasia, outaw the death penalty, outlaw embryonic stemcell research, push for adult stem cell research, outlaw homosexual marriage, but also extend compassion and kindness to homosexuals and make any kind of hate crime against anyone have a harsh penalty, make pornography, strip clubs and other things like that illegal. make all drug companies tell the truth, outlaw smoking, outlaw invitro fertilization, take those embryos and give them parents, make Safe Haven Laws in every state,push for ecumenism, make it a law that everyone has to do one hour of community service each month, and encourage the whole nation to take either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday as a day off to rest and recuperatae, one of those days, depending on religious beliefs.

But i don't think we should make other religions illegal, that's what get ppl to hate the church in the first place. And part of the fun is coming to Christ on your own, from ur own study. U should be Catholic b/c u love Jesus with ur whole heart, not b/c u have to be. I came to the Church on my own, and i don't know if i would love Jesus as much if i had been a cradle Catholic

Edited by avemaria40
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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

i would not allow evil relegions

allowing them to be part of the country is upholding evil

[quote]15. Every man is free to embrace and profess that religion which, guided by the light of reason, he shall consider true. -- Allocution "Maxima quidem," June 9, 1862; Damnatio "Multiplices inter," June 10, 1851.[/quote]

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I'd give lots and lots of money to research AIDS and cancer. I'd point and laugh at people who said I'd never do anything with my life. I would wear flip flops, all day, no matter what the temperature was. I'd make more laws to ensure equal rights for whoever. I'd get rid of the Patriot Act. I'd tax big businesses a lot. I'd get really drunk just because I could. I'd hit on the Bush twins.

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Let's see...

-abortion and euthanasia are outlawed, and those who perform them are subject to life in prison.

-Public schoolchildren will begin and end their days with five minutes of silence, during which they are encouraged to pray or meditate according to their respective religions.

-Once all people have been evacuated from the areas, abortion clinics will be razed until there is not a stone left upon a stone. Afterwards, the land will be exorcized, blessed with holy water, and consecrated to God. Crisis pregnancy centers will be built.

-Masonic images will be removed from all currency, statues, and memorials.

-The entire Black Hills region of the Dakotas will be restored to the Native Americans. Mount Rushmore will be torn down.

-The ACLU will be considered a threat to American freedom. As such, its activities will be intensely scrutinized and curtailed if necessary.

-Embryonic stem cell research and cloning will be banned. A large amount of funding will go toward the study and development of adult stem cell research.

-Pornography, with its powers to ensnare, will be considered a threat to personal freedom. It will be inaccesible over the Internet, and discouraged in stores.

-A large contigent of troops will be sent to end the genocide in the Sudan.

-Affirmative action will be based on economic need rather than color of skin.

-Upon high school graduation, public schoolchildren must demonstrate proficiency in English and at least one foreign language.

-There will be a full-scale investigation into the hidden sexual abuse scandal in public schools.

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Very good question.

1) Get Saudi Arabia off our payroll
2) Outlaw abortion
3) Force all radio stations to play at least once MC Just song an hour as well as the PhatMass crew. Create videos for them and force the tv to air them.
4) force the use of hybrid vehicles and less gas usage
5) Create health care for those that need it.
6) Make it harder for companies to go overseas to get workers while the ones here get laid off.
7)Close down the liquor stores and gun stores that litter the ghettos' and rebuild the houses and area.
8)Make 'Intelligent Design' or any other theory that supports this, be taught in schools.
9) Create a plan to help the homeless, especially the kids, so they are not homeless, not like a 'Rescue Mission' but some kind of 'Intervention' that will get them back on their feet.

10) Build a 300 foot statue of myself for all to adore :D

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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Oct 2 2005, 06:20 PM']outlaw all things agianst catholicism

make all other relegions illegal.

conquer Israel.

why on earth would you want to conquer israel :idontknow: :huh:

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Don't tear down Mount Rushmore! I like that place.

-Revoke all $ that goes to Title X "funding"

- Ban Planned Parenthood and their filthy agenda from ALL Public Schools

- Make child development classes MANDATORY for those in the 5th grade and older. And REAL ffetal development information, not stuff that says "not human until birth" or "just a blob"

-Ban anything to do with the theory of evolution from all classrooms

- Kick Hilary Clinton out of the USA ;) :thumbdown: :crazy:

:saint: :D:

Edited by Jedi_StClaire
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