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Divine Healing vs. New Age Healing

White Knight

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Hello everyone, its me I'm back after my week long break sorry for the lack of nofication, anyway I'll get straight to the point.

Do you think The World in general today, can get confused on what heals them supernaturally? Alot of people say this type of healing comes from the Holy Spirit God Himself, but also call the healing different things or it came from mother earth or the healing god of the son or something like that.

How many people do you think are deceived by false me healing?

Thank You.

God Bless.

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i think like usual, there is a tiny grain of truth hidden in the new age stuff. God did give the apostles the power to heal, though this may have been more of a spiritual thing.

The laying on of the hands and prayer i think are probably the best ways other than modern medicine. Spiritual care is important and so is the physical.

God can and does heal people though and i think there are valid occurances of this. I am not sure how common they are though.

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White Knight

Spiritual care I believe is superior over modern medicine, modern medicine has too many sideeffects and is offend worse than the problem itself in the long run.

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i thought the same thing for a long time.

Truly there are a lot of side-effects and at the same time, they can help people live.

I believe that both together are the best route.

People need spiritual care, but they also need physical care.

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new age healings are miracles of the devil. I don't care if there's ninety-nine percent truth in a new-age teaching, because new-age teaching is spiritual ARSENIC. And even a tiny bit of arsenic in a glass of water will kill you.

they mess with things they should not mess with. they deal with spirits God forbids us from dealing with. they open themselves up to whatever power will get their desires done fastest, and as we all know deep down it tends to be the evil side that will get our desire done faster without asking questions.

new age healing has no relationship whatsoever to the healings of the Apostles, or the healings of Lourdes, or any other godly healings from the 2000 years of history of the Church they have been happening.

the new age must be erradicated from the face of the earth. it messes with your very soul. stuff like raeki and all that, it is demonic. absolutely demonic.

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I believe all cases should really be treated with both, I'm not saying you should pray about a cold lol but I think you should use the advantages of modern medicine along with common sense to decide what is good in the medicine and weed out the proposterous things and use spiritual healing in addition to modern medicine.

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while modern medicine isn't the answer to everything, I think God uses it to save a lot of lives. There are so many people in this world that wouldn't be alive without medicine.

I have never heard of "miraculous" healings coming out of the New Age movement, but a lot of my Pentacostal friends are really gung-ho about healing. Whenever someone is sick, they are always asking me to "pray and ask God for a miracle because God wants everyone to be healed." While healing is great and everything, sometimes all this miraculous healings business comes out of an incorrect understanding about the meaning of suffering. A lot of Pentacostals don't believe suffering has any place in God's plan, and that is a heresy because it denies the means by which we can have salvation--Christ's Passion.

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New Age stuff uses stuff like raeki to do "healing"

it's an attempt to make a human technique to harness things we should not have control over as human beings.

Christian healing, on the other hand, is an attempt to allow the Divine Hand that created us to fix us if it be His will. It's not about us gaining control over the problems, it's about us surrendering them and accepting them if it be God's wish.

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The New Age Movement is an offshoot of the seances and "enlightenment". It seeks to make the human a "God", so to speak. The occult and it are closely linked, spiritually, even though much different physically. The New age movement is demonic!

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the Pontifical Council for Culture and the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue published a document called "Jesus Christ: The Bearer of the Water of Life," which is a very good resource about the New Age Movement

Here is the URL:

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