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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='Sixtina87' date='Oct 18 2005, 09:15 PM']she is a novice for those who are tyring to figure out why the viel is different for the one sister. novices usually wear a different style of veil then the other professed sisters!!!!!! trust me on this one, I know a few cloistered sisters!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know several cloistered Sisters as well, and I know Poor Clare Colettines, which is what the community pictured are, and she is not a novice I think... the other novices in the other pictures (Well, the white novice...) have a very traditional habit. I don't think they would allow a modified habit for only a certian amount of time. She is either visiting from another Poor Clare Community or she is the Extern... I don't think it is a novice... Then again, I could be wrong...

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[quote name='FutureNunJMJ' date='Oct 19 2005, 03:37 PM']I know several cloistered Sisters as well, and I know Poor Clare Colettines, which is what the community pictured are, and she is not a novice I  think...  the other novices in the other pictures (Well, the white novice...) have a very traditional habit.  I don't think they would allow a modified habit for only a certian amount of time.  She is either visiting from another Poor Clare Community or she is the Extern...  I don't think it is a novice...  Then again, I could be wrong...

I am going to go with she is possibly transferring in from another community. I think.

Extern nuns rarely if ever wear a different habit.
Kinda' defeats the purpose.
I checked with my mommy. :D:

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Actually, there are communities that wear different habits for novitiate. The Sister Servants of the Sacred Heart wear a full habit when they are professed, but the novice habit looks a lot like the one the Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St George wear and a normal veil...

They aren't cloistered poor clares, though...

Edited by jgirl
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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='jgirl' date='Oct 19 2005, 10:44 PM']Actually, there are communities that wear different habits for novitiate. The Sister Servants of the Sacred Heart wear a full habit when they are professed, but the novice habit looks a lot like the one the Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St George wear and a normal veil...

They aren't cloistered poor clares, though...
yeah, there are communities who do, but I don't believe that the Poor Clare Colettines have different habits for the different stages for formation other than the postulancy...
But it is kinda silly to be arguing over something as silly as this.

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[quote name='FutureNunJMJ' date='Oct 19 2005, 11:50 PM']
But it is kinda silly to be arguing over something as silly as this.
We're not arguing, we're learning.

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Its so beautiful to see the Poor Clares continuing to live how they have lived for centuries. I was shocked at how delighted I felt seeing those pictures.

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Guest PoorClare

[quote name='Susan' date='Sep 28 2005, 05:46 AM']:D: Found this beautiful gallery of poor clare photos by a professional. Obviously a lot of them are "posed" but they are so beautiful!
[url="http://cmykstudios.com/poorclares/index.htm"]Poor Clare Gallery[/url]
I don't know what monastery this is: Rockford?

Susan, the Poor Clare pictures in this gallery are the Poor Clare Colettines of Cleveland, Ohio. I will be entering there early next year. I have visited with the Mother Abbess and Mother VIcaress (who's also the Novice Mistress). They told me how someone recommended this photographer to them to take their pictures for a possible website - currently don't have one. It didn't work out with this man and they were very upset to find he put them on his site on the web. At first he was selling them and since they didn't know to sign a paper that could prohibit him from selling them, they felt nothing could be done. Evenutally he agreed that he'd show them but not sell them.

They are a beautiful group of nuns that strictly follow the Rule written by St. Clare and strengthened by St. Colette of Corbie (hence te addition of "Colettines" to their name.) They have the 3 vows - Poverty, Chastity, Obedience but an additional 4th vow of Enclosure where outsiders do not enter the cloister/monastery where the cloistered nuns are. They have 3 Extern sisters who answer the phones, do the shopping and drive a cloistered to the doctor when needed. They are true Roman Catholic nuns with total allegience to the Church, Pope and of course Our Lord and Our Lady who is the Queen of the Order. Holy Mother Church as declared the Franciscan Orders Seraphic - the highest honor and a Penance Order. They have 24/7 perpetual adoration where the sisters take turn day and night in adoration (on the hours that they are not in the choir for the Divine Office and mass). They are my mothers and sisters - my home - I can't soon enough!


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Thank you for sharing. These are such lovely pictures and we were privaledged to view them. Are they a foundation from Mother Francis at Roswell?
Best of luck to you when you enter!

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[quote name='Totus Tuus' date='Sep 28 2005, 07:03 AM']BEAUTIFUL! Poor Clares pull so tightly on my heartstrings :heart:

Thanks for posting :) And I think those are the Rockford Colletines, but I could be mistaken.

I love it when they wear the wedding dress at Investiture. That's so neat.


I visited in Rockford for a week, and I don't think its there cloister, I know they do have a webpage, but they are not online.
I do like the poor clares habit and the way they live.

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Here's an old thread from a couple years back I came upon while searching for the Rockford Poor Clares site online. This is definitely the PCCs in Cleveland, and the one sister with the different habit is an extern: [url="http://www.poorclarecolettines-cleveland.org/externs.htm"]http://www.poorclarecolettines-cleveland.org/externs.htm[/url]

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