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Great Poor Clare photos


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The sister with the white trim around the top of her veil... is she like a junior professed? She looks like the only one with it, and she looks too young to be mother abbess or something...

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='zabbazooey' date='Sep 29 2005, 10:54 AM']:offtopic:

What is with a lot of convents and monasteries having retreats October 14-16th???

Ha ha... its not a retreat... It is just my first free weekend to visit :)

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='Totus Tuus' date='Sep 29 2005, 11:00 AM'][url="http://cmykstudios.com/poorclares/pictures/012.htm"]http://cmykstudios.com/poorclares/pictures/012.htm[/url]

The sister with the white trim around the top of her veil... is she like a junior professed? She looks like the only one with it, and she looks too young to be mother abbess or something...

Well... I think it is there way she is wearing the veil and the lighting... It's the part of the wimple (??) I think...

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='FutureNunJMJ' date='Sep 29 2005, 11:23 AM']Well...  I think it is there way she is wearing the veil and the lighting...  It's the part of the wimple (??) I think...
Hmmm... maybe I'm wrong: This Sister has a band keeping the veil up...
I think that is what you see in the other picture...
It is definatly a more modified habit... you can see it here:
You can compare it to the other Sister's Habits here:

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

It would kinda be like a lay sister and a choir sister from back from 1917 Canon days? The lay Sisters had a simpler habit than the choir sisters... The lay Sisters were pretty much the extern sisters who dealt with guests and did all the "mundane" tasks, and did not get to pray in the chapel with the other SIsters in Latin, the lay Sisters prayed in the venicular...

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='Totus Tuus' date='Sep 29 2005, 01:24 PM']Right. I saw all those pictures, which is why I think she's probably a junior or something.
Well, the white novice did not have a modified Habit like that... So I think I'm going with what Susan was saying...

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[quote name='Susan' date='Sep 29 2005, 01:46 AM']:D: Found this beautiful gallery of poor clare photos by a professional. Obviously a lot of them are "posed" but they are so beautiful!
[url="http://cmykstudios.com/poorclares/index.htm"]Poor Clare Gallery[/url]
I don't know what monastery this is: Rockford?

Man, Poor Clares are so cool. :topsy:

Yah, but even if the pics are posed....they do capture a real essence of their beautiful lives. Don't you think that Poor Clares just seem to to look "nunny"? "My" Poor Clares look "nunny" and all other pics I've seen of Poor Clare nuns....they all have this "nunnish" look.

Don't you think? :D:

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='memtherose' date='Sep 29 2005, 06:34 PM']B E A U T I F U L
Man, Poor Clares are so cool.  :topsy:

Yah, but even if the pics are posed....they do capture a real essence of their beautiful lives. Don't you think that Poor Clares just seem to to look "nunny"? "My" Poor Clares look "nunny" and all other pics I've seen of Poor Clare nuns....they all have this "nunnish" look.

Don't you think? :D:
Nunnish, :lol: Yes, they always do look "nunnish!" lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

I knew the pictures were beatutiful but I didn't realize exactly HOW beautiful until I got on a REAL computer.

Man I need me a REAL computer.
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she is a novice for those who are tyring to figure out why the viel is different for the one sister. novices usually wear a different style of veil then the other professed sisters!!!!!! trust me on this one, I know a few cloistered sisters!!!!!!!!!!!!

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