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The Mob


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I speak of the plebeians, those uneducated and irksome people which when gathered together somehow manage to sway public opinion. Winning over the mob has been key since the days of ancient Rome, but today I hardly feel that the mob is worth considering as a political factor. Cindy Sheehan's antics are particularly common, as her smug grin will attest.

I ask you, is this the best the Mob can do? It seems like the only people who are exercising their mob mentality are the hippies and leftists. Where is the conservative mob? Why are we not demonstrating and getting hauled off to jail?

I am distraught and irritated.

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Don't disparage the Mob if you wanna stay healthy!

Disparage the Mob and you might get your knee-caps shot off!
If you don't heed that warning, maybe you'll like to sleep with the fishes!

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Sep 27 2005, 07:11 PM']  It seems like the only people who are exercising their mob mentality are the hippies and leftists.  Where is the conservative mob?  Why are we not demonstrating and getting hauled off to jail?
I am distraught and irritated.

But seriously, folks . . .

We conservatives are busy working, living, raising families, etc. Conservatives are real people with real lives (except for phatmass addicts like me).
That is the difference between Us and Them.

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Just playing devil's advocate here.... ;)

I've heard many fairly "moderate" friends use those exact terms to describe the "Christian religious right". They say that Bush has "hijacked Chritstianity" and "seduced the mob" to carry out his own right-wing agenda of big-money oil, imperial conquest, and environmental ravage. Then the lefty aquaintances of ours spill over in vitriolic emotion about how Bush is a liar and a traitor and should be assisinated and the terrorists are really heroes...... Kool-Aid Alert, big time.

Hehe. :smokey:

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Sep 27 2005, 07:11 PM']I speak of the plebeians, those uneducated and irksome people which when gathered together somehow manage to sway public opinion.  Winning over the mob has been key since the days of ancient Rome, but today I hardly feel that the mob is worth considering as a political factor.  Cindy Sheehan's antics are particularly common, as her smug grin will attest.

I ask you, is this the best the Mob can do?  It seems like the only people who are exercising their mob mentality are the hippies and leftists.  Where is the conservative mob?  Why are we not demonstrating and getting hauled off to jail?
I am distraught and irritated.

I would answer i have seen the "christian mob," i know christians who have gotten arrested in front of abortion clinics, it just doesn't get covered.

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[quote name='ardillacid' date='Sep 28 2005, 11:19 PM']I would answer i have seen the "christian mob," i know christians who have gotten arrested  in front of abortion clinics, it just doesn't get covered.

Compare a Christian anti-abortion protest with a "pro-choice" rally. The difference in the behavior and attitudes of the two groups cannot be more starkly illustrated.

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[quote name='Snarf' date='Sep 30 2005, 02:58 AM']The ACLU was the first group to defend priests en masse when the pedophilia witch hunts began.
and NAMBLA, let's not forget NAMBLA.

the ACLU smells of elderberries. it used to be a decent organization, but somewhere along the line it bought into the idea that "rights" are whatever a person wants to do without regard to whether it's wrong.

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See, that's your problem. You isolate one tendency in a group of people and you dogmatically define them by it. Yes, I could not in good faith give money to a pro-choice institution. But do I have to always rub it in their face that they're sub-par human beings because they don't agree with me in every regard? That's just bigotry, pure and simple.

You could argue that it's better to have no friends than to be friends with the devil, but that's just a very Manichaean perspective of human nature.

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[quote name='Snarf' date='Sep 30 2005, 10:56 AM']See, that's your problem.  You isolate one tendency in a group of people and you dogmatically define them by it.  Yes, I could not in good faith give money to a pro-choice institution.  But do I have to always rub it in their face that they're sub-par human beings because they don't agree with me in every regard?  That's just bigotry, pure and simple.

You could argue that it's better to have no friends than to be friends with the devil, but that's just a very Manichaean perspective of human nature.
I don't recall attacking any one member of the ACLU. I think what I said was that the organization smells of elderberries. I suppose somebody needs to defend free speech, but I don't agree that everyone's speech is worth hearing.

from Wiki
Under international law, [b]restrictions on free speech[/b] are required to comport with a strict three part test: they must be provided by law; [b]pursue an aim recognized as legitimate[/b]; and they must be necessary (i.e., proportionate) for the accomplishment of that aim. Amongst the aims considered legitimate are protection of the rights and reputations of others (prevention of defamation), and the protection of national security and public order, health and [b]morals[/b].

NAMBLA is amoral and promotes acts that would do serious damage to young children. Their speech should not be protected. I'll gladly be bigoted towards them.

I like what Poland does:

[quote]As of 2005, people are sometimes convicted and/or detained for about one day for insults to religious feeling (of the Catholic Church) or to heads of state who are not yet, but soon will be, on Polish territory.

On July 18, 2003, Dorota Nieznalska was sentenced to six months of community service for having published an art work showing a penis on a cross, which was considered to be an insult to religious feeling.

On January 5, 2005, Jerzy Urban was sentenced to a fine of 20,000 złoty (about 5000 euros) for having insulted Pope John Paul II as a visiting head of state.[/quote]

I think being a hermit would be preferable to associating with evil people all the time.

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[quote name='Snarf' date='Sep 30 2005, 09:56 AM']See, that's your problem.  You isolate one tendency in a group of people and you dogmatically define them by it.  Yes, I could not in good faith give money to a pro-choice institution.  But do I have to always rub it in their face that they're sub-par human beings because they don't agree with me in every regard?  That's just bigotry, pure and simple.

You could argue that it's better to have no friends than to be friends with the devil, but that's just a very Manichaean perspective of human nature.

There is very little good about the ACLU. I completely despise that liberal, godless organization. They have contributed much to making American law the cesspool it is today. They consistantly defend obscenity, pornography, etc. as "free speech" and defend the "rights" of atheists and communists, while repeatedly attacking any public expression of Christian religion, no matter how benign, on (faulty) grounds of "separation of Church and State."
In a nutshell, their position is "freedom for everyone but Christians."

The ACLU does not need to be "defined" by others - the legal positions they support do it for them.

And condemning an organization is not the same as personally condemning every human being in that organization. Political or legal organizations can be judged by their actions. We are not called to be condoning and "tolerant" of every human orginization!

Snarf, would you be arguing this way if the organization being attacked was the Ku Klux Klan, the American Nazi Party, or even Bush-supporting Republicans?

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the concept of the ACLU is good -- but it has been overridden w/ liberals who wish to fight that which is objectively good....

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