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Sheehan Arrested During Anti-War Protest

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I stumbled upon this and just thought it was funny for some reason:



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[quote name='Snarf' date='Sep 28 2005, 03:47 AM']
I think that it's silly to protest the war at this point, but it definitely shouldn't have begun.  Yes, there were nominal altruistic motives behind it, but every rational-minded conservative with whom I've spoken had them at the bottom of the list.
The way we interpret National Security is going through a change. It's no longer quite as clear-cut as the realist (you know, Westphalia and all that) perspective. We aren't engaging a state, which could be dealt with differently. We are engaging a non-state actor. Any terrorist group is a non-state actor and the rules of realism don't apply to them.
Altruism [b]should[/b] be at the bottom of the list, because America is acting in its self interest. There are those who approach a more collective security M.O., but that view is found wanting when the international community does not serve the interest of the country. America's security is better served by breaking with the collective security view and acting unilaterally.
So, yes the war should have been started because the international community hampered America's perceived security. Ultimately, a sovereign state has the authority to act in its own self-interest. America's National Interest lies in the Middle East and keeping the fight there.
Yay for being the hegemon.

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[quote name='Snarf' date='Sep 28 2005, 02:47 AM']Right, it couldn't have been a Catholic priest because the Church backed the war 100%, and it's a sin to oppose it.

Well, to my knowledge, they frown on purple shirts... :huh:

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[quote name='Fides_et_Ratio' date='Sep 27 2005, 07:56 AM']Anyone other than missionseeker notice the collars in the background? (and one with a purple stole!) :blink:


heretic priests.

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What makes you so sure they're Catholic? Many high church Protestants were vestments and clerical clothes... (usually of different colors)..

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[img]http://www.thoseshirts.com/images/model-atf-C375.jpg[/img]<<<popestpiusx w/o beard

Edited by Theoketos
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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Sep 28 2005, 09:22 AM']What makes you so sure they're Catholic? Many high church Protestants were vestments and clerical clothes... (usually of different colors)..

There is also a woman were a stole. Probably then they are episcopalians.

Seriously, Those revolution signs for the communistic party scare me.

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Sep 28 2005, 09:19 AM']woah... now I think they're stupid for being there and having purple shirts and stuff... but what evidence do you have of their heresy?  :huh:

they are dissenters in a dissenter crowd.

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Oh well good Lord help us if a Catholic or (dare I say) a priest was in a crowd protesting a war! What in the world would these people be thinking? That maybe we went into it without any exit strategy of any kind?

Peace lovers... sheesh.

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I just don't understand why she's protesting...I mean, her son was over there fighting FOR this, THIS war is what he gave his LIFE for. So why is she protesting?

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I really don't think THAT debate is worth anything now. It hasn't been for a long time. We're not making the decision on whether or not to go into Iraq. That decision has been made, it's done, we're there and there is an unstable region. What is the decision facing us now? That's what we should focus debate on. All the other bunk is irrelevant. And these peacenicks (John Stewart's word, not mine) want us to pull our troops out so that a magical peace falls over the land.

whether or not the war is just, the current battle is clearly just. that's all that matters.

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