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Sheehan Arrested During Anti-War Protest

Lounge Daddy

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[quote] Cindy Sheehan, the California woman who became a leader of the anti- war movement following her son's death in Iraq, was arrested Monday along with dozens of others protesting outside the White House.

Sheehan, carrying a photo of her son in his Army uniform, was among hundreds of protesters who marched around the White House and then down the two-block pedestrian walkway on Pennsylvania Avenue. When they reached the front of the White House, dozens sat down _ knowing they would be arrested _ and began singing and chanting "Stop the war now!"

Police warned them three times that they were breaking the law by failing to move along, then began making arrests. One man climbed over the White House fence and was quickly subdued by Secret Service agents.

Sheehan, 48, was the first taken into custody. She smiled as she was carried to the curb, then stood up and walked to a police vehicle while protesters chanted, "The whole world is watching."

About 50 people were arrested in the first hour, with dozens of others waiting to be taken away. All cooperated with police.

Sgt. Scott Fear, spokesman for the U.S. Park Police, said they would be charged with demonstrating without a permit, which is a misdemeanor. [/quote]

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Sep 27 2005, 12:41 AM']Nice to know that we can live in a country where we can protest any cause, no matter who agrees or disagrees.
oh ya - even painting anarchy symbles on government trucks and army offices
[quote]Question: Will the rest of the media be out today covering these temper tantrums of the Left? Or will we get more puffery [url="http://www.proteinwisdom.com/index.php/weblog/entry/19075/"](here)[/url] and public relations massages [url="http://www.proteinwisdom.com/index.php/weblog/entry/19076/"](here)[/url]  masquerading as objective reportage?[/quote]

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"Liberals love malaise"

"Um, you can say that again"

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"national guard is wong in the gulf".... ???
but i thought that the libs attacked bush for not - um acting fast enough ... and the national guard is the first response to disaster and they were in hurricane hite gulf hour ONE... but these people want them out? huh?

oh, WAIT - cindy sheehan did recently write an article that Bush should pull all federal troops from "occupied New Orleans" lol :idontknow:
and she knows what she is talking about

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Sep 27 2005, 01:07 AM']i think the sign is referring to gulf, as in gulf war... forgetting we're mostly a little more inland now :wacko:
aha! maybe thats it :)

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Wow. She's gonna wind up declaring herself a "living martyr". One fighting and suffering "all" for her "wonderful cause". Like I said in some other thread If I were her son I'd be coming out my grave.

P.S. since this seems to be the "political junkies" thread I'll post this here but will not elaborate so as not to steal your thread.


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