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An Old School Catholic Message Board

'Intelligent Design' Debate Underway

Brother Adam

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I was once in an argument with a self proclaimed athiest about it. What the debate basically boiled down to was that he was sore because he hates religion in general, and didn't want it taught in schools. My position was, why not give both sides equal credit, and leave it to the students to decide? And if that would be asking to much (which is obviously was) why not jsut admit that there are other explanations? Why were the little labels in science books so big a deal? They were right.

So anyway, he then came out and said "religion was taught in schools for hundreds of years. And that was absolutely wrong."
My response you ask? "So now it's your turn to be wrong?"

Public schools are just that: public. If my parents and i pay the taxes to keep them running, they can do me the favor of not wiping their bums with my opinion in the name of freedom.

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