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Dialogue between a Catholic and Anti-Catholic


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"Moses led the Israelites accross the desert."


But the Bible says ...


But Moses interceeded for the whole tribe. God was going to kill them all and he saved them through his intercession.

More wicked BLAPHEMY God spared them. Men can't save anyone. Wicked lies. The Pope is the anti-christ and Martin Luther was the greatest scholar who ever lived and Peter preached a Gospel of works and Mary was a concieted peasant girl. Lies, all lies.


But Mary was the Mother of God. Elizabeth called her "Mother of my Lord"

More Mary worship. Wicked lies, the pope is the anti-christ and Catholics are zombies.

Did you know that there is a direct parrellel between Mary and the Ark of the covenant between 2 Sam 6 and Luke 1.

(Hands over ears) Blaphemy, wicked lies, the Pope is the Anti-christ and Catholics worship Mary. Wow what a strech. Three verses directly analogous in Luke 1 and 2 Sam 6 is just a coincidence. So what if both events happened in Judah? You know what I bet the devil did that so that it would confuse Catholics in to worshipping Mary. (I've actually heard the arguement that the devil caused Catholics to see this parrellel). DENY! DENY! DENY. The Pope is the anti-christ and Romanists are Papist Zombies. The Church is the whore of babylon. Go to the AntiChrist slideshow website and you will find all the truth about Catholics. Don't go to the Catechism. In there they lie about what they believe.

Such is the life of a Catholic on Protestant message boards. The stupidity gets old after a while.

Edited by thessalonian
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But aren't you supposed to give reason for the hope that is within you in gentle.....

Oh yeah, the Gospel. Jesus is my PLS. The Pope is the anti-Christ. Wicked lies. A pope sinned once so that proves it all wrong. This pope had children ...he, he, he. (yep I got that this morning) Get the straight scoop from these twenety five Protestatn websites about what Cathoilcism teaches. Don't go to there websites. Wicked lies. Romanist Zombie Papists.

Edited by thessalonian
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Isn't it a fact that our religion was founded by Jesus Ch...


No, it was founded by Constantine who later declared ihimself pope and orderd most romans to worship him and Mary as his celestial bride.


2000 years of tradition just cna't be flushed down the toilet just like that, there must be a bit of truth somewhere in there wouldn't you say.


No, there isn't. And yes, whatever the devil produces should and must be flushed down.

Catholic vs Atheist

God created the universe

You're too stupid to undertand the theory of the big bang or evolution then I gather You just keep with your 'easy-awnsers-to-life' you morons can handle and leave real life to us grown-ups.


It is a lot harder to live by the teachings of the church than by self-centered beliefs, I don't see how I am choosing the 'easy' way out of anything.


Sounds like you're accusing me of something. I agree, it is much harder to convince yourself of the reality of your imaginary friends than it is to see the reality plainly in front of you every day.

I pray, and I find it gives me inner peace.

I call my mother once every two months, at least I can actually have a conversation with a real person that way.

>:( I'd better stop, getting myself to revved up.... have.... to... reamin.... calm....

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Catholic: [Decent arguement for God's existence]

Atheist: [Insert meaningless metaphysical mumbo jumbo]. Religion is a shroud over the eyes of the masses.

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"Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers. It tells people to go out and stick their noses in other people's business."

Jesse Ventura, Minnesota's famed former Governor (who didn't run for re-election by the way).

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[b]protestant:[/b] Jesus is our only mediator!!

[b]catholic:[/b] but didn't Moses lead the people out of Egypt and intercede on their behalf so that they would not be destroyed?

[b]protestant:[/b] BLASPHEMY! Jesus is our only mediator!!

[b]catholic:[/b] but wasn't Aaron a great High Priest for the people atoning for their sin on the Day of Atonement?

[b]protestant:[/b] BLASPHEMY! Jesus is our only mediator!!

[b]catholic:[/b] but didn't Paul instruct others to preach the gospel and by doing so "save some"?

[b]protestant:[/b] BLASPHEMY! Jesus is our only mediator!!

[b]catholic:[/b] but don't you intercede for people every day when you pray for them?

[b]protestant:[/b] BLASPHEMY! Jesus is our only mediator!!

[b]catholic:[/b] i know that, i'm talking about subordinate mediation

[b]protestant:[/b] BLASPHEMY! Jesus is our only mediator!!

[b]catholic:[/b] i know that, just hear me out.....

[b]protestant:[/b] BLASPHEMY! Jesus is our only mediator!!

[b]catholic:[/b] but, ....


[b]catholic:[/b] i know, just hold on a sec....


[b]catholic:[/b] jeesh :blink:

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Anti-Catholic: I'm not anti-catholic. I love Catholics you romanist papist mary worshipping fourth person of the trinity wafer God loving pope worshipping anti-christ loving blind lying Catholic.

Catholic: but what about about the Gospel,

Anti-Catholic: Oh, ya, Jesus is my PLS. Did you know the Popes murdered 150 million people all by themselves.

Catholic: Peter was in Rome you know.

Anti-Catholic- Peter was called satan by Jesus and Paul rebuked him to his face. Peter was no leader. He was mentioned so many times in scripture because he had this big ego and forced them to write about him. He was never in Rome becaue the Bible doesn't say it. Oh and did you know that upside down cross at the vatican is a satanic symbol and the Pope is the anti-christ. I believe that the bible alone is the way to go on all of this of course but let's primarily look at history to determine which Church is right. Did you know that Augustine once said something about using scripture so all the Church Fathers believed in Sola Scriptura. And of course the Lord's Supper is a symbol because the word transubstantiation was coined in 1246. Where's my bible, I know I should be using it to win Catholics over to the Gospel. Jesus is my PLS and I am saved. Now back to the anti-christ slide show and history. Did you know that one of the Popes contradicted another about which kind of dog is the best. HA! I've Proven that Church wrong!


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[quote name='phatcatholic' date='Sep 26 2005, 04:55 PM'][b]protestant:[/b] Jesus is our only mediator!!

[b]catholic:[/b] but didn't Moses lead the people out of Egypt and intercede on their behalf so that they would not be destroyed?

[b]protestant:[/b] BLASPHEMY! Jesus is our only mediator!!
Technically, this is a protestant anti-Catholic.

How about a cult member and a Catholic?

Edited by Light and Truth
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You know, I'm thinking that if I mention that the Pope was in Avignon for 70 years and that there was 6 months where there was no Pope so the succession wasn't unbroken and plagerize some Mary Ann Collins, the former nun, well creditential distorting novice, who is a renouned expert on Catholicism and tells it like it is, not like the Popes and Catechism and Catholics tell you, and bring up Hans Kung I should have phatmass about won over. Oh, yes, almost forgot about the Anti-Christ slide show.

I love you guys.

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[quote name='thessalonian' date='Sep 26 2005, 03:29 PM']"Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers. It tells people to go out and stick their noses in other people's business."

Jesse Ventura, Minnesota's famed former Governor (who didn't run for re-election by the way).
Christianity just makes sense. Men's other ideas are crutches to help them stand in their denial and disbelief of such great truth. In the end those with crutches can never really stand and walk, not in truth.

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Actually in truth what he said is partialy true. We are weak-minded and need the Church. Of course the devil likes to mix truth with a lie, thus "stick their noses in other people's business".

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