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No gays in priesthood?


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The difference is that you appeal to some universal moral law and I just appeal to personal dislike. Yours requires justification, mine doesn't.

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[quote]Vatican investigators have been instructed to visit each of the 229 seminaries in the United States.[/quote]

Ya know, I just read Goodbye, Goodmen and after reading that and then this particular line, all I could think of was...
Good luck.

Not being negative, because I see the Holy Spirit working in the Church to get through this but often in the book, many of these seminaries would "clean up" before company showed.

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[quote name='Quietfire' date='Sep 24 2005, 12:04 PM']Ya know, I just read Goodbye, Goodmen and after reading that and then this particular line, all I could think of was...
Good luck.

Not being negative, because I see the Holy Spirit working in the Church to get through this but often in the book, many of these seminaries would "clean up" before company showed.

i said the same thing in another thread and almost got nailed for it.

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[quote name='Semalsia' date='Sep 24 2005, 11:53 AM']Socrates,

The difference is that you appealĀ  to some universal moral law and I just appeal to personal dislike. Yours requires justification, mine doesn't.
Choosing a bias based on personal dislike is bigotry and prejudice. Expecting others to agree with you is Fascism.
How unfortunate.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Sep 23 2005, 03:12 PM']Wait, isn't that a value judgment? It's sad that you see this issue as so black-and-white. How can you call these people "perverts" and say they do "nothing but harm"? You shouldn't make such judgment on something you know nothing about!!

Maybe im missing the sarcasm, but why [b]wouldnt[/b] you think this?? Its one thing to say 'Love the sinner, hate the sin' but you have to call a spade a spade.

Maybe someone should explain what a 'judgement' is, huh. He didnt say they were going to hell, just that what they are doing is perverse and wrong. Nothing wrong with that.

I think those types of people should be castrated and sent to prison for the rest of their lives. We definitly need harsher punishment for them, even the first time offenders.

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[quote name='jasJis']Choosing a bias based on personal dislike is bigotry and prejudice. Expecting others to agree with you is Fascism.[/quote]

Having personal dislike and calling it univeral moral law is delusional. And, um, christians are the expecting others to agree with them, not me. They evangelize and tell those that don't agree that they are going to hell.

And talk about fascism. Catholics are the ones having an "infallible" dictator and book burnings.

And my personal dislike is against harming others. Pedophilia does harm.

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[quote name='CatholicAndFanatical']He didnt say they were going to hell, just that what they are doing is perverse and wrong. Nothing wrong with that.[/quote]

She is being accused of being a contradictory when accepting homosexuality but not pedophilia.

But I don't see it. Those two things have nothing in common.

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[quote]Homosexuals are a bunch of perverts who do nothing but harm. [/quote]

I'm not sure if i'm reading this thread correctly, but is this statement actually being [i]defended[/i]?


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[quote name='Semalsia' date='Sep 23 2005, 02:12 PM']Oh sure, go ahead and try. I'm not against this at all. In fact, I think it's a good thing.

Pedophilia is most certainly not good for the children. It would be insane to think otherwise. Pedophiles are a bunch of perverts who do nothing but harm. There is no gray area here.

Oh Semalsia, you're so closed minded and misguided. Pedophilia is great! And it is beneficial to the child.

1. Wouldn't you rather the children learn sexual responsibility from a loving caring adult rather than learn it on the streets?

2. How can someone expect to attain full sexual liberty without being guided to openess towards all forms of sexual behavior in a respectful mature manner. This needs to be taught at an early age when the child is open to learn, not after hitting puberty. what is that syaing. sex before eight, before tis too late.

Besides, the Romans and Greeks and ancient Japan built empires on practicing pedophilia. A quick read on the subject and you will see that none of these empires would have been succesful without it: and that's a fact! Those dudes with the PhDs and stuff cna't be wrong can they?

Truth is Semalsia, as soon as you take the 'victim' element out of the child, the arguments to support pedophilia become strickingly similar to those justifying homosexuality, and any old jerk can splurt confusing statements that will blurr reasoning. A truth needs to be found that cannot be moved (the Catholic church holds such truth). If the truth you hold cna be moved an inch, it will be moved a yard, simply because it can be moved. Sooner or later the truth you once held will be nothing more than an array of confusing seemingly holding no truth at all

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[quote name='Semalsia' date='Sep 26 2005, 11:22 AM'][quote name='jasJis']Choosing a bias based on personal dislike is bigotry and prejudice. Expecting others to agree with you is Fascism.[/quote]

Having personal dislike and calling it univeral moral law is delusional.
And my personal dislike is against harming others. Pedophilia does harm.

You stated earlier that your own opposition to pedophilia was based on personal dislike (which you implied somehow made it superior to our opposition to homosexuality because that was based on universal moral truth).

According to your own statements, it would logically follow that your own opposition to pedophilia is "delusional." Or are you saying your personal dislike of pedophilia should not be the basis of universal law, and others should be allowed to commit pederasty, whether you like it or not?

Personl likes or dislikes are entirely subjective, and make a weak basis for a moral system. (Personally, I'd prefer my system of morality to be rooted in universal moral truth, rather than someone's arbitrary personal taste) Are you saying that people should be allowed to do whatever they like, just as long as you, Semalsia, happen to personally like it? Are you now the sole arbitrator of right and wrong?

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[quote name='Socrates']You stated earlier that your own opposition to pedophilia was based on personal dislike (which you implied somehow made it superior to our opposition to homosexuality because that was based on universal moral truth).[/quote]

Not objectively superior. But I do like mine better, since it's based on harm alone.

And you are only claiming yours is based on universal moral truth.

[quote]According to your own statements, it would logically follow that your own opposition to pedophilia is "delusional." Or are you saying your personal dislike of pedophilia should not be the basis of universal law, and others should be allowed to commit pederasty, whether you like it or not?[/quote]

No, I meant that if you call you own personal dislike a universal moral law, then you are delusional. I have not done so.

Pedophilia should not be allowed simply because society has decided so. People [i]decide[/i] what is right and wrong.

[quote]Personl likes or dislikes are entirely subjective, and make a weak basis for a moral system.[/quote]

I am not advocating a moral system. You are, though.

[quote]Are you saying that people should be allowed to do whatever they like, just as long as you, Semalsia, happen to personally like it?[/quote]

If it harms none, people should be allowed to do as they please.

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Guest rmromero

it's sad that the response to a horrible scandal on our Church's part is to engage in a witch hunt for gays. it's throwing out the baby with the bath water. there are many, many men who are now, and who intend to serve God's Church and His people as priests who have been, or have engaged, in homosexual behavior. the idea of finding one's vocation in life, only to have it taken away by the past is appauling. God can forgive and forget, but far be it from His Church, apparently.
now i love the Pope, and as a man of God and authority i respect archbishop o'brien, but this is not the right answer, and i hope and pray to God that someone realizes that before it is too late.

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[quote name='Semalsia' date='Sep 27 2005, 07:32 AM']No, I meant that if you call you own personal dislike a universal moral law, then you are delusional. I have not done so.

Pedophilia should not be allowed simply because society has decided so. People [i]decide[/i] what is right and wrong.
I am not advocating a moral system. You are, though.
If it harms none, people should be allowed to do as they please.


you've got to be kidding Selmasia. I've seen you contradict yourself so often on these posts it's a wonder you still believe yourself.

People decide what is right and wrong. Perfect relativity. How nice.

Wo if in a group of 5, 4 decide together to commit canibalism.. its ok. People have decided.

Or when a woman gets raped by 6 people, its fine, 6 voted against 1... its ok.

And if 250 million americans decide that pedophilia is ok, the other 50 million should be silent and change their opinion on pedophilia?

waht if the social system decided that the US is overpopulated, and to control over population they decide to legalize murder? Then murder is ok... Those skilled at surviving and killing are the strongest and thus the fittest to live. it's all good right?

Come on semalsia... at least try to be consistent and cognitive in your argumentation.

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