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Of Penguins and People


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[quote name='Kilroy the Ninja' date='Sep 20 2005, 06:05 PM']Who cares if penguins are gay?

I mean, is this truly important?

It's only important in that people use it as a justification for same-sex intercourse in humans.

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[quote name='p-hawk' date='Sep 20 2005, 04:25 PM']It's only important in that people use it as a justification for same-sex intercourse in humans.

maybe they want to have sex with penguins.... :idontknow:

an additional point, everyone knows the female praying mantis eats the male right after intercourse... should female humans do that if they feel that it "is right"?

ps: I HOPE NOT!!!!

/runs and never talks to a girl ever again

Edited by Sirklawd
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I think the proposition is that since it occurs in nature, then it is natural and good. Still, that doesn't work when you consider many other perversions of nature such as birth defects, genetic disease, in-breeding, etc. Those things are natural but they are by no means good or healthy.

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What a dumb thread!
Most kinds of birds are rather stupid creatures - they will "imprint" on whatever they see after hatching. And one of the supposed "gay penguins" was recently reported to have found a female mate. Looks like they weren't "gay" afterall. And anyone who thinks penguins are any kind of model for human behavior should see "Batman Begins" -just kidding - I hate that movie!

Most so-called animal "homosexual" activity involves a stronger animal asserting his dominance over a weaker animal - more like prison rape than anything else.

Edited by Socrates
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so called "homosexual" penguins DONT HAVE SEX. They just pair off and try to hatch rocks as if they were eggs. and recently the most famous gay penguin couple in New York split up, and one of the penguins in the couple paired himself with a girl penguin! boy + girl = natural even for penguins. everyonce in a while there are mindless acts of same-sex sex (not in penguins, mind you, but of other animals) but those are obviously not an instinct towards same-sex sex, but rather towards any sex at all. it's just done to another animal of the same sex on the animal's mad search for an outlet to the instinct that tells him to propogate his species.

penguins are an absurd example. they show same-sex couples committing to each other (well, until one of them finds a suitable female mate, mind you) but not having sex.

and all other animal cases of homosexuality show mindless instinctual sex simply being directed at the wrong sex.

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this thread has to be a joke.

i mean are there REALLY homosexuals out there that are going around using this as an attempt for justification. "THE PENGUINS DO IT WHY CANT WE!!"

i mean....isnt this insulting to homosexuals?

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[quote name='Sirklawd' date='Sep 20 2005, 06:30 PM']
an additional point, everyone knows the female praying mantis eats the male right after intercourse... should female humans do that if they feel that it "is right"?
ps: I HOPE NOT!!!!

/runs and never talks to a girl ever again
Actually, the female praying mantis first rips the head off of the male before having intercourse, then eats the male after intercourse. :shock:

That's better, right? :P:

On a side note though, I don't think it's very charitable to say this thread must be a joke, or that it's ridiculous, etc...Semalsia stated a line of reasoning that many people do ascribe to. The best way to change people's minds isn't to laugh in their face at their opinions, but to show them where they are in error.

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[quote name='Sirklawd' date='Sep 20 2005, 07:19 PM']this thread has to be a joke.

i mean are there REALLY homosexuals out there that are going around using this as an attempt for justification. "THE PENGUINS DO IT WHY CANT WE!!"

i mean....isnt this insulting to homosexuals?

No, I think it's insulting to the penguins to be associated with homosexualtiy and the "gay marriage" agenda.

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[quote name='morostheos' date='Sep 20 2005, 07:30 PM']I don't think it's very charitable to say this thread must be a joke, or that it's ridiculous, etc.[right][snapback]731907[/snapback][/right]
Neither do I.

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Actually, if one looks at the evidence 'homosexuality' is prevalent among animals only in captivity (as with the penguin case). It is extremely rare in the wild. Captivity is not natural. So homosexuality among animals is very similar to 'prison rape' senario mentioned above.

Edited by popestpiusx
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[quote name='Socrates' date='Sep 20 2005, 09:06 PM']No, I think it's insulting to the penguins to be associated with homosexualtiy and the "gay marriage" agenda.
As do I. Poor penguins.

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[quote name='popestpiusx' date='Sep 20 2005, 09:02 PM']Actually, if one looks at the evidence 'homosexuality' is prevalent among animals only in captivity (as with the penguin case).  It is extremely rare in the wild.  Captivity is not natural.  So homosexuality among animals is very similar to 'prison rape' senario mentioned above.
There are activities in the wild that I've come across that might be deemed homosexual, with whales for instance. However, these rare occasions all fall into what Aloysius aptly described as "instinctual sex simply being directed at the wrong sex."

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Sep 20 2005, 06:17 PM']so called "homosexual" penguins DONT HAVE SEX. They just pair off and try to hatch rocks as if they were eggs.  and recently the most famous gay penguin couple in New York split up, and one of the penguins in the couple paired himself with a girl penguin!  boy + girl = natural even for penguins.  everyonce in a while there are mindless acts of same-sex sex (not in penguins, mind you, but of other animals) but those are obviously not an instinct towards same-sex sex, but rather towards any sex at all.  it's just done to another animal of the same sex on the animal's mad search for an outlet to the instinct that tells him to propogate his species.

penguins are an absurd example.  they show same-sex couples committing to each other (well, until one of them finds a suitable female mate, mind you) but not having sex.

and all other animal cases of homosexuality show mindless instinctual sex simply being directed at the wrong sex.

yeah, I sure didn't hear the ending to the gay penguin story on the news. wouldn't mesh well with the other cultural messages, would it? :ohno:

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Kilroy the Ninja

[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Sep 20 2005, 10:43 PM']yeah, I sure didn't hear the ending to the gay penguin story on the news.  wouldn't mesh well with the other cultural messages, would it? :ohno:

Yay mainstream media!!!! They've struck again!

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