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Of Penguins and People


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[url="http://www.jrn.columbia.edu/studentwork/cns/2002-06-10/591.asp"]Gay penguins.[/url]

So a discussion about gay animals. That should be fun, right? And there's a lot of them too, you know. In pretty much all the species.

I'll assume for a moment that God exists.

Most animals operate by instinct alone (but not all) and since God is the creator of everything, including all the animals, God also created the instincts of all the animals. Since the mating and sexual behavior of these animals is determined by their instinct, it follows that whatever they do in these areas is determined by God. This would include homosexual behavior.

There are homosexual animals. Those that operate by instinct alone can't be affected by any psychological problems. Therefore their tendency for homosexual behavior is innate and not affected by later enviromental factors. Now, if it can happen to animals, then there is no reason it can't happen for humans also. This shows that theories that say homosexuality is caused by childhood traumas, bad parenting, etc, are clearly wrong. And since it is innate and not related to free-will, it is by necessity created by God.

Therefore, if God exists, homosexual behavior can't be immoral or wrong.

Edited by Semalsia
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i think it is important for you to first prove that homosexuality amongst animals is an instinct. Dont you think that god created instincts amongst animals for survival reasons? homosexual behavior would not fall under the category of survival. It doesnt pro create and it certainly doesnt dictate whether an animal survives or not.

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Sorry to be crude but if a dog in heat rubs itself up on the leg of its owner that doesn't mean that it would be right for a human male to rub his genitals against unsuspecting females. What seperates man from the animals is the light of human reason, there is a natural law that man can understand and the other animals cannot since man is the image of God and the other animals are not.

Would you suggest that because some animals rape out of instinct that rape is morally correct? Or that because some animals steal out of instinct that its morally correct? Some animals take one mate for life shall we use that to defend marriage? Others meet only to mate shall we use that to push the agenda that men should live solitary lives apart from to procreate?

The animals are guided purely by the passions of an irrational soul. Man's rational soul acts as a check for his passions it is only concupisence that drags him down to the level of the other speices of the earth.

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i have a question for you........what makes you think that there are a lot of homosexual animals out there (not that it matters or anything). Have you been listening to gay activists who try to make their ideas more valid by making it look like there are a lot of them? Or do you have some kind of proof that says this?You could also say that there are a lot of gay humans out there too.........but is there really? homosexuals only make up 1-2% of the world population. Gay activists will tell you its more like 10%.........so ignorant. There was a law suit a while back that confirmed that it was only 1-2%.


My intentions are only charitable in what im about to say. If you dont start using your brain logically your struggles in finding god are only gonna be that much harder. You can continue to make coralations between animals and humans all you want.........but you have a lot of holes to fill before you can logically assume things. Frankly, i dont believe you will ever be able to fill those holes. I dont believe anybody will ever be able to. Why? because its not what god intended........therefore it is all psychological.

Edited by infinitelord1
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[quote]22 male and 10 female African black-footed penguins [/quote]

I see an obvious environmental factor.

I've been around animals my whole life and I've seen animals engage in homosexual activity, so it is truly a fact that animals are capable of natural perversion given the right circumstances. Still, I find that a terribly weak rationalization of homosexual actions among humans (example that Myles used was perfect). Of course, easy for me to say, I'm not gay.

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I think Myles answered completely, but I'd like to throw out there the thought that same-sex sex in animals is a result of human sin. In Genesis, no animal had died until sin had been committed; I think it would be safe to say that any other ill-advised consequences for animals should be chalked up to the same thing.

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[quote name='hierochloe' date='Sep 20 2005, 03:49 PM']I see an obvious environmental factor.

I've been around animals my whole life and I've seen animals engage in homosexual activity, so it is truly a fact that animals are capable of natural perversion given the right circumstances. Still, I find that a terribly weak rationalization of homosexual actions among humans (example that Myles used was perfect).  Of course, easy for me to say, I'm not gay.
lol........good quote man......it really gets the point across......lol

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humans are humans because we can choose NOT to do things that may or may not be inherent to instinct and carnal passion. i would have killed many many many people by now, as well as had sex with....well....everyone.

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[quote name='Sirklawd' date='Sep 20 2005, 04:03 PM']i would have killed many many many people by now, as well as had sex with....well....everyone.
HAHAHAHA!! You just made my day. :lol_roll: :lol_roll: :lol_roll:

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[quote name='Kilroy the Ninja' date='Sep 20 2005, 04:05 PM']Who cares if penguins are gay?

I mean, is this truly important?

this man is very wise, we must listen to his words. ^_^

[quote name='hierochloe' date='Sep 20 2005, 04:04 PM']HAHAHAHA!! You just made my day.  :lol_roll:  :lol_roll:  :lol_roll:


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[quote name='Sirklawd' date='Sep 20 2005, 04:07 PM']this man is very wise, we must listen to his words. ^_^
i made the same mistake you just did.........kilroy is a female.......lol

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[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Sep 20 2005, 04:09 PM']i made the same mistake you just did.........kilroy is a female.......lol


you know i was totally thinking that as i posted...

my B Kilroy. :topsy:

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