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creation and evolution


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Pope John Paul II actually said somewhere, Im not sure, that it is alright to believe in what science has revealed as long as God is kept in the equation. :)

There are so many holes in evolution though, that I would have trouble even compromising and believing in both. :pinch:

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I think that it is okay to believe in evolution as a set of historical events as long as you believe that God was responsible for it, an guided it. This was the subject of and encyclical but I forget the name, I'm sure someone else knows.

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[quote name='zwergel88' date='Sep 18 2005, 05:13 PM']I think that it is okay to believe in evolution as a set of historical events as long as you believe that God was responsible for it, an guided it.  This was the subject of and encyclical but I forget the name, I'm sure someone else knows.
thats what i mean by believing in both via the most part.

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I see no point, scientifically or religiously in believing in evolution, but yes the Church yes you can believe in the theory of evolution.

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I certainly have no problem with it. None of us was around when GOD started it all, ands CNN somehow missed the story.
God knows and HE isn't telling. :)

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i think you can believe in both.

Though evolution isn't even close to proven and there are things that just don't work with it. (read macroevolution)

so creative evolutionistic God guided reproduction might be the best term. ;)

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When you do the research on both and you aleast believe in the events of Creation, you will find that the conclusion of Creation and Evolution co existing together as a mere actually event, you will discover this is not possible at all.

Too many contradictions.

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As Jack Dalton says "Exactly". The theory of evolution (origins) and the simple fact that one species can adapt in smalls ways to its environment are two separate issues. A human being doesn't simply get dark skin sitting out in the hot sun all day and become a new species. Even if he grew a 6th finger, he'd still be a human being. There are no 'sure signs' of evolution, however there is a lot of hogwash and BS. Chelsea is one of the best people on this board I know of, of showing that evolution is bunk.

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I am pretty tired of arguing about evolution, but it seems obvious to me from physical evidence, that:

(1) The earth is very old.

(2) There has been a succession of life forms living on it, primitive ones long ago, and more sophisticated ones more recently.

(3) Many living things of the past no longer exist, and many modern-day creatures did not exist long ago.

(4) All living things are related to each other, some more closely than others.

I don't know if you want to call that "evolution" but I have never seen any credible method to explain away this evidence. I think a shared origin is indicated.

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[quote]I am pretty tired of arguing about evolution, but it seems obvious to me from physical evidence, that:[/quote]

me too.

[quote](1) The earth is very old.  [/quote]

According to what? Science? The same science that not so long ago would have you burned if you didn't confess the earth was flat?
[quote](2) There has been a succession of life forms living on it, primitive ones long ago, and more sophisticated ones more recently.[/quote]


[quote](3) Many living things of the past no longer exist, and many modern-day creatures did not exist long ago.[/quote]

Right on the creatures going extinct, wrong on the creatures that evolved thing.
[quote](4) All living things are related to each other, some more closely than others.[/quote]

I know this isn't a widely accepted idea, but it could be that it is because God created each and every one of them. Close resemblance does not dictate evolution unless you force it to.

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