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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Sep 26 2005, 11:13 PM']Niether you or your articles can explain why I can still see

Again, 'miraculous events' have occured at nearly every alleged apparition from Bayside to Necida to Garabandal. Does this prove them true or prove that they are from God? Not hardly.

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[quote name='popestpiusx' date='Sep 27 2005, 07:00 AM']Again,  'miraculous events' have occured at nearly every alleged apparition from Bayside to Necida to Garabandal. Does this prove them true or prove that they are from God? Not hardly.

My experience is first hand. Its not in "quotes". It happened. Does it prove that its from God? Maybe not. But it certainly is strong evidence. And you cannot explain it otherwise.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Sep 26 2005, 11:13 PM']Niether you or your articles can explain why I can still see
God is not the only one capable of manipulating nature...

Perhaps there is no explanation for it, but that does not automatically deem it supernatural. Have you reported it to the Bishop or your spiritual director as a miracle? Or Ivan? I'm sure there are several who would love to list some miraculous events as "evidence" of Medjugorje's legitimacy...

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[quote name='jmjtina' date='Sep 26 2005, 10:28 PM']one known conversion was from Jim Cavieziel.

He spoke about it when he came to Corpus Christi.
How "lasting" has it been?? I don't think we are capable yet of examing the fruits of Medjugorje's conversions.

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[quote name='Fides_et_Ratio' date='Sep 27 2005, 07:52 AM']How "lasting" has it been?? I don't think we are capable yet of examing the fruits of Medjugorje's conversions.

My far less famous (but no less important) father's conversion was a direct result of Medjugorje. It's been almost 20 years now and I can assure you that his participation in the Church is stronger every day.

There are three things that will not change in the near future in regards to the visions and miracles in Medjugorje.

1. Some will be a witness to it and believe

2. Some will be afraid of what is happening, denounce the fruits of it and call it the work of the devil

3. Some will try to manipulate what is happening there to their own end.

The visionaries have promised that the secrets will be revealed in their (our) lifetime. Which means sometime in the near future, we will know for certain whether it is a fraud or authentic.

Honestly I don't know what all the griping is about. Every message that is reported revolves around a central them of prayer fasting and reconciliation. The messages are calling people back to orthodox and humble living.

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the "visions" are still going on... on a regularly scheduled basis with Ivan... this is much of the Medjugorje "hype" and why so many want to go. at least climbing up "apparition hill" is a penitential experience! lol. that was about all I got out of the apparition...

Ah ok, well this explains why the Vatican hasnt issued an official say on it.

I'll have to do some research on it, hopefully there is a site with updated current information about the apparition.

Whats the messages being given to the people?

How does it compare to what was said at Fatima?

At least at Fatima it was for a short time and important things were being said and shown.

What could the Blessed Mother [b]possibly[/b] be saying all these years that are significant? Isnt this the longest running apparition?

My point being that if history shows us anything, its that the Blessed Mother has always kept it short and sweet, and meaningful.

But then again, I respond without really researching it yet..which im doing now.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Sep 27 2005, 09:07 AM']  There are three things that will not change in the near future in regards to the visions and miracles in Medjugorje.

1.  Some will be a witness to it and believe

2.  Some will be afraid of what is happening, denounce the fruits of it and call it the work of the devil

3.  Some will try to manipulate what is happening there to their own end.
The visionaries have promised that the secrets will be revealed in their (our) lifetime.  Which means sometime in the near future, we will know for certain whether it is a fraud or authentic. 

Honestly I don't know what all the griping is about.  Every message that is reported revolves around a central them of prayer fasting and reconciliation.  The messages are calling people back to orthodox and humble living.
What of all the disobedience and other "scandals" that surround Medjugorje? You don't hear too many disobedience problems with the other apparitions.

One of messages of Medjugorje was that "all religions are equal"... :ohno: There are questionable messages hidden under the guise of previous messages from legitimate Marian apparitions. Medjugorje is all show and spectacle.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Sep 27 2005, 10:01 AM']You're kidding right?

Actually no im not kidding.

When the Blessed Mother appeared at Fatima she warned us of the future, showing the visionaries what to expect and telling them what to do. It lasted only a short time, but there was a major purpose and there was a theme to her messages.

if what Fides said was right, that all religions are equal, then we gotta problem.

At Fatima the Blessed Mother was leading up to something, something big..what is that 'something' at Medjugorje? It doesnt seem like its leading anywhere, just her appearing and saying things..but what things?

I read in that book a few years ago that one of her messages were to take 2 hours to say the Our Father. I understand you have to meditate on the Our Father when saying it, but 2 hours? It just doesnt seem plausable.

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I've been there and believe it with all my heart.

Internal changes and major external conversions.

It is better to believe and be wrong than to not believe at all in a case such as this. Her messages are to come back to the Eucharist, pray, penance, peace. All things I like to be reminded of.

Sidenote: Message for the world from Our Lady on Sept. 25th: “Dear children! In love I call you: convert, even though you are far from my heart. Do not forget, I am your mother and I feel pain for each one who is far from my heart; but I do not leave you alone. I believe you can leave the way of sin and decide for holiness. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
(September 25, 2005)

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the faithful should be very cautious in giving themselves over to apparitions that have not formally been declared to be laudable by the Church. Even the devil can use what appears to be heavenly as a tool to turn people away from the faith.... I maintain my philosophy of witholding assent until Holy MOther Church says that the apparitions are credible and that there is nothing contradictory to the teachings of the Church.

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I personally know a guy who had a major conversion that is directly from Medjugorje. He is now a priest, and a really inspiring one at that. When he was a religion teacher at my high school, he got a bunch of my friends to go to a Steubenville youth conference, and they wound up being the source of my conversion.

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[quote]One of messages of Medjugorje was that "all religions are equal"... ohno.gif There are questionable messages hidden under the guise of previous messages from legitimate Marian apparitions. Medjugorje is all show and spectacle.

That has never been uttered by any visionary. It is a fabrication

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I hope that it is hot stuff.

I mean no disrespect to you or anyone who has had a spiritual conversion because of mejugorje. No matter if its real or not, a conversion is a great thing!

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