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So, whaddya all think about Medjugorje and its miracles? The frequent dancing sun, the birds that flock andor chirp at set times, rosaries that turn colors and gold forever.

What about all the commerciality of it?
The bishop's denial of its authenticity? The Church's withholding a stance. (I think?) Not that that matters but..
Open to it being satanic?
Just miracles for people with faith, but nothing genuine as far as the apparitions etc?

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[quote name='megamattman1' date='Sep 17 2005, 07:35 PM']So, whaddya all think about Medjugorje and its miracles? The frequent dancing sun, the birds that flock andor chirp at set times, rosaries that turn colors and gold forever.

What about all the commerciality of it?
The bishop's denial of its authenticity? The Church's withholding a stance. (I think?) Not that that matters but..
Open to it being satanic?
Just miracles for people with faith, but nothing genuine as far as the apparitions etc?

Highly dubious to say the least. Ask popestpiusx for resources.

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We had a post on this a while back... I'll try to dig up the reference.

In my research, the bishop was very convincing in his opposition, and it [i]is[/i] his call.

(Yes, I know he was replaced... by a bishop even more opposed to the apparitions!)

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Sep 17 2005, 08:50 PM']Highly dubious to say the least.  Ask popestpiusx for resources.

carp, Fraud. etc. etc.

Edited by popestpiusx
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[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=9859&hl=medjugorje&st=0"]another earlier topic[/url]

i remember these discussions fondly :wacko:

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Been there

Stared directly at the sun for minutes as it danced in the sky. Didn't have to squint or turn away and my retinas are fully functioning.

If its a fraud, someone has to explain to me why I am not blind today.

Edited by jaime
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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Sep 18 2005, 09:29 AM']Been there

Stared directly at the sun  for minutes  as it danced in the sky.  Didn't have to squint or turn away and my retinas are fully functioning.
If its a fraud, someone has to explain to me why I am not blind today.
Miracles of that nature are not necessarily from God. :(

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and yet at times they are.

I would agree that we must be careful; however, it is hard to deny the miracle that it has worked in some people's lives. It has brought them much more into the true faith and helped them live according to the law of God.

Is this a bad thing?

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[quote name='philothea' date='Sep 18 2005, 10:35 AM']Miracles of that nature are not necessarily from God.  :(

Then I think it's a good idea to look at the fruits of that miracle. Did his experience lead hot stuff to claim super, sun-gazing powers for himself and cause him to initiate reckless behavior because he now conceived himself to be the Holy One of God and thus immortal?

Well, for a little while.

Ooops, I mean, no, it it didn't! I imagine--and obviously he would have to say what his particular experience was--that it was a confirmation for him of God's abiding presence in the world, a sense of divine providence, and of the power of God showing forth.

I myself have also been to Medjugorje, where I experienced no miracles, personal or otherwise. However, I was convinced by hearing the contents of the Marian messages (nothing heretical there folks) and seeing the fruits of the place in others' lives (examples: peace, deep faith, conversion, a return to confession and the eucharist) that something quite real and holy and true is going on there.

Is it a bit like Disneyland for Catholics? Absolutely. But those are quite human aggregations. Would it be great if it had the bishop's full support? Yep. But, outside of a complete condemnation of Medjugorje, the fact that the Church hasn't recognized it officially is not necessarily a stumbling block for my credulity. I'd have to brush up on my history of Marian Apparitions, but I think there have been other cases, later approved, that were not at first upheld by a bishop.

Edited by Thumper
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Sorry for the double post, but I should add that if you haven't experienced Medjugorje, don't find it all that intriguing or illuminating, etc, well then . . . . that's OK. It's been helpful and illuminating for others, but the richness of the Catholic spiritual tradition means that there are many beautiful ways of conversion and prayer and that we needn't all find the same ones.

I make this remark because some people get REALLY excited about Medjugorje. Seriously. Like, they join blogs and write about it all the time, often ignoring the fact that its a beautiful day outside, and that they should be out doing other things. Jeez. Some people!

Though I've been to Medjugorje, and respect it, and was moved there, I've yet to become a Medj-Head, and think other people should be free to check it out or not as the Spirit moves them. Somewhat like what Paul VI said of the rosary in Marialis Cultis: "The rosary is an excellent prayer, but the faithful should be serenely free toward it." (#55). (hot stuff, are you familiar with that document??)

Be serenely free.

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[quote name='Lounge Daddy' date='Sep 18 2005, 10:01 AM'][url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=9859&hl=medjugorje&st=0"]another earlier topic[/url]

i remember these discussions fondly  :wacko:

Ahh, yes. The good old days.

I, for one, have not changed my position on these alleged 'apparitions'.

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