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Your all-loving, ever-forgiving God's (cont)

Chris of Zewe

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Okay...here's a thought...

If I were to die today, by your standards, I would writhe in Hell (Hell is brimstone and fire, not seperation from God) for all eternity. I have been on this earth for 17 years. So based on my decisions over the course of said 17 years, your God would choose to condemn me to eternal pain and suffering. How does that make any sense? You know...at all. Or anyone, for that matter, who goes to Hell? Even if someone lives to be 90, why is it that choices made over the course of 90 years, or even a single month, can lead to eternal anguish?

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[quote name='Chris of Zewe' date='Sep 17 2005, 03:48 PM']But it's rather clear that I would.  Don't use lame excuses like that.
You are images on a computer screen to me. I know nothing more about you.

Have a nice day.


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Yes, separation from God is a valid answer. You (obviously) reject God. Why on earth would you want to spend eternity with Him? So...don't.

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[quote name='Chris of Zewe' date='Sep 17 2005, 02:46 PM']If I were to die today, by your standards, I would writhe in Hell (Hell is brimstone and fire, not seperation from God) for all eternity.[/quote]
Hell is not brimstone and fire in Catholicism. It is separation from God.

And David the Gnome rocks.

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God doesn't choose to condemn people to Hell, He wants to have people in Heaven who truely love Him. If we decide that we love ourselves and this world more than Him, then we are showing that we do not love Him and do not want to spend eternity with Him.

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[quote name='Benedict' date='Sep 17 2005, 03:55 PM']Hell is not brimstone and fire in Catholicism.  It is separation from God.

And David the Gnome rocks.

Are you sure he's a gnome? Looks more like a troll to me. :rolleyes:

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I'd rather not spend eternity conscious, period. Permanent, unending coherent thought is the greatest punishment I can think of, be it in Heaven grovelling forever, or in Hell burning.

[quote]Yes, separation from God is a valid answer. You (obviously) reject God. Why on earth would you want to spend eternity with Him? So...don't.[/quote]

You're telling me that I'll be able to exist relatively normally and go on living, just without interference from your God, if I go to Hell? If that's the case, I'll seriously considering converting to Catholicism, sans worship.

And yes, David the Gnome is my reason to be.

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[quote]God doesn't choose to condemn people to Hell, He wants to have people in Heaven who truely love Him. If we decide that we love ourselves and this world more than Him, then we are showing that we do not love Him and do not want to spend eternity with Him.[/quote]

Our lifespans, when compared to eternity, hardly seem like a valid basis to judge us on.

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[quote name='Chris of Zewe' date='Sep 17 2005, 03:58 PM']Permanent, unending coherent thought is the greatest punishment I can think of[right][snapback]727298[/snapback][/right]

LOL - Indeed! But what would you know about coherent thought, unending or otherwise? :D:

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[quote name='Chris of Zewe' date='Sep 17 2005, 02:58 PM']I'd rather not spend eternity conscious, period.  Permanent, unending coherent thought is the greatest punishment I can think of, be it in Heaven grovelling forever, or in Hell burning. . . . You're telling me that I'll be able to exist relatively normally and go on living, just without interference from your God, if I go to Hell?[/quote]
No one said anything about living or normality. Existence, yes.

Have you seen David the Gnome in the original German?

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[quote name='Chris of Zewe' date='Sep 17 2005, 04:58 PM']I'd rather not spend eternity conscious, period.  Permanent, unending coherent thought is the greatest punishment I can think of, be it in Heaven grovelling forever, or in Hell burning.
You're telling me that I'll be able to exist relatively normally and go on living, just without interference from your God, if I go to Hell?  If that's the case, I'll seriously considering converting to Catholicism, sans worship.
And yes, David the Gnome is my reason to be.

realitively normal? No. But you are correct that you won't have any 'interferance' from God when you are in hell. :)

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[quote]LOL - Indeed! But what would you know about coherent thought, unending or otherwise?[/quote]

LOL YOU SMELL. I can post senseless ad hominems too, hun.

[quote]No one said anything about living or normality. Existence, yes.[/quote]

Elaborate upon this existence. I'm interested now.

And no, I wasn't even aware that it was a German show. I just remember watching it sometimes when I was a whee lad.

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[quote name='Chris of Zewe']Elaborate upon this existence. I'm interested now.[/quote]

I suppose the point is that God is the source of all things good. Since there is no God in Hell, all the things you enjoyed, loved, liked and thought was good would not be there. Thus, in Hell you would exist in a state of permanent agony due to knowing what you miss.

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