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women and the workplace


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[quote name='popestpiusx' date='Sep 16 2005, 11:14 PM']I have plenty of boats.  I am after all the King of the Sea.  Does this suit you?


But I was just kidding. I, personally, don't want or need a boat. I was being a "I have to work-- I want a boat" suburban whiner...

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[quote name='popestpiusx' date='Sep 16 2005, 11:11 PM']It makes them feel miserable and unfulfilled?  So drop the kid off at the local day care in order to make yourself feel better?  If you are not prepared to raise your children, do not get married.  If a woman is hell bent on having a career then by all means go for it, but for the love of all things holy she should not put a family through that.  Don't get married.  Chase the career.  See how that makes you feel.

Why does it have to be an either / or for women? Men put families through that all the time and no one complains. I was raised in a home where both my parents worked 40 hrs a week. I went to day care and the like. Day cares are not the horrible evil you are making them out to be. I know I was in them til middle school.

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[quote name='track2004' date='Sep 17 2005, 12:13 AM']I've never read anything in the Bible or in the Catechism that says a girl has got to stay home to raise a family.  Got a refrence?  And I really don't think that God made either gender better suited to raise kids, then again I still stand that gender roles are social constructions, but that's an entirely different debate.

Please tell me you are not serious. If you are I will have to respond to this another time. I have been advancing the social construction of patriarchal dominance since about 6:00 this morning (cutting down trees and what not) and am quite weary.

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[quote name='popestpiusx' date='Sep 16 2005, 11:18 PM']Please tell me you are not serious.  If you are I will have to respond to this another time.  I have been advancing the social construction of patriarchal dominance since about 6:00 this morning (cutting down trees and what not) and am quite weary.

Go kiss your babies and go to bed, PSPX... fight this battle tomorrow...

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[quote name='track2004' date='Sep 17 2005, 12:16 AM']  I was raised in a home where both my parents worked 40 hrs a week.  I went to day care and the like.  Day cares are not the horrible evil you are making them out to be.  I know I was in them til middle school.

How exactly does this support your argument?

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Sep 17 2005, 12:19 AM']Go kiss your babies and go to bed, PSPX... fight this battle tomorrow...


Yes ma'am. Good night all.

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Don John of Austria

Okay look men and wemon are built diffferantly, both spitually and physically. Both make men less suited to nurturing a child than women. First lets look at biology; babies are born knowing their mothes heartbeat and voice multiple studies have shown that no matter the amount of " talking to the baby" by the father during pregnancy( even with devices) children do not respond with recognition to the Father at birth or anytime within the first several months. That is just how it is, and it is not cultural but Biological. Next we have breast feeding which is biologically superior both for the women and for the baby, and no pumping dosn't replace it so a while a women can pump and give it to the man to give the baby( and that is certianly better than formula) it does not offer the same benifits to over all health t the mother ( particularly involving uterine contraction) and calmness to the baby--- a bottle does not replace the mothers breast. Agian this is a matter of Biology not culture. Next ( and finally for tonight though certianly not the last biological reason) we have the fact that men and women are designed anatomically for differant roles this is particularly true with Brain design. Now while I deny that the psyche lies in the brain, the brain certianly processes the phenomena for delivery to the psyche that brain is set up completly differnatly. Mens brains are designed to do what men have always done, to physically deal with conflict and do physical labour, there is more grey matter which allows significantly faster processing. This brain set up works well in a crisis with children but not so well for long term care of them. Men must use an extraordinary amount of control over there instincts when dealling with small children( there is a reason most abuse of small children is by men). Womens brains are set up for longer term task, and while processing is slower there is more conection between the processing centers. To use an analogy men have a significantly faster processer ( on the average) and wemon have a bigger RAM ( on the average) and Hard drive size is determined indepenedently( at least as far as any research I know about) from gender. Wemon are simply more suited to Child care than men. Does that mean a man can't do it --no--but on the whole men will be inferior to it than women, just like a woman can fight but on the whole are inferior to it than men.

Edited by Don John of Austria
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Kilroy the Ninja

There's a comment that I'm dying to make about attention to detail being gender-specific, but I should probably stay out of it.... :D:

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Don John.

What did you mean by saying men have "more grey matter"? On average yes they do because their heads are bigger so their brains are bigger, but I don't get what you mean by that. Yes women are designed to carry and nurse a baby. I can't debate that. We have a uterus, we have mammory glands. Men's brains are not designed any different than women's, though. Most men, through culture, learn that they are to be physically active and are made to do more hard labor in their childhoods (mowing the lawn, trash, etc). Women are taught to clean (I guess). By the time men and women get to adulthood they should both be able to do just about anything. Granted, I am only 5'2", so I can't reach much stuff and I can't lift really heavy things, that's part of my anatomy not my brain. There are guys can be built strong or weak, as can women. The processor/ RAM analogy also kinda confuses me for two reasons, 1) I don't know much about compys and 2) I can think as quickly as a guy and guys can be just as methodical as I can. It's not hard wired, it, like the physical abilities, varries from person to person.


I just said it because it fit and you brought up the fact that you helped raise kids. Neither really help or hurt our arguments, but they are the experiences we've had personally.

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[quote name='track2004' date='Sep 17 2005, 12:05 AM']Ok I'll rephrase, Why do women have to be stay at home moms if it makes them feel miserable and unfulfilled?

They don't need to get jobs and leave their children all day. All they need is a HOBBY. Truuuust me.

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I don't want a hobby when I have kids, espically when they are in school. I want to be a psychologist. Heck I won't even be outta school til I'm 27.... I'll be in school anyway, or doing residency.

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