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women and the workplace


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[quote name='Don John of Austria' date='Sep 16 2005, 04:02 PM']sojourner I don't know it's hard for me to imagine how people canno afford it if we can. Kilroy doesn't work and I am a catholicschool teacher. Cashiers at walmart make as much as me. She has gotten scholarships and government grants, it can be done.
I'm not saying it can't be done. I'm saying not many people can do it.

I'd have had to take out at least $15,000 a year when all was said and done -- after scholarships and grants -- to get the master's degree I wanted to get, leaving me with upwards of $30,000 in debt, and the job prospects I saw weren't all that well-paying. It would have been very, very tight for the next 15 years or so.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Sep 16 2005, 05:19 PM']So things are tight for the next 15 years, what else is new?
Tight, as in, I couldn't have realistically made ends meet.

I already am fairly conservative in my spending. The jobs I saw pay less than I'm making now -- and I make less than the private Christian school teachers I know -- and I'd have significantly more debt than I'm carrying now.

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[quote name='Sojourner' date='Sep 16 2005, 05:28 PM']Tight, as in, I couldn't have realistically made ends meet.

I already am fairly conservative in my spending. The jobs I saw pay less than I'm making now -- and I make less than the private Christian school teachers I know -- and I'd have significantly more debt than I'm carrying now.

Does your employer offer tuition reimbursement?

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Before marriage, I could not care less what a woman does as far as work is concerned. After marriage, but before children, I still don't care too much as long as the proper balance is maintained in the home. After children are born a woman's place is in the home unless there is a beaver dam good reason for her to have to work. The ideal farming situation mentioned earlier is nice but not realistic for everyone. Most people have to work 'outside' jobs. For those, if people would simply sit down and budget they would clearly see the distinction between what they need and what they want. 'Wants' do not justify a mother letting daycare raise her children. As far as those women who do not 'want' to be stay at home moms and 'want' a career, then don't get married.

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Where did this "proper balance" come from? Why can't men rasie a family? Why do women have to be held in the house to care for the children if that doesn't make them happy?

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[quote name='track2004' date='Sep 16 2005, 11:57 PM']Where did this "proper balance" come from?  Why can't men rasie a family?  [right][snapback]726616[/snapback][/right]

Men can raise a family. Trust me. I know. I did it for four years while I was in college. The proper balance came from God when he designed man and woman quite differently, and I am not referring to anatomy.

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[quote name='track2004' date='Sep 17 2005, 12:05 AM']Ok I'll rephrase, Why do women have to be stay at home moms if it makes them feel miserable and unfulfilled?

It makes them feel miserable and unfulfilled? So drop the kid off at the local day care in order to make yourself feel better? If you are not prepared to raise your children, do not get married. If a woman is hell bent on having a career then by all means go for it, but for the love of all things holy she should not put a family through that. Don't get married. Chase the career. See how that makes you feel.

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[quote name='popestpiusx' date='Sep 16 2005, 11:06 PM']Men can raise a family.  Trust me.  I know.  I did it for four years while I was in college.  The proper balance came from God when he designed man and woman quite differently, and I am not referring to anatomy.

I've never read anything in the Bible or in the Catechism that says a girl has got to stay home to raise a family. Got a refrence? And I really don't think that God made either gender better suited to raise kids, then again I still stand that gender roles are social constructions, but that's an entirely different debate.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Sep 17 2005, 12:05 AM']:madrant: I want a boat!!!

I have plenty of boats. I am after all the King of the Sea. Does this suit you?


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