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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Peace Sign

MC Just

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Whats the point of this thread? It seems to be simply placed to point an accusatory finger at those who use the peace symbol. And whats ironic is that the peace symbol was invented NOT to promote broken crosses and other anti-Christian symbols, but to promote global nuclear disarmament. And surprise surprise, Pacem In Terris promotes exactly that. I think that its sad, really, that people are trying to spread lies about a symbol that stands for something so beautiful and in line with Catholic teaching.

Just because you don't want peace or maybe feel threatened by those who promote peace or maybe just want to stir things up you shouldn't be running around throwing out conspiracy theories. Leave that to Dan Brown.

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Actually, I believe it's the inverted symbol of Tyr, a norse god of war.

Symbols are symbols. They have no intrinsic meaning.

That gnome thing is right, Capitalism does come from religion. It is a descendant of the Protestant work ethic.

Marxism, however, did not come from religion, as the gnome is apparently using it. Marxism is still alive today.

Luckily, people like the gnome do little to affect the world at large, as people like the gnome have to crawl out their mothers' basements and avoid the strong attractive nature of comic book and donut shops to move about in the real world. Yes, they can reach out with their pale, vitamin-D hungry sausage fingers and spew forth their opinions, but even with the far-reaching powers of the web, such types fall to men of action.

I'd type more, but my mom wants me to get some milk on my way back from getting the new issue of the Amazing Spider Man.

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