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lector and acolyte are both ordained positions. it is altogether prefered that the person with the most stable appointed ministry be used. it is only in the abscence of a real lector that a reader (who may be female) can be used. but a lector can only be a male, and lector is the preferred person for the job. just as an acolyte is preferred to distribute with the priest, but in the abscence of an acolyte Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (who may be female) may be used in extreme circumstances (but not weekly or ordinarily)

Paul VI supressed the minor orders and as such someone not on the path to priesthood may hold these ordained positions

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Aloysius' date='Sep 16 2005, 12:06 PM']lector and acolyte are both ordained positions.  it is altogether prefered that the person with the most stable appointed ministry be used.  it is only in the abscence of a real lector that a reader (who may be female) can be used.  but a lector can only be a male, and lector is the preferred person for the job.  just as an acolyte is preferred to distribute with the priest, but in the abscence of an acolyte Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (who may be female) may be used in extreme circumstances (but not weekly or ordinarily)

Paul VI supressed the minor orders and as such someone not on the path to priesthood may hold these ordained positions

It should be mentioned that these do not mean that those "ordained" to these positions are given Holy Orders.

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Sep 16 2005, 08:05 AM']Therefore, anything which might blur the roles of priest and lay, woman and man, mother and father, et cetera, I oppose.  I do not like seeing 5 women (one holding Gospel, 2 readers, 2 altar girls) and a priest in the procession to the altar.  I am not down with women readers, or women approaching the altar.  But, whaddaya gonna do?

Yeah, at the Church I go to, all three altar servers are usually girls (there are like, five, male altar servers left at my Church), the readers are always women and out of the seven (!) extraordinary ministers at least 5 are always women. SOmetimes, so many women go up to distribute Communion, that the priest sits down and gives them his "spot" because none of them will leave. :ohno:

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[quote name='Raphael' date='Sep 16 2005, 12:17 PM']It should be mentioned that these do not mean that those "ordained" to these positions are given Holy Orders.
yes, but it is still only for men and that cannot be changed.

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='Raphael' date='Sep 16 2005, 11:17 AM']It should be mentioned that these do not mean that those "ordained" to these positions are given Holy Orders.

No not sense VII but it should also be mentioned that there are some Acolytes and other minor orders still running around that where infact given Holy Orders lector, acolyte, porter, exorcist where all minor orders.

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paul vi surpressed the minor orders in an attempt to avoid the predicaments we have today (excessive extraordinary ministers of holy communion and female altar boys to name two of them)

he had hoped that there would at least be made people with solid ministries holding up the falling roof that was coming with the priest shortage, otherwise a bunch of mere laypeople would be filling the gaps and ruining the ambiance of the liturgy.

because before they were only given these minor orders as they were on the road to the priesthood.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Aloysius' date='Sep 16 2005, 01:54 PM']yes, but it is still only for men and that cannot be changed.
Oh, I agree. I was just pointing to a distinction in terms.

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='Aloysius' date='Sep 16 2005, 01:35 PM']paul vi surpressed the minor orders in an attempt to avoid the predicaments we have today (excessive extraordinary ministers of holy communion and female altar boys to name two of them)

he had hoped that there would at least be made people with solid ministries holding up the falling roof that was coming with the priest shortage, otherwise a bunch of mere laypeople would be filling the gaps and ruining the ambiance of the liturgy.

because before they were only given these minor orders as they were on the road to the priesthood.

But the minor orders didn't require celebacy and many did not in fact become priest who where ordained in them. So there still are people running around ordained only to the minor orders-- I my self have known several Exorcist, that was the last of the Minor orders, so it was certianly not assured they would be priest. I'm not sure I by the trying to stave off the current problems theory I think Paul VI was smart enough to know that that wouldn't work.

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='Aloysius' date='Sep 16 2005, 02:05 PM']hmm... I thought prior to his supression of them they were only given to people on the road to the priesthood :huh:

"On the Road to" does not mean you become one I certanly can tell you that. While it may of been reserved for those on the " road" ( although I don't think it exclusivly was) there was no commitment to. It seems that expantion of the orders would have been more logical than to get rid of them all together

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yeah... but ultimately the intention was more male acolytes and lectors... it is just ignored and people use female readers and female altar boys

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='Aloysius' date='Sep 16 2005, 04:27 PM']yeah... but ultimately the intention was more male acolytes and lectors... it is just ignored and people use female readers and female altar boys
If that was really the intent then why didn't he just expand the lesser orders.

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='Aloysius' date='Sep 16 2005, 04:31 PM']I don't know.  what do you think the intent was?

I refuse to speculate on this forum. :D:

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[quote name='Philomena' date='Sep 15 2005, 05:42 PM']I don't know if this would be the right forum to post this in - sorry if it isn't. Can someone tell me whether or not it is okay for women to be lectors in Church? I'm confused about it because of the passage in 1 Corinthians 14: 34 where it says, "Let women keep silent in churches, for it is not permitted them to speak but to be subject, as also the law saith."

I'd like to read at Church, but I don't want to be offending God or anything.  :(



I am a lector at my church and from what I know as I talked to many priests, there is no rule that says women can not be lectors.

(I thought maybe that bible verse was talking about the laws of the church?)

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