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Possible Debate


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I want a one-on-one debate with someone like what phatcatholic and LitteLes are doing, but I can't think of who to ask.

Are there any non-Catholics (of any type) who would be interested in a little debate?

Oh, and I don't want to debate anything boring which rules out most of the rad trad issues.

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[quote name='popestpiusx' date='Sep 12 2005, 11:10 AM']I'll debate you on something or other.  What will it be?
hahaha!! :D

Hmm.. I'm thinking... :idontknow:

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That is why I don't post much on this debate board. The protestants in general run from Catholic debate boards leaving them rather boring.

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='Raphael' date='Sep 12 2005, 10:59 AM']I'll debate with you that green is superior to red.

But green is superior to red, doesn't everyone know that? How could you debate such an obvious truth, what chance would your opponant have?

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When God created the world He looked at it and saw that it was good, that all creation is good.

Man is the greatest of all of God's creation. He is made in the imagio dei, the image of God. He alone amongst all creatures has the capacity for reason, self reflection, and he alone has as his ultimate destiny to know, love, and serve almighty God experiencing Him through the beatific vision and being infused with grace and ultimately deified by partaking in Christ's body and blood.

Man is not created with any green substance of his own nature (other than certain boogers that pop up here and there, not enough to make a point). Nor was the Greatest Man who ever lived, Jesus Christ. Man has red blood flowing through his viens. Jesus Christ had red blood flowing through His veins. And though some old liturgical books allowed for white wine, most wine that is transubstantiated into Christ's body, blood, soul, and divinity, including the very wine Christ Himself used at the last supper, has been red wine.

Moreover, Jesus Christ being the absolute perfect man, probably never even got green boogers.

Therefore it is obvious, red must be better. God chose it for the lifeblood of His greatest creation. When He incarnated Himself he allowed the color red to flow through Him in the most intimate relationship any color ever had with the creator. And ultimately, He chose something of the color red to use in the redemtpion of the Human race.

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Sep 13 2005, 04:51 PM']Man is not created with any green substance of his own nature (other than certain boogers that pop up here and there, not enough to make a point). [right][snapback]722097[/snapback][/right]
I don't find fault with your case except in this point. Some people do have the most beautiful green eyes.

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i would really like to debate about the bible and evolution too........i have my own personal theories about how the bible may actually talk about evolution.

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[quote name='thessalonian' date='Sep 12 2005, 11:54 AM']That is why I don't post much on this debate board.  The protestants in general run from Catholic debate boards leaving them rather boring.
yea protestant arguements vs. catholic arguements would be a good one.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Sep 12 2005, 10:56 AM']"not a single heretic can step to this" - MC Just
As a material heretic, I will debate you on something if the following conditions are met:

1. I can ask others else where for help in research-many know more than I, though that would not disregard the need for my own research.

2. I am not required to know any Latin and only minimal Greek or Ancient Hebrew/Aramaic reference would be required.

3. It is not a matter of simple morality-such things are generally clear and can get tiresome if it’s one topic for a long time

4. Early posts do not exceed approximately 550 words until/unless such a length is over the course of several posts developed in response to then posts material. This is stated as a result of an attempted debate with a somewhat overwhelming first post by the opposing side and as such was one that I found overly challenging to reasonably and sufficiently respond to in a reasonable or agreed upon time.

5. If texts of the Catholic Bible not occurring in the Protestant version of the Bible are used it is only for minimal use as that does put me at something of a disadvantage being myself unfamiliar with them.

6. Significant Scripture references deal more in the New Testament than the Old.

7. It is not a significant or common matter of eschatology.

8. I shall have up to approximately three weeks between posts with four possible if exceptionally busy and assuming an average of one to two weeks for my part.

9. In response to requirement 8, it may be understood that such a debate may take a little while.

11. You are to propose an idea which I would be willing to debate and which is a matter of significance or interest.

12. After deciding on a topic, you propose and we shall discuss and agree upon how the debate shall be opened. Matters such as duration of the debate may be discussed later.

13. Proceeding these decisions, there shall be a two weeks before the debate begins so that we, and particularly I as I have had far less theological education, may have time to do some general research on the topic.

14. The nature of the debate, despite the format and restrictions, shall be considered more of a discussion than a full on debate-unless you defending total pacifism even with regards to the defense of others.

Edited by Light and Truth
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