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What the heck is wrong with these people?

Kilroy the Ninja

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Kilroy the Ninja

So I ran across this article [url="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/09/07/AR2005090702070_pf.html"]here[/url] about some of the supplies being sent from around the country to aid in the hurrican relief - and I just can't believe that the people in charge of getting relief to the victims are complaining.

I understand why they simply want cold hard cash, but the point I think they are missing is that many, many Americans simply don't have the cash to give. For example, we're donating clothes, some extra toiletries, shoes, an extra tv, some other household items and a queen size futon (of questionable comfort - just ask dUSt or Father Pontifex) - we don't have the extra cash to give.

I guarantee someone out there would be happy, overjoyed and feel blessed to have these things we can share.

Perhaps if the "powers that be" spent as much time trying to work with what they are getting, rather than complaining and "investigating what went wrong" people would be truly helped.

Perhaps I'm unduly angry about this, but as a financially distressed American, I was beyond grateful to have received most of my child's wardrobe (for his entire 2 1/2 years so far - and beyond) from friends and family. I have literally spent less than $40 on clothes for him at all.

Is it wrong to be angry that my only possible contribution to help solving a problem might be rejected because it's not cash?

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No. It's not. I've been frustrated with the need for everything to be new. "Please donate your new coats, clothing, toys etc to..." They are saying that the clothes have to be new because the tags help in the sorting... but I'm suspicious.

I have a ton of perfectly good baby clothes, kids coats and clothes, toys that I would be happy to relaunder (they've been stored for awhile) and donate. These aren't things I would normally be ready to part with yet... but in this case, I would.

But nope-- it has to be new. Well, I can't afford to buy new stuff.

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Buying new stuff isn't an option for me either right now, so I'm donating clothing and some other extra household stuff I have lying around.

If they want it, great. If not, then what can I do?

At this point I don't think the people who have lost everything because of the hurricane care whether or not things are brand new. They just want help. Organizers of relief efforts should realize that.

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Thy Geekdom Come

I've always hated the "new stuff only" thing...now, if we're talking about toothbrushes, it's one thing, but when I moved out of my apartment to come here, I gave all my food to a poor family through the parish and they were happy to have my four eggs, half a bag of pancake mix, two separately opened things of syrup, a couple margarine sticks, etc.

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Grr. <_<

I have seen people in places like Biloxi, and the only supplies they had were delivered to them by people and by other cities.

I'm sure the Red Cross can get some aid to them, you know, once the checks clear and the paperwork is all filled out.

Have I mentioned how I don't trust the Red Cross much?

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='philothea' date='Sep 8 2005, 09:58 AM']
Have I mentioned how I don't trust the Red Cross much?

Your a smart women.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='philothea' date='Sep 8 2005, 10:58 AM']Have I mentioned how I don't trust the Red Cross much?

Yeah...they make me bleed...a lot. I don't like people who make me bleed. >:(


:P: I haven't donated in a couple years... :unsure:

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[quote name='Raphael' date='Sep 8 2005, 11:56 AM']now, if we're talking about toothbrushes, it's one thing,

Used toothbrushes....Eeewww!

I definitely support only accepting new toothbrushes.

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I totally agree Kilroy. I despise feeling like I'm being given a guilt trip when I simply can't afford to send lump sums of cash.

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I don't want to get into an argument about the Red Cross, but as someone whose home was destroyed last September during Hurricane Ivan (which was a tropical depression when it moved through the Ohio Valley, where I live) -- I can say that the Red Cross was the earliest help we got, and that they also provided us with the most help. More than the government, and more than any other charities, including Catholic Charities.

I'm sure they have their problems, but I think those who complain about them the most are those who have never received help from them and never seen them in action.

On the topic of having to donate new stuff, I agree that it's silly. I don't think the people who are in desperate need of food, clothing, shelter, etc. right now care too much whether the materials are new, as long as they're in decent condition. I certainly didn't care whether stuff was new or not when all of my clothes were destroyed last year. I just wanted clothes.

Edited by Good Friday
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like my grandmother always said: "beggars can't be choosers" :saint:

and while that doesn't mean we should only give away old junk to the victims, it DOES mean that they should be very grateful for whatever they are receiving. although this sounds more like snobby relief WORKERS rather than hurricane victims! :rolleyes:

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Sep 8 2005, 09:31 AM']No. It's not. I've been frustrated with the need for everything to be new. "Please donate your new coats, clothing, toys etc to..." They are saying that the clothes have to be new because the tags help in the sorting... but I'm suspicious.

I have a ton of perfectly good baby clothes, kids coats and clothes, toys that I would be happy to relaunder (they've been stored for awhile) and donate. These aren't things I would normally be ready to part with yet... but in this case, I would.

But nope-- it has to be new. Well, I can't afford to buy new stuff.
Yeah, that "has to be new" seems ridiculous to me. Get real. The people receiving it don't care if it's new or not.

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i don't trust Red Cross either.....but right now, all I have to give is my time. Volunteering and such. Sometimes cash just doesn't do it either.

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I've helped my Dad with St. Vincent de Paul and our parish has started and provided for an orphanage/school/nutrition center/etc. in Dominican Republic. When people donate USED stuff, we tend to get a lot of C R A P from people emptying out their garage. Then we have to spend tons of volunteer time sorting through dirty, nasty, stinky, rotting, junk that stinks up the rest of the good stuff. It's okay when you have time to do that, but for emergency aid, it just slows down the system.

So you don't have good stuff or cash to give... get over it. Say a prayer. No need to take offense.

I tell you the one thing that I'm about fed up with. People who think their way is the ONE BEST WAY and get all ticked off, offended, and angry when it seems to THEM, others are incompentent, or not doing their job, or not doing enough, or are stupid, evil, uncaring, etc.

Please. If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all.

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