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does god heal?


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For the last 4 years of my life i havent felt very content. Everywhere i go i cant seem to get away from these feelings of uneasiness and anxiety. The very issue that plagues me has held me back. My life made a turn for the worse like 3 years ago. I went from going to school full time with a decent job to nothing. Maybe i deserved it and maybe it happened for a reason. Is there any reason as to why i am not getting healed? This issue that plagues me has nearly driven me to the point where i dont know if i want to even live anymore. I cant even go outside of my own apartment and feel at ease. Ive been praying for healing for like 2 years now. It hasnt happened. It sjeems like it just instills false hope into me when i pray for this stuff. I always find myself yelling at god and getting frustrated at times too. This issue has drained me of all my energy. I dont even want to wake up everyday. Today i woke up at 10:30 AM. This is the earliest in like a couple months. I usually get up around 3 pm or 5 pm sometimes 7 pm. You people would probably tell me to not lose hope. That is not good enough. Ive already lost hope that god will heal me. He would have done it by now. Do you think he heals? What is your opinion.

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from some of the comments you've made on the board it sounds like perhaps drug use and need of confession are contributors to this malaise you are feeling. God will be with you if you take up your cross and follow Him. He won't carry your cross for you, because He has His own. You have to play by His rules, not yours. I think you know what the right things to do are, the problem is steeling yourself to do them.

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All grace flows from the Eucharist. Get to Conefssion and receive the Eucharist (if you are Catholic). If not, I would suggest going to a local Catholic church and talking to a priest about your problems.

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Thy Geekdom Come

My screenname actually means "God heals" and it's straight from the Bible. :)

I concur with the others...prayer, Confession, amending your life...and most importantly, persistence in all of these. Conversion is a constant.

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[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Sep 7 2005, 11:53 AM'] Do you think he heals?
He is the Divine Physician. :)

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Sigh. :ohno:

God will heal you. I don't know how long it will take. I know you can't force His hand. He'll do it in His own time, and sometimes it seems like it takes FOREVER. I frequently complain to God that He has NO SENSE OF TIME. :madrant:

Some of you guys are sounding... I'm sorry to say this -- a bit flip. Prayer doesn't always make it better. God doesn't always swoop down and fix your problems. I hope you never find that out for yourselves.

I spent three years in an utterly miserable situation, including poverty, squalor, health problems, constant conflict, and an average of about three hours sleep a night. I went to mass EVERY SINGLE DAY for help. I said every novena I could find. I prayed the rosary constantly. I asked priests for help, and they were stumped. Finally, after those three years, a kind of lame fix for the problem came along. I was so relieved.

And then things got much worse.

Years past [i]that[/i], I'm mostly better, but I don't know why trials happen, or why it seems that God doesn't care.

The only thing that really ever helps is to accept the misery. It's God's will. It smells of elderberries. Love it anyway, as best you can. In that you may find peace. And eventually, it will get better.

Prayers for you.

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You guys make the Eucharist and prayer seem like a magic cure. Of course God [i]can[/i] heal, but he doesn't always choose to. Most likely it's karma of some kind. You should stop praying for healing and start praying that God will help you through these trails and bring something good out of them. I have a host of medical problems. Sure, it'd be nice if God would just step in and heal me, but sometimes that's not the answer. That's the exception to the rule, not the norm. Face life. Accept it and move on. Try to better your life. Like you, a year ago almost exactly I had a good job, was in school, and was doing great. A week from today it will be a year since I got in a near fatal car accident and then was diagnosed with epilepsy. It's been a long haul back and it's by no means over. Just today I had to leave class because my medication made me sick. But I have to just take it as it comes and do the best I can. Because of my condition, I met the most amazing person in the world (IMO). That's worth anything. Try to get your life straightened out. Work at it. Don't just sit back and wait for God to do something.

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You said karma in reference to the Eucharist. Thats pretty funny on my list of Ha Ha's. LEts not mix the Buddhist/ hindu religions into our Catholicism. Anyways, yes God heals. I think anyone who doesn't ask God for stuff clearly has a communication problem. I've been healed of my own shar eof ailgments simply by praying or receiving Communion. Funny stuff, but it's true. Ask with Faith and you usually get an ok. By the way, the best way to get it to not work is to doubt it. God's no miracle-worker (excuse the pun) when it comes to his miracle working. Anyways, the best way to get cured is to go to adoration and spent unreasonable amounts of time in prayer at Church. Usually if your tummy gives out or your knees, whichever comes first. Seriously, no kidding, it's kind of like a sit-out with God. You wait for many hours and then you leave and in a couple of days it's all gone. Repeat for good measure. Seriously though, no joke, whenever I have some sort of phsyical or emotoional problem, 6 hours of adoration straight and it's either gone or it's soon to be gone. Simply talk with your Lord and bring Holy literature with you. Above all else, persisit. I'm not telling you to have hope here, just simply saying, show God how much you want it. God likes that stuff. Remember when Isaac was almost killed by his dad just so God could see (not that he didn't know or anything) how much Abraham loved Him.

Anyways, give it a go.

God bless,

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My karma comment was in no way connected to the Eucharist one. When people ask why something bad happens in their life, it's probably karma.

You seem to conveniently forget all the examples given in the bible when God chose to let people suffer either as a punishment (i.e. karma) or to teach them something. God forgave David, but still his son died, even though he prayed and fasted. He forgave him for numbering the people, but he still punished the people for it. Miriam still had to spend a week in the wilderness as a leper even after she repented. Moses and Aaron still couldn't enter the promised land. Yes, God can heal and yes, you should ask him. But he will often say no. Other times you can fix the problem without his help and you are just being lazy. Sometimes they are selfinflicted problems. Laugh if you want, but it's still the truth.

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The idea of Karma is not-Christian. Really, I wasn't laughing at you, simply your instiance to refer to Karma as part of your worldview. What the hell man, we are not somehow punished by nature for being bad, thats God. And, we usually get the good deal of our punishment at our final judgement. Worse still for the idea of Karma, the newly baptized isn't held responsible for their past sins, a trump card for Karma to say the least.

Anyways, I agree, carrying out your suffering is great, but personally, I prefer the suffering of the holy St. Rita to depression. It is one thing to compare biblical stories to where a direct action caused the suffering to the situation at hand, where the suffering is derived from, no fault of his own, or so I suppose. He could just offer it all up as repirations to the heart of Mary and that is the more humble and wonderful thing to do. However, fi depression is affecting his Hope, I seriously think there are better ways to suffer (mortification anyone?). No joke either, I agree with you, but the examples aren't relevant unless info is being held out on the cause of this depression. If I offended you, just point it out, I'll try to mend it.

God bless,

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infinitelord1, I don't know what happened then, but even if things get rough for you, you still seem like someone who cares about God. Cling to God because even if things don't seem pretty or pleasant and even if you can't see the end, all things really do work for the good of those who love the Lord.

Don't ever lose hope. If you lose hope and you think life is hopeless, then satan has won. This may have been allowed in your life, but that does not mean your life will stay that way.

My mom has been chronically ill for 8 years, I've had asthma most of my life, and my best friend's jaw miraculously re-aligned itself so that she didn't have to have jaw surgery. My mom said that she might not be physically cured, but she is healed and that was on the inside. Sometimes God allows people to go through one kind of suffering so that they may be brought to a point of healing in another. Sometimes things take a while to be healed, but then it starts to happen and in the end one is stronger for it. Sometimes it's something else and I don't know what. Sometimes God uses others to bring a means of healing, either miraculously like the woman who touched Jesus' robe or medically like Timothy who was told to have a little wine every now and then for his stomach. Sometimes God provides answers through others. infinitelord1, please find someone to talk to, a priest, Christian counselor, something like that, but find someone and talk to them. That might seem hard and God will help you through it, but you need to take that step of faith.

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God designed the laws of nature. Do you say gravity doesn't exist because God keeps you on the earth? Karma is a law of nature clearly outlined in the bible. Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. That pretty much defines karma. If there is a better defininition, I 'd like to see it.

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[quote name='Mikhail' date='Sep 8 2005, 10:26 PM']God designed the laws of nature. Do you say gravity doesn't exist because God keeps you on the earth? Karma is a law of nature clearly outlined in the bible. Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. That pretty much defines karma. If there is a better defininition, I 'd like to see it.

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