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MC Just

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what's wrong with our church in this country and why are Catholics, such as catechists, priests and bishops so darn lazy and affraid to preach the truth?

I woke up late yesterday and didnt make it to the latin mass at the parish i normally go to. I went to the shrine instead at a later mass.

I actually thought i was in protestant church with all the singing and clapping, on top of that when it was time to recieve communion, i saw some 12-13 year old girls playing around with the Eucharist.

They were passing it back and forth to each other and looking at it instead of consuming it. you should have seen the look on my face ive never been so mad in my life.

Now because of such experiences i will never go to a normal english mass again. I'd rather miss mass then experience these things. In fact i need to get a hold of those inspectors from the Vatican about this. I'm not saying i dont accept those masses as valid, i'm saying im tired of the abuses.

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[quote name='MC Just' date='Sep 5 2005, 10:29 AM']...on top of that when it was time to recieve communion, i saw some 12-13 year old girls playing around with the Eucharist. 

They were passing it back and forth to each other and looking at it instead of consuming it.  you  should have seen the look on my face ive never been so mad in my life.[/quote]

You should have given them hell.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='MC Just' date='Sep 5 2005, 11:29 AM']I'd rather miss mass then experience  these things. In fact i need to get a hold of those inspectors from the Vatican about this. I'm not saying i dont accept those masses as valid, i'm saying im tired of the abuses.

I understand your frustration, but that would be a mistake.

If Jesus is humble enough to come to Mass and face those abuses, then at the very least, He should have His loyal servants with Him so that He may be in good company.

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[quote name='MC Just' date='Sep 5 2005, 10:29 AM']

I actually thought i was in protestant church with all the singing and clapping, on top of that when it was time to recieve communion, i saw some 12-13 year old girls playing around with the Eucharist. 

They were passing it back and forth to each other and looking at it instead of consuming it.  you  should have seen the look on my face ive never been so mad in my life.



Perhaps you should have corrected them, but gently! :o

I suspect that they were just curious about the Eucharist.

I think God would understand that and not really be offended.


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[quote name='MC Just' date='Sep 5 2005, 10:42 AM']not only that but the mass was completely in spanish, i couldnt understand  a word. I felt like i was at the tower of babel.


Sort of like being in Latin, eh? ;)


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[quote name='Raphael' date='Sep 5 2005, 10:41 AM']I understand your frustration, but that would be a mistake.

If Jesus is humble enough to come to Mass and face those abuses, then at the very least, He should have His loyal servants with Him so that He may be in good company.

I just dont undestand, why is the church in this country all over the place?? Why cant some of these things just stop?? what are we gonna do just keep saying "all we need it love" and let it all slide>?

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[quote name='LittleLes' date='Sep 5 2005, 10:43 AM']RESPONSE:

Sort of like being in Latin, eh? ;)


well, in the shrine i went to, for one there were no missals translating the language, at the latin mass i have a latin-enlgish missal.

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[quote]on top of that when it was time to recieve communion, i saw some 12-13 year old girls playing around with the Eucharist.

They were passing it back and forth to each other and looking at it instead of consuming it. you should have seen the look on my face ive never been so mad in my life. [/quote]

You should have gone up to them and demanded either they consume it in front of you, or they give it to you.

I'm not kidding either.

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='LittleLes' date='Sep 5 2005, 11:42 AM']RESPONSE:

Perhaps you should have corrected them, but gently! :o

I suspect that they were just curious about the Eucharist.

I think God would understand that and not really be offended.


While we can't judge their moral culpability, we can certainly say that they should have been better catechized so that their curiosities were already answered, as well as that the should have consummed the Eucharist immediately...and the Church should make sure of this.

Can't tell you how many horror stories I've heard...

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In my parish, the CCD program isn't that great. The kids only read and answer questions, never learn anything and leave the Church as soon as they're confirmed. I think the problem is that ppl don't take the Faith as seriously as they should

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[quote name='Era Might' date='Sep 5 2005, 11:03 AM']You should have gone up to them and demanded either they consume it in front of you, or they give it to you.

I'm not kidding either.

even if i tried i wouldnt be able to reach them, the place was so full and cluttered(they-re also expanding the sanctuary)

so the place had temporary walls behind a temporary altar i was close to the front, the girls were up in front near the walls one side of the pews were blocked. lol

the place was so packed someone would have taken my pew.

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