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Men who act like women, Women, who act like men.

White Knight

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[quote name='Ora et Labora' date='Sep 5 2005, 05:04 PM']Except this part. Are you saying men are better then women?

And no man is like Jesus....
true, and also no woman is like Mary.

I'm not saying that men are better than women. But I am saying that following the logical pattern that only men should be like Jesus, and only women should be like Mary, would suggest that men are better than women, because Christ is better than Mary.

also... are men trustworthy enough to submit to? This is a problem I personally have had because while I don't have a problem with the idea of submission, I have never personally met a man who is worthy. All the men in my family were either abusive or unfaithful.

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[quote name='ReinnieR' date='Sep 5 2005, 01:57 PM']and i'm the princess of open mic
*checks* You're a male princess?

*would rather a prince*

Edited by Light and Truth
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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Sep 4 2005, 10:06 PM']Socrates - so chastity is right for women?  and it's "masculine" to have vulgar speech?  NO one should be speaking in a vulgar manner or being unchaste, regardless of whether they're male or female.
is it manly for a guy to ask for a hug?

I don't know... maybe I'm just unfeminine or something, but in problem solving I'm a lot more likely to say "let's look at all the options" and not say "here, have a hug."  I'd rather be a journalist than homeschool my kids (after they got old enough to go to school).  I'd rather read a book than go shopping.  I was one of two women working in my college's IT department last summer.  I guess it's not feminine to fix computers.  While I have no interest in sports, cars, beer or anything like that, i think women should develop their "feminine genius" and use their minds.

I think if a woman wants to appreciate football, or know how to fix cars, or program computers, than what's wrong with that?

There has to be a line drawn somewhere.  I would tend to focus less on the behavior, but on the inherent personality characteristics and tendencies that underlie behavior.

Sorry, it seems there was some misunderstanding regarding my post, and I probably should have worded and explained some things better, but I didn't spend a lot of time on that post.

A major problem was that I was trying to find the woman's counter point to "effeminate," but couldn't come up with a satisfactory word, so just left it with "masculine." This, I guess, is misleading because it implies these things are acceptable or desirable in a man. "Unwomanly" or "unbefitting a lady" probably would've worked somewhat better.

What I was trying to do was just have a list of virtues and qualities that were specially fitting for men and women, and a list of things that were contrary to these, and unbefitting men and women.

I think generally people recognize effeminacy or undue masculinity when they see it. It's too easy with a list of words for people to try to pick them apart and read too much into them.

A "real man" should not be vulgar, unduly violent, unchaste, etc., but these things are not normally considered "effiminate." or non-masculine Real manlines is distinquished by not acting like a mere brute as much as by not acting like a woman.
Similar for women and the qualities listed.

Sorry for any misunderstanding or false impressions made by my previous post. Hope this clarifies things a bit.

(Note, my list said nothing about cars, computers, books, or the like, so talking about these issues really has little bearing on what I said.)

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[quote name='Ora et Labora' date='Sep 5 2005, 04:25 PM']Your just saying that if one thought of the definition of a man, one wouldnt think "chaste", right?

Probably just another poor choice of words on my part.

Basically, that's what I'm saying. It just seemed that unchastity is especially unbefitting a lady, but don't try to read to much into this.
Women are by nature more monagamous than men, though both are called to chastity. Promsicuity goes particularly against a woman's virture.
As someone said, while a man might boast of having bedded 90 women, what woman would boast of bedding 90 men?

I think the degrading of women (and the "neo-feminist" idea that women should now try to be as promiscuous as men) is a particularly bad sign of the moral decay of our culture.

Edited by Socrates
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[quote name='Light and Truth' date='Sep 5 2005, 04:08 PM']*checks* You're a male princess?

*would rather a prince*
yes i'm a male princess

and i'm a member of knights of columbus too

and i'm faithful to the church, pope and magisterium.

i love shopping, i'm sensitive, i take forever and a day to get ready. i always have to match. i hate mosquitos those are bad for princesses i guess i'm more feminine than most phatmass ladies but that doesn't mean i'm not a man

i drink beer, i love cars (imports) i'm a mechanic i serve in the united states air force

so all these qualities has nothing to do with being feminine or masculine

i hate these stereotypes

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[quote name='ReinnieR' date='Sep 5 2005, 04:55 PM']i hate these stereotypes
*curtsey to Princess Rei Rei*

Me too.

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Ora et Labora

[quote name='Socrates' date='Sep 5 2005, 04:54 PM']Probably just another poor choice of words on my part. 

Basically, that's what I'm saying.  It just seemed that unchastity is especially unbefitting a lady, but don't try to read to much into this.
Women are by nature more monagamous than men, though both are called to chastity.  Promsicuity goes particularly against a woman's virture.
As someone said, while a man might boast of having bedded 90 women, what woman would boast of bedding 90 men?

I think the degrading of women (and the "neo-feminist" idea that women should now try to be as promiscuous as men) is a particularly bad sign of the moral decay of our culture.

No, you didnt word it wrong! I thought I might just of misunderstood you personally. But I totally agree with you on that point. It makes sense! :)

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Sep 5 2005, 06:54 PM']As someone said, while a man might boast of having bedded 90 women, what woman would boast of bedding 90 men?

I think the degrading of women (and the "neo-feminist" idea that women should now try to be as promiscuous as men) is a particularly bad sign of the moral decay of our culture.
Why would it ever be OK for a man to boast about having bedded 90 women? That's just revolting. Most people don't get married 90 times, so i would assume this would involve boasting about adultery, which is a mortal sin. And who'd boast about mortal sin? The idea that it is somehow more OK for men to be unchaste comes straight from the pit of hell. Chastity is a virtue that everyone must strive for.

I firmly believe that if a woman is going to be submissive to her husband, then he needs to be just as chaste and just as faithful.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Sep 5 2005, 06:54 PM']It just seemed that unchastity is especially unbefitting a lady, but don't try to read to much into this.[right][snapback]712291[/snapback][/right]
Why would you post something if you didn't want people to read into it?

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I don't think men are better than women, and i would gladly get married, have children, submit to my husband, but i also want to hold down a job. I believe if God gives a woman leadership and talents, he intends for her to use it to serve His People. I see myself as being either a professional singer, a midwife, an OB/GYN, a nurse, a music therapist, or a psychologist, b/c i do well in all my subjects, i care about ppl, esp. my fellow sisters in Christ, and i love singing, so i see that God has given me talents that He wants me to use to serve His ppl. Also, St. Joan of Arc and Mother Teresa did not stay in the home all the time, they both went out into the world (out of obedience to Christ) to help God's ppl. I once read something online that said barefoot and pregnant is better than high-heeled and professional, but i see myself as married, highheeled, professional [i]and[/i] pregnant. :) That is if God wills for me. btw, my guy friends ask me for help in math and science and i am female :lol:

Edited by avemaria40
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We should all emulate Jesus, but Mary did it in such a way that would set the example for women. A woman could follow Jesus, but oculd she follow the example of Jesus in child-rearing? I suppose not, unless you are a fan of the Da Vinci Code. That is, Mary was a woman, and Jesus a man, and a woman may more readily connect with Mary when it comes to things that are specifically feminine, like child-rearing.

Now, whether women should act like women and men like men, you are arguing conventionality. PErsonally, If ind the home the natural abode of a female and the workplace that of a male's. Lo and behold, I go to one of the top schools in the US as far as acadmics, and the women do make such a sour face at such suggestions and call me a bigot and a sexist. However, I still find it silly when a woman says a man belongs in the home more than she; he cannot bear children nor breastfeed them. Equally ridiculous is the woman who works instead of rearing children. It is a sad day when 2 children are enough. I have often told my mother that the marriage bond holds as one of it's purposes the procreation of the human race and that is the first duty of both male and female entering into one. Putting the job first is an error on both sides of this stick. Seriously, I agree, women should act like women, and men should act like men. And in the case of femininity and masculinity, people fall into line by themselves, and there will always be exceptions. However, the current trend for both male and female to stay away from the home in exchange for long hours at the job is really disturbing. Thats why I'm glad I'm related to several families that have 10 kids each, and boy are they the holiest families ever, rich too, but not materialistic at all. It's beautiful. So I agree. Men and women need to fall into their roles, on the strictly biological sense.

God bless,

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[quote name='MichaelFilo' date='Sep 5 2005, 07:57 PM']We should all emulate Jesus, but Mary did it in such a way that would set the example for women. A woman could follow Jesus, but oculd she follow the example of Jesus in child-rearing? [right][snapback]712348[/snapback][/right]
This still doesn't address what I said earlier about ranking. Unfortunately, in the society that we live in, male characteristics are thought of as better than those of women. A man is the head of the household, and Christ is the head of the Church. Men are supposed to love their wives as Christ loved the Church, women are supposed to submit to their husbands, to serve him as the Church serves Christ.

The Church is eternally submitted to Christ, and Christ (God) is always above the Church.

Would this not suggest that men are in some way better than women, because they are the ones in the "God" role, and women are in the "Church" role?

I'm a woman and this makes me feel uncomfortable.

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Ora et Labora

[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Sep 5 2005, 05:50 PM']Why would it ever be OK for a man to boast about having bedded 90 women?  That's just revolting.  Most people don't get married 90 times, so i would assume this would involve boasting about adultery, which is a mortal sin.  And who'd boast about mortal sin?  The idea that it is somehow more OK for men to be unchaste comes straight from the pit of hell.  Chastity is a virtue that everyone must strive for.

I firmly believe that if a woman is going to be submissive to her husband, then he needs to be just as chaste and just as faithful.

That is very true...

Of course its not right (duh)! But that dos'nt mean men do not do that. :mellow:

I think its good to also state the reality....which is what it simply is! Unfortunatly...

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