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STOPP condemns Planned Parenthood

MC Just

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STOPP condemns Planned Parenthood's shameless post-hurricane publicity stunt

By Christina Denton, ALL.org
Aug 31, 2005

WASHINGTON, D.C. - "It is absolutely unconscionable that Planned Parenthood would use the tragedy of hurricane Katrina to push its shameless agenda on the American public," said Jim Sedlak, executive director of American Life League's STOPP International.

Planned Parenthood of Houston and Southeast Texas has offered to provide free birth control pills at its Houston clinics to individuals with a Mississippi or Louisiana driver's license. The organization undoubtedly knows that thousands of Gulf Coast residents have already found refuge in Texas, and thousands of people currently housed in the New Orleans Superdome will soon be on their way by bus caravan to Houston's Astrodome, in the hometown of this Planned Parenthood affiliate.

"In New York City in 2001, Planned Parenthood used the 9/11 attacks to publicize its programs by offering free contraceptives and abortions for the week after the terrorists struck," said Sedlak. "Now the organization is exploiting one of the worst natural disasters in American history for cheap publicity by offering one month's supply of free birth control and so-called emergency contraception to victims of Katrina.

"I'm sure Planned Parenthood would claim it is not a publicity stunt," said Sedlak, "but how else do you explain the fact that Planned Parenthood lists its clinics in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana that are closed because of the storm, along with a listing of the clinics' phone numbers? If the clinics are closed, you don't need the phone numbers - unless you are trying to drum up future business. If Planned Parenthood really wants to help, it should donate a portion of the millions of dollars in profits it makes every year to aid in the victims' plights.

"While Planned Parenthood's latest stunt is disgusting and utterly inappropriate, it is not surprising," said Sedlak. "The bottom line is that Planned Parenthood is out to promote its own agenda and will stop at nothing to take advantage of an opportunity to do so."


Edited by MC Just
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I am not understanding their concept of giving out free stuff after a national event like this. What are they thinking?

How is it going to comfort the people who have lost their homes and maybe even family to this disaster? How does it help them regain their homes? Do they think that they first on their mind is the abortion clinics that were destroyed and how to reschedule their appointments? Don't you think that they are trying to figure out where they are going to live; how they are going to provide for their families?

For shame.

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Well isn't is obvious? All people have on their minds after a natural disaster is sex sex sex and more sex. What do you think they were all up to inside during the storm anyways? You guessed it!! Gotta prepare for all the resulting unplanned pregnancies. Silly ppl. [/sarcasm]

EDIT: irony is not necessarily sarcasm :/

Edited by hierochloe
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why don't they donate some of their fortunes to relief efforts to get clothes, food, shelter, and emergency medical treatment for these ppl?

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Holy cow... So we have thousands of women, many with only the clothes on their back, desperately searching for their families, friends, and loved ones. Many don't have a house to go back to, wondering where their next paycheck will come from. Many of their lives will be changed forever.

And PP gives them a month's supply of birth control pills. If I were down there, I'd start raging in one of their clinics about how I consider THAT to be degrading to women. How does birth control liberate women? Especially when you desperately need clean water, shelter and food?

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exactly! Can't they see that these ppl need the necessities. As a teenage girl (and one of the audience that's PP's frequent targets) i find it upsetting that they would rather sterilize us than give us what we really need. (in Kenya, i think, according to the National Population Institute, some of the only forms of medicine is birth control and women are sterilized. In fact, women have such bad reactions to it, that they can't work or take care of their children and then the community falls apart. poverty a coincidence? i think not!)

On the other hand, maybe some of them do it out of the goodness of their hearts but they are sorely misguided.

Edited by avemaria40
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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='hierochloe' date='Sep 1 2005, 12:58 PM']I gotta say, free birth control is one strange way to support hurricaine recovery efforts....

They're banking on the hopes that those who are newly pregnant or were just trying to conceive will now have second thoughts since their financial situations (not to mention loss of house, job, family, etc.) are now much more difficult.

That's they're "reason" for offering this "service" anyway...I'm sure of it.

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Well thank goodness that in the wake of this tragedy sex can continue as usual....

Essentially that's what planned parenthood is saying to al the people they think they are "helping." We know youre starving but just take solice in the fact that you can continue to have sex...wow thanks PP really you shouldn't have....

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