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[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Sep 13 2005, 03:27 PM']your right god doesnt have a sexuality............lol. That is why he created man and woman to represent his feminine and masculine sides. When a man and a woman have sex it is supposed to symbolize what god is............masculinity and femininity combine...........to create (procreation). A man and a man and a woman and a woman is perverted.........it wasnt intended by god. Dont fool yourself here..........the bible says its wrong........to doubt the bible would mean that you are doubting the only basis of morality we have..........you are doubting the accounts of jesus christ........furthermore you are doubting the existence of god. Dont try to make homosexuality OK in your mind........you would be living by the creature.

This is getting off-topic, but I just wanted to point out that God does not have "feminine and masculine sides." This is a false idea of God.

In one sense, God is utterly beyond human concepts of gender (or any other human concepts), and as God, He is pure Spirit, and has no body.
(This is not the same as having "feminine and masculine sides.") God does not have different "sides" or component parts.

However, God is Father (masculine) in His relation to His creatures, and His only Son became incarnate as a Man. Mystics have said we are all feminine in relation to God. Christ taught us to pray to God as Father, and this is what we must do.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Sep 13 2005, 05:38 PM']This is getting off-topic, but I just wanted to point out that God does not have "feminine and masculine sides."  This is a false idea of God.

In one sense, God is utterly beyond human concepts of gender (or any other human concepts), and as God, He is pure Spirit, and has no body.
(This is not the same as having "feminine and masculine sides.")  God does not have different "sides" or component parts.

However, God is Father (masculine) in His relation to His creatures, and His only Son became incarnate as a Man.  Mystics have said we are all feminine in relation to God.  Christ taught us to pray to God as Father, and this is what we must do.
oh well, i thought i was right............how do you know that god doesnt possess feminine and masculine sides. I thought god was a combination of these things........not really being either but both. I guess it just made sense to me thats all.

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[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Sep 13 2005, 05:42 PM']oh well, i thought i was right............how do you know that god doesnt possess feminine and masculine sides. I thought god was a combination of these things........not really being either but both. I guess it just made sense to me thats all.

I know God doesn't have "masculine and feminine sides" because this is contrary to everything He has revealed about Himself in Scripture and Church teaching.

There was a very long thread on this topic early in the summer.

The theology of the nature of God is too difficult to go into in detail here, but you might want to ask some of the theologians on this site if you have more questions. In His essence, God is completely simple, and has no "parts" or "sides." God is not a "combination of these things" or a combination of any things.

God revealed Himself to us as Father, and we must accept this.

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[quote name='Socrates']People's actions define who they are.

The whole problem is, we are encouraging this "orientation" to define who a person is, rather than encouraging people to take responsibility for their lives and actions, and make moral choices.

I don't agree with this. Actions don't define who or what people are. People are what they are. And what they are determines their actions. People are many things, but their actions may not show much of it.

Now, gay/homosexual = someone who feels attracted to the same sex. So if someone feels this SSA, then he/she is gay. That's by definition. Actions have nothing to do with it, or moral choices, or anything else.

Funny you should say something like that, actually. Doesn't seem to apply to gender roles, I see. I guess defining people by their sex and not by their actions or other attributes is an exception to the rule.

And about the parenting issue. Gays have and will have children whether you like it or not. And there is nothing you can do about it.

'Natural' and 'unnatural' mean nothing.

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[quote name='Semalsia' date='Sep 14 2005, 05:31 PM'][quote name='Socrates']People's actions define who they are.

The whole problem is, we are encouraging this "orientation" to define who a person is, rather than encouraging people to take responsibility for their lives and actions, and make moral choices.

I don't agree with this. Actions don't define who or what people are. People are what they are. And what they are determines their actions. People are many things, but their actions may not show much of it.

Now, gay/homosexual = someone who feels attracted to the same sex. So if someone feels this SSA, then he/she is gay. That's by definition. Actions have nothing to do with it, or moral choices, or anything else.
Funny you should say something like that, actually. Doesn't seem to apply to gender roles, I see. I guess defining people by their sex and not by their actions or other attributes is an exception to the rule.
My whole point was that how one behaves or acts is more important than how he "feels."

[quote]And about the parenting issue. Gays have and will have children whether you like it or not. And there is nothing you can do about it.

'Natural' and 'unnatural' mean nothing.
Interesting. I was not aware of this. See, I'm just a simple country boy and obviously aren't aware of some important developments in human biology. I haven't heard of a man and a man conceiving a child or a woman impregnating a woman. Perhaps you could tell me more about these amazing biological occurences I've been in ignorance of.

I used to think a man and a woman were necessary for making babies, but now I guess I'm wrong. Probably those darned Catholic priests filling me up with their propaganda and keeping me ignorance.
You'll have to enlighten me further.

Edited by Socrates
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[quote name='Semalsia' date='Sep 14 2005, 05:31 PM'][quote name='Socrates']People's actions define who they are.

The whole problem is, we are encouraging this "orientation" to define who a person is, rather than encouraging people to take responsibility for their lives and actions, and make moral choices.

I don't agree with this. Actions don't define who or what people are. People are what they are. And what they are determines their actions. People are many things, but their actions may not show much of it.

Now, gay/homosexual = someone who feels attracted to the same sex. So if someone feels this SSA, then he/she is gay. That's by definition. Actions have nothing to do with it, or moral choices, or anything else.

Funny you should say something like that, actually. Doesn't seem to apply to gender roles, I see. I guess defining people by their sex and not by their actions or other attributes is an exception to the rule.
And about the parenting issue. Gays have and will have children whether you like it or not. And there is nothing you can do about it.

'Natural' and 'unnatural' mean nothing.
i assume you mean that people are what they are based on feelings. A psychologist will tell you that feelings come from thoughts.........sometimes its hard to tell. Thoughts are triggered by stimuli........through the 5 senses. Throughout life we experience things that stimulate our senses. This is how we learn. We learn what we like and dont like based on the experiences that we have had. Nobody is born gay.........they basically learned it directly or indirectly. At least i can walk you through a logical process that leads to a logical conclusion. you simply just state what you believe without any logical reasoning.

Edited by infinitelord1
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[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Sep 13 2005, 04:07 AM']I also struggle with SSA. I was wondering since you say that "you dont have to accept them" if you know a way to feel OSA.............lol.
I have always felt OSA, so that wasn't really an issue for me. I just choose not to act on same-sex feelings.

But I do know that sexual feelings are not something you can force upon yourself. You either have them, or you don't. but you can choose not to act on them, and you CAN live a chaste life.

if this is something you are really having a hard time with, it might be good to seek counseling. There are a lot of Catholic therapists who can help with SSA.

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