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Gay/Lesbian Parents


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[quote]As experience has shown, the absence of sexual complementarity in these unions creates obstacles in the normal development of children who would be placed in the care of such persons. They would be deprived of the experience of either fatherhood or motherhood. Allowing children to be adopted by persons living in such unions would actually mean doing violence to these children, in the sense that their condition of dependency would be used to place them in an environment that is not conducive to their full human development. This is gravely immoral and in open contradiction to the principle, recognized also in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, that the best interests of the child, as the weaker and more vulnerable party, are to be the paramount consideration in every case.


Edited by Era Might
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:huh: thats terrible... Homosexuallys sould not be allowed to raise children, nor be parents, their way of life souldn't be even mentioned as sexually healthy because its not, they' re at higher risk of getting STD's and other decieses. plus they teach another generation about their ways, and its damaging to the overall children.

Btw, I thought after last year, people voted that both styles of sexuality were not to be mentioned nor addressed in public school health books?
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[quote name='Semalsia' date='Aug 31 2005, 06:07 PM']Can anyone give me [i]any[/i] reason why both sexes are requires in good parenting? You are only saying that it is, without an explanation.

I already asked this in another thread, but the only answer I got was that men have penises.

My boys see in me a man going to work every day and providing for the family. A man who protects the family and who stands up for injustice. Or at least that's what I hope they see. My daughters feel protected by me. My healthy relationship and healthy affection with them teaches them how they are to be treated in life so that they do not look for the wrong sort of love when they go out to look for a husband. They see the role that my wife plays as well in caring for the little ones in a way that only a mother can. It is amazing to me how much the boys imitate me and the girls imitate their mother. Each recieves love from both of us but it is a different kind of love. I have a different relationship with my daughters than my sons and my wife also does Without both parents they will not grow up healthy and balanced. It's a simple fact.

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[quote name='White Knight' date='Sep 1 2005, 07:11 PM']Btw, I thought after last year, people voted that both styles of sexuality were not to be mentioned nor addressed in public school health books?

I didn't hear that. However, maybe that is for high school. Also I am at a private university so maybe that doesn't cover for our school.

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[quote name='Sojourner' date='Aug 31 2005, 05:45 PM']Here's another interesting column by Kathleen Parker:
[url="http://www.townhall.com/columnists/kathleenparker/kp20040703.shtml"]Same-sex marriage and the disposal of fatherhood[/url]

yep, I liked that article:
[quote]Fathers, of all people, should know this best.[/quote]

I know this very well... and the author is right, that articulation is very difficult, but even unspoken, the truth remains the truth.

My children see my wife as the one who runs the household. She does the meals, takes care of neatness, takes care of the children's immediate needs (bath, shool and other). They see me as the source of discipline; although my wife does punish as she needs to, when graver instences occur, she calls me in (wait till your father gets home sorta thing).

Also, I provide.

And I defend the family when things get too much for my wife. Example: my son had big trouble in school last year. I was the one who dealt with the principal and the situation as a whole. Although my wife takes care of making lunches, I take care of making certain my son was treated fairly when scool discipline was calling for a suspension.

In short, my wife takes care of what goes on inside the household, I take care of whatever external factors 'affect' the household. IE, I bring home the paycheck, but once its home, my wife takes it over. On the other hand, when we need a loan at the bank, I am the one that negotiates and signs the loan - my wife pays it afterwards.

Edited by Didacus
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I have read several reports (sorry I can't quote the cites) stating that children raised in gay/lesbian households are less likely to be gay than those raised in heterosexual households. Interesting, no?

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[quote name='DeeDee' date='Sep 2 2005, 12:07 PM']I have read several reports (sorry I can't quote the cites) stating that children raised in gay/lesbian households are less likely to be gay than those raised in heterosexual households. Interesting, no?

Yes, I read that.

I am not sure why. I have a few crude assumptions as to why though.

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How about: If reverse psychology is effective in teaching children the truth, then I guess this is the first 'good' thing I've heard about same-sex marriage.

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Yes but why is it that they are more driven to the heterosexual lifestyle?

Some possible ideas (and yes it could be called "mean" or "harsh")

-they were made fun of for having two same sex parents.
-they don't want their kids to grow up in that enviroment

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It's probably because most people are heterosexual. The number of kids in the survey raised in a homosexual home is probably so small it is nearly impossible to count that as hard evidence.

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[quote name='track2004' date='Sep 2 2005, 03:06 PM']It's probably because most people are heterosexual.  The number of kids in the survey raised in a homosexual home is probably so small it is nearly impossible to count that as hard evidence.

I think that they are just counting children of homosexual parents not all children together.

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Still reguardless of anything, this still damages other children's views on the issue, and Homosexuals sould not be parents at all. its too harming to the kids.

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I just meant that most people are hetero so yeah most of their kids would be. But the sample size still has to be horribly small to really say it's valid.

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[quote name='White Knight' date='Sep 3 2005, 12:19 AM']Still reguardless of anything, this still damages other children's views on the issue, and Homosexuals sould not be parents at all. its too harming to the kids.

Sorry I was disagreeing with you. I was just clarifying.

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And so far you have been able to say that we should reinforce the gender roles in parents, because that's a good way to reinforce those gender roles in the children. But you see, the gender roles are arbitrary and meaningless. And frankly, I see them only doing harm.

[quote name='dreamweaver']A girl should look at how her father treats his wife: with love and respect. She should model her relationships on those principles. Without a father figure, she has less of an idea about what is considered respectible in a relationship.[/quote]

People should learn how to treat other people. Sex has nothing to do with it. And they should learn that just because something is done by the other sex doesn't make it any more acceptable.

[quote name='White Knight']Homosexuallys sould not be allowed to raise children, nor be parents[/quote]

Would you then be in favor of taking all the children away from homosexual parents?

[quote name='picchick']Yes but why is it that they are more driven to the heterosexual lifestyle?

Some possible ideas (and yes it could be called "mean" or "harsh")

-they were made fun of for having two same sex parents.
-they don't want their kids to grow up in that enviroment

This kind of thinking assumes that they can freely, subconsciously or in any way [i]choose[/i] their sexual orientation, which goes against what we already know of the causes of homosexuality.

Actually it might be because of gay parents hiding the fact that their children are gay in the fear that others will think that homosexuality is hereditary.

Heterosexuals having more children than homosexuals on average might be a factor on this as well.

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