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Some Sensitivity For Our Separated Brethren..?


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You also seem to have missed that when Protestant bashing gets out of hand, there are many of us who are quick to jump in and try to restore civility. Many of us are converts to Catholicism, and it pains us to see our former brethern treated with blatant disrespect. However, some of us have also endured severed relationships because of our choice to come home to the Catholic Church. Your complaints, or Skuba Steve's insults are nothing compared to the loss of my best friend who severed our relationship due to my conversion. If I didn't waver then, why would I back down for you?

Please know that you are more than welcome to engage in civilized debate with us. However, if this is not a possibility for you, please use the other boards provided here, or seek refuge on a phorum more suited to your tastes.

May God bless you on your journey towards Him.


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  cmotherofpirl said:
Martin this is the debate board, where we like to discuss questions of faith.  People come here and ask us questions which we give detailed answers for. But if we ask them a question (tit for tat) we get a smart-ass answer or none at all.

We expect debate, not one-sided conversations. People come here and tell us we are wrong, but few are ever able to logically explain why. The most we get is an emotional repsonse - because I feel its right.  Reality , however, is NOT based on feelings. Jesus Christ is Reality. He left a Church, not an emotional relationship with a book written after He died.

THere are other boards here for pleasant and sweet conversations, this isn't it.

If someone comes here and states we are wrong and he is right, we want proof, not emotionalism, not circular reasoning, but logical proofs taken are far as human reason can go.

Not everything can be proven, that of course is presumptous, but God gave us hearts and brains, and they are not exclusive or contradictory :)

In the words of Paladin the Great:


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Martin L.

If you think YOU are under attack, I heartily invite you to visit www.faithforum.org, or is it com? (I think it's org but then I'm kinda in "duhsville" when it comes to the internet! :lol: )

You should check out the "Doctrinal Discussions" board to see how we Catholics are treated! You'll get no bad treatment here as long as you are respectful and treat us the way you wish to be treated. If not, well.......we unfortunately might forget to be charitable, but I ask your forgiveness in advance for that since no one is immune from sin this side of life. - God bless!

Oh yeah, may you persevere and not focus on the our faults, but check out the good. - Muschi :blink:

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Don John of Austria

Look I am aa converted Protestant and I for one think this board is soft on Protestanta, and Heretics in General, But we are horridly soft on Paganism, even to the point of sometimes seeming to compromise the Truth of the faith so as not to offend them. I see alot more traditionalist bashing on Phatmass than Protestant bashing, so I really don't see howw this is a problem.

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  Don John of Austria said:
Look I am aa converted Protestant and I for one think this board is soft on Protestanta, and Heretics in General, But we are horridly soft on Paganism, even to the point of sometimes seeming to compromise the Truth of the faith so as not to offend them. I see alot more traditionalist bashing on Phatmass than Protestant bashing, so I really don't see howw this is a problem.

donjon welcome back. :)

donjon always knows best. B)


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Hello Donjon,

You make an interesting point on "trad-bashing". Forgive the horrible abbreviation, it reminds me of when I had stated earlier on this phorum that I hate the word "prot". Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T? I'm not sure I can! :P

At any rate, I am a new convert to the CAtholic Faith, only having been received into the Church on Easter Vigil last year. (God help His Church! :lol: )

But, the more I learn, the more I come to appreciate the Traditionalist point of view. Now I don't consider myself a Traditionalist but I would definately prefer to see Latin re-instated at least on SOME level in our Masses. Personally, I'd rather err on the side of "conservatism than liberalism" but I guess erring is erring.

If this letter betrays much ignorance to those who read it, then I would say you are quite right! I'm still learning. I just don't want to "bash" anyone! Although I CAN appreciate a good venting now and then. My current "hangup" is with the infiltration of New Age being introduced into our Retreat Centers and even in our Liturgy, (at least one church that I know of...) This makes Protestantism seem like a "harmless puppy". ! God bless all of you and thanks for putting up with me!!! - Muschi :):blink: :)

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THe words liberal, conservative etc really have no place in the Catholic Church.

These are political terms.

You are either faithful to the teachings of the Holy Father /Magisterium / Church

or not.

Like pregnancy, there are no in between stages, you are or you are not Catholic.

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Don John of Austria

Cmom I agree insofar as you are speaking of dissent, however the Church at its core is conservative, it's slow to change and value tradition( espeacilly with a big T) It is a conservative institution by nature. but of course dissent is dissent.

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You are correct. Either a Catholic is faithful to the teaching magisterium of the Church (which obviously includes the Pope), or if he/she is not, they no longer can lay claim to the title "Catholic".

Please keep in mind if you can.......the following. (I actually almost typed the foolwing, wonder if that might have been right after all? ;)

1) I am from California.....(don't laugh anyone! :angry::lol: ) where we just got rid of one "catholic" pro-abortion governor for another. Needless to say, I'm embarrassed for the shame these politicians bring upon our good faith. See my point?

2) When I experience or hear of Catholics claiming the "spirit of Vatican II" as an excuse for liturgical abuses/all abuses such as bringing in the teachings of the Enneagram/yoga/tai chi/Centering prayer, a.k.a. TM, and other occultic practices, what am I supposed to say?

Due to an experience I endured yesterday, I actually experienced for the first time in almost two years of being Catholic, (I'll grant that I'm still young and immature in the faith), but this was the first time I did NOT want to go to Mass. I wanted nothing to do with Christianity. I was so angry, hurt and felt betrayed! Nevertheless, I swallowed my pride?.......at least my anger and of course went because I cannot believe that there is no God and I didn't want to pass Him by.

Thanks for reading and suffering my rantings, I am really going through one of the toughest times I have experienced as a Christian ever! I'm just a big baby I guess! - Love, Muschi :D

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  Muschi said:

You are correct.  Either a Catholic is faithful to the teaching magisterium of the Church (which obviously includes the Pope), or if he/she is not, they no longer can lay claim to the title "Catholic". 

Please keep in mind if you can.......the following.  (I actually almost typed the foolwing, wonder if that might have been right after all?  ;)

1)  I am from California.....(don't laugh anyone!  :angry:  :lol: ) where we just got rid of one "catholic" pro-abortion governor for another.  Needless to say, I'm embarrassed for the shame these politicians bring upon our good faith.  See my point?

2)  When I experience or hear of Catholics claiming the "spirit of Vatican II" as an excuse for liturgical abuses/all abuses such as bringing in the teachings of the Enneagram/yoga/tai chi/Centering prayer, a.k.a. TM, and other occultic practices, what am I supposed to say?

Due to an experience I endured yesterday, I actually experienced for the first time in almost two years of being Catholic, (I'll grant that I'm still young and immature in the faith), but this was the first time I did NOT want to go to Mass.  I wanted nothing to do with Christianity.  I was so angry, hurt and felt betrayed!  Nevertheless, I swallowed my pride?.......at least my anger and of course went because I cannot believe that there is no God and I didn't want to pass Him by.

Thanks for reading and suffering my rantings, I am really going through one of the toughest times I have experienced as a Christian ever!  I'm just a big baby I guess! - Love, Muschi :D

When someone starts spouting such stuff, ask them which council document backs up what they are saying? Which encyclical or letter or directive from the Pope, Magisterium or Church in general backs them up?

Vague generalities do NOT cut it.

If its something from your diocese, ask to see it in WRITING. If they cannot produce a document or CHURCH teaching, then stick to your guns.

Catholics have a right to CATHOLIC teaching, nothing more and nothing less.

Sometimes dearie, we are Catholic in spite of the idiots out there, not because of them. Remember the parable of the wheat and tares.

Never let anything get between you and Jesus Christ in the Mass. :)

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  Paladin D said:
Priests crawling out of the Devil's butt...

Another unfortunate side affect of hunger.


Thanks Pal. That made my day. :lol:

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WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!!??!! :o:blink::blink::o

What is this nasty thing really supposed to portray?

igghhh! Now I know that it isn't just this generation that's perverse. We had "good teachers". (I mean that in the loosest of terms.)

iiiiggghh, !!! :ph34r: -Muschi


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