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In General Western vs. Eastern Culture

White Knight

Western vs. Eastern Culture which is more looked at?  

11 members have voted

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White Knight

Hello everyone, I decided to post this because it does seem important.

I have always lived in a Western Culture climate, and have very little experience if any in Eastern Culture climate, so I tend to be more of a Western myself. However, I do see that among alot of people one culture is looked at more than the other. This is where it comes down to your opinion.

[b]Which Culture is more looked at? Why? Or Do you see them both as equally getting the same amoung of attention if so explain that. etc.[/b]

Edited by White Knight
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What do you mean by "Eastern Culture"? Does it include all non-Western culture? For instance, are African cultures "Eastern"? If not, what about Middle Eastern cultures? Or Polynesian?
Do you just mean China? Or also India?

Or perhaps you mean Western American (as in Rocky Mountan and Pacific Time Zones) and Eastern American? If so, what about Southern culture?

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when it comes to morallity the western world is much more materialistic than the eastern world. Knowing this................i think that god appealed to the western world through logic more than anything. He gave us minds to think so thats what we do. The eastern world is more spiritual and they tend to find god through spiritual means as oppossed to philosophy and such. I think both are equally important.

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The categories are too general, but I think it can be said that the West seems to be embarassed of its own culture these days and has become an anti-culture in many ways. I'd elaborate but I don't feel like it for some reason. haha :woot:

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As others have pointed out, this poll is much too vaguely worded, and the way it is stated is confusing. Do you mean to ask which [b]is [/b]more "looked at" or which [b]should be [/b]more looked at?

"Western Culture" generally refers to that shared by Europe and the American countries that came from European colonies. "Eastern" has been used to refer to a number of non-European cultures, from the Near-East (Palestine, etc.) to the Far East (China, Japan, etc.), though these "Eastern" cultures vary conisderably.

I think we (Western Civilization) need to recover our own Christian culture which has been lost or heavily damaged by widespread secularism/materialism.
In recent decades, many disillusioned with Western civilization have (naively in my opinion) looked to the East for guidance.

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[quote name='infinitelord1' date='Aug 28 2005, 03:03 PM']when it comes to morallity the western world is much more materialistic than the eastern world. Knowing this................i think that god appealed to the western world through logic more than anything. He gave us minds to think so thats what we do. The eastern world is more spiritual and they tend to find god through spiritual means as oppossed to philosophy and such. I think both are equally important.

This isn't really true. Though Western culture has become materialistic since the so-called "Enlightenment", it wasn't always so. There has been much Christian spirituality in past centuries.

I presume by "Eastern," you're referring to Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. Such religions are actually only more "spiritual" in the sense that they tend to downplay the reality or significance of the present temporal world. Christian morality is generally stricter. And, actually, Chinese civilization is probably traditionally the least religious or spiritual of all the world's great civilizations.
Christianity actually considers one's actions in the world to be of more importatnce than most Eastern religions, and has thus been far more active in doing things such as helping the poor. (Eastern religions consider poverty the result of bad karma, so while they preach compassion, they do not have any large-scale "social" programs.)

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Aug 28 2005, 03:47 PM']The categories are too general, but I think it can be said that the West seems to be embarassed of its own culture these days and has become an anti-culture in many ways. I'd elaborate but I don't feel like it for some reason. haha :woot:

I think the general categories are good enough for general replies. Totally agree with the anti-culture observation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't really understand....

But from a purely demographic standpoint it has to be EAStern, there are just so many more people over there.

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Eastern culture has a huge influeance on television and entertainment over here in the USA, especially with Martial Arts being incorperated.

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