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The TV series '24'


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I am not sure how many of you are avid watchers of the TV series '24'... But those that are will know that it is adicting. Well anyways, here is my debate topic:

Is it morally acceptable for a president to grant pardon for the murder of someone, if that murder has not yet occured. And that one murder would lead to the preservation of millions of people.

Let me give the hypothetical TV situation. Jack (the main character) is being held captive, by his wife's murderer. She (Nina) knows that if Jack has the chance he will kill her. Nina also knows where the location of a Nuclear bomb is. Nina demands that she be pardoned of murder of Jack and in return she will reveal the location of the Nuke.

Is it moral permisable for the president to pardon Nina of the Future murder of Jack.

I have some thoughts concerning the priciple of double effect, but i would like to hear some of your thoughts first.

Totus Tuus,

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never seen the show, but I would answer yes. the president is not directly causing the murder, he is simply not stopping it or punishing it.

since he is not being the direct cause of the murder, and his action of not prosecuting the murderer is really aimed at finding the nuclear bomb, then it would seem this is morally licit.

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The President can grant pardon on earth, yes. However, it's not a moral question. This person is still guilty in God's eyes. She is also guilty of the crime of kidnapping and being extremely selfish. I would assume that if the President didn't pardon her, she would leave the nuke. In that case, she is saving herself over millions of people. What kind of person is that?

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[quote name='Fiat_Voluntas_Tua' date='Aug 28 2005, 01:06 AM']I am not sure how many of you are avid watchers of the TV series '24'... But those that are will know that it is adicting.  Well anyways, here is my debate topic: 

[b]Is it morally acceptable for a president to grant pardon for the murder of someone, if that murder has not yet occured.  And that one murder would lead to the preservation of millions of people[/b].

Let me give the hypothetical TV situation.  Jack (the main character) is being held captive, by his wife's murderer.  She (Nina) knows that if Jack has the chance he will kill her.  Nina also knows where the location of a Nuclear bomb is.  Nina demands that she be pardoned of murder of Jack and in return she will reveal the location of the Nuke. 

Is it moral permisable for the president to pardon Nina of the Future murder of Jack.

I have some thoughts concerning the priciple of double effect, but i would like to hear some of your thoughts first.

Totus Tuus,

Is it morally acceptable to use children for scientific expirementation that may or may not save lives, but will destroy the life of said children?

It is never morally acceptable to allow someone to be killed (except in defence of innocent life), no matter how many lives will be saved.

Edited by RC_
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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Aug 29 2005, 04:42 PM']never seen the show, but I would answer yes.  the president is not directly causing the murder, he is simply not stopping it or punishing it.

since he is not being the direct cause of the murder, and his action of not prosecuting the murderer is really aimed at finding the nuclear bomb, then it would seem this is morally licit.

1. just cuz he isn't directly causing it doesn't mean it isn't a sin. There are also sins of omision :idontknow:

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