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[quote name='RC_' date='Aug 29 2005, 03:20 AM']...chick-tians...

Ha! Have never heard that one before. :lol_roll:

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Fidei Defensor

I have to side with Al, on all of this as a whole.

A horrible act of violence, especially one that occurs repeatedly on a certain night, is certainly worth praying about. But, to say that participating in the commercialized version of Halloween somehow contributes to that horrible act, or condones it, is just silly.

I think Al handled it fine. He was clear and to the point, and he cannot be held responsible for how people choose to react to words on an internet forum.

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[quote]My major complaint about Halloween is the endless supply of candy that lasts at least until Christmas. I just can't believe it is healthy for small children to consume large amounts of candy practically year-round... but I digress [/quote]

I remember some years having enough candy to last past Christmas. I wonder if I am too old to trick or treat this year...

Edited by zwergel88
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lol, there comes an age in life where you start to stop obessing over candy and start to enjoy real food.

Candy is good everything now and then, but Real food is better. that makes Halloween just another night, only one where you can dress up and get candy.

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Aug 31 2005, 12:38 PM']whatever man... I don't have to prove anything about my chrisitanity to faceless people on the internet.

form of communcation that only really allows
words from faceless sources.



Do I "see your face?" On one hand no I don't but God does, your Guardian Angel does. And so I respect that.
But at the same time "I do see your face." I see your face thru the 48 years I have lived on this earth. I see thru experience, I see thru my imagination. I see thru the belief that you are my brothers and sisters. I see thru my personal belief system that I am to hold you in my heart thru prayer.


We should be different when dealing with each other thru this Phorum. We are not of the world. So the "facelessness" here does not apply.
If this was strictly a secular venue I would agree. But as I sit here and type God sees my face, He knows who I am. He expects that my sisters and brothers in the Church see my the same way.


No one who is a member of PHATMASS is faceless to me.

I am sensitive. Whoever said that is right. I AM. This sensitivity is what gets me out of bed every morning READY AND WILLING to be sent to the one or ones who are hurting. I am sensitive. This sensitivity is what has me accepting anyone, anywhere in any situation and I am ready to listen without judging. I am sensitive. This sensitivity is what has kept me for all of my life willing to help. When the majority of my life has been, I've needed help and not gotten it. I am sensitive to the point that because I have been hurt so many times I will not turn away anyone who needs help. Because I know what it is to be rejected.

I WILL NOT, NOT, NOT TURN MY BACK ON ANYONE NEEDING HELP, A KIND WORD, ETC. Whether it be dealing with someone who has skin, or doesn't have skin. God does not have two sets of rules. One for those who you can see and one for those who you deal with on the Internet. We are either CATHOLIC to everyone, or CATHOLIC to no one.

I may be "faceless" to an extent on this Phorum. But when you meet me in Heaven I will have a face. What will you say to me then? What will you say to Jesus?

I would like to thank everyone who has PM'ed me. I appreciate you.
p.s. I AM A GIRL.
p.s. (again) cmom I can't get my PM to you to go thru. ????


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Kilroy the Ninja


Don John would love to find these satanists for you and deal with the problem.

Just point him in the right direction.

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I know this will tick people off, but let's get reasonable here, rather than wallow in emotion.

This is starting to sound like witch-hunt hysteria

I don't know anything about this particular case, but I've heard a lot of similar allegations, wich I take with a HUGE grain of salt.

Much trouble and suffering for innocent people has come out of similar withcraft and satanism allegations and the surrounding hysteria.

Do we have evidence for this other than the allegations of a mentally ill woman?

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Sep 4 2005, 07:42 PM']Do we have evidence for this other than the allegations of a mentally ill woman?

I hope to God you're not refering to [b]ofpheritup[/b]. :madder:

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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Sep 4 2005, 09:28 PM']I hope to God you're not refering to [b]ofpheritup[/b]. :madder:
of course he isn't.

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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Sep 4 2005, 08:28 PM']I hope to God you're not refering to [b]ofpheritup[/b]. :madder:

I'm referring to the woman with multiple personality disorders.

I probably shjould have stayed out of this, but my point is we should be REAL careful before we start screaming for people's blood. These are extremely serious charges and deserve a thorough investigation. Again, I don't know what happened, but just a word of caution.

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I wouldn't start screaming for ANYONE'S blood, ever. But I will pray for anyone who is performing occult activities, especially when the activities are taking place at a known occult uummmm "feast" time.

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I refuse to hand out candy on halloween and I stopped trick or treating after 8th grade. When I still lived at home, I'd see high school aged kids trick or treating! And all they had on was makeup. *rolls eyes*

I liked dressing up - I was a witch a few times and then a magician one year. My old grade school only allows kids to dress as Saints now and they have a saints parade. One thing - there were many saints who were martyred by beheading - wonder if they would ban those type of costumes?

One year I went trick or treating as sort of a babysitting job with a girl across the street and her dad went with us. She dressed as a devil! And this family I think was Lutheran. I'm shocked they let their daughter dress as a devil.

I think there are better things to do on Halloween (or Pre-All Saints Day Eve) than go begging for candy. :twocents:

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[quote name='Jedi_StClaire' date='Sep 6 2005, 08:37 PM']I refuse to hand out candy on halloween and I stopped trick or treating after 8th grade.  When I still lived at home, I'd see high school aged kids trick or treating!  And all they had on was makeup.  *rolls eyes*

I liked dressing up - I was a witch a few times and then a magician one year.  My old grade school only allows kids to dress as Saints now and they have a saints parade.  One thing - there were many saints who were martyred by beheading - wonder if they would ban those type of costumes?   

One year I went trick or treating as sort of a babysitting job with a girl across the street and her dad went with us.  She dressed as a devil!  And this family I think was Lutheran.  I'm shocked they let their daughter dress as a devil. 
I think there are better things to do on Halloween (or Pre-All Saints Day Eve) than go begging  for candy. :twocents:

My parents dressed me as a devil for halloween when I was a little boy (about 3 years old). They've still got the pictures - cutest thing -red jammies little horns and mustache and tail - :devil:

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