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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Aug 31 2005, 08:08 AM']My major complaint about Halloween is the endless supply of candy that lasts at least until Christmas. I just can't believe it is healthy for small children to consume large amounts of candy practically year-round... but I digress
You have my address ... feel free to mail any excess candy to me. :)

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hehehe... if it were just once a year, I wouldn't mind so much. But Halloween candy lasts till Christmas, which lasts till Valentines, which lasts till Easter, which lasts until parade season, which lasts all summer... until Halloween... Not to mention the myriad of birthday parties... :P: bleh.... Kids don't even consider it a treat anymore...

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Why does it last til Christmas? Let them eat it all and get it over with.
Serve cake on Valentines Day and one middle-size piece of chocolate for Easter.
The candy monster does not need to win the battle.

Edited by cmotherofpirl
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Yeah, not with my own kids, per se, but the neighborhood in general. I don't buy valentines candy (though HSDad buys me a box of carmels, my favorite. :) ) and at Easter it's pretty much just jelly beans because I love them.

edit to add... YES it's me! I'm the addict. :blush:

Edited by homeschoolmom
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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Aug 31 2005, 07:11 AM']so how about it ofpheritup?  are you going to explain to us how the dressing up stuff and the candy in any way contributes to the evil occultic acts you describe?

perhaps if we would just stop trick-or-treating, the occult wouldn't remember it was halloween every year? :huh:

even if that were true, they'd just pick another day...

This is going to be my last post on Phatmass. There are some of you that I will miss. I am tired of trying. I am tired of being ridiculed. I get enough of that carp in my life allready. I do not need it off of a site that is supposed to be CATHOLIC. Some of you know how wrong you are.

I was expecting a more Christ-like response to my opinion. Stupid me.

I have attempted to raise awareness as to what happens on Halloween and what my friend has experienced in her life. I have received only ONE person expressing any concern for what she has gone thru.

I was wanting to "educate" in the hope that people would 1) become aware. 2) Spread the news. 3) Stop celebrating Halloween. 4) Spend the evening in prayer. Especially for the babies that are being killed.

Aloysius you are right in saying that "they'd just pick another day." I totally agree. And so instead of acknowledging Halloween and recognizing it. I would like to ask you to pick another day. All it is for you (I am speaking to the world now) is a day to stuff your face with candy. So why can't you pick another day?

Aloysius I did not appreciate the sarcasm. I found it thoughtless and rude.You have come across as close minded and selfish. Not once have you show concern for my friend and others like her who have lost children thru Satanic Rituals on Halloween.

Dressing up and stuffing your face doesn't give anything to or take anything away from Halloween. Any idiot knows that. Don't you?

The only concern and point I have been trying to make SINCE MY FIRST RESPONSE is the actual 'HELL" that occurs. I have not criticized anyone for celebrating. That is not my place, that is not my business.

You know what I just realized something. I am wasting my time doing this. Some of you will understand, some won't. I don't care anymore.

I just wanted to make people aware. I AM OUT OF HERE.

Aloysius you can be proud of yourself, you have me to the point where I am crying.

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opheritup, I am so sorry for the way you feel, and of course for your friends horrible experiences. I appreciated your post about her experiences...and I was actually hoping someone would be able to shed more light on the subject concerning the rituals Satanists do on that night.

If you leave, please know you and your friend will both be in my prayers. Sorry for the way you were treated.

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you need to learn not to read too much into posts on the internet. guess what I say to anyone who says they're going to leave phatmass and attempt to make anyone feel guilty over it? "good bye and good riddens"

welcome to an internet forum, where I asked you a very simple question. I understand, the occult is EVIL. what more do you want me to say? I know that's a horrible evil thing you described, but you still haven't convinced me as to why we shouldn't celebrete halloween because of it.

anyway, if you really are going, good bye, good riddens, and good luck with all your future endeavours. I don't get guilt-tripped by anyone over the internet.

I never ridiculed you, I asked you a question about your position. I was really wondering; you seemed to oppose us dressing up and getting candy on halloween... I asked you if us doing that had any baring on the evil stuff the occult (which I despise) does

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Al, with such a sensitive subject, the important thing is to respect others experiences and approach them with gentleness and compassion. You're post said:

"listen, ofpheritup,

we all know that satanic and occultic things are evil. we all know what happened to your friend was evil.

but please show us how the dressing up and getting candy contributes to that evil. "

and then your next post:

"so how about it ofpheritup? are you going to explain to us how the dressing up stuff and the candy in any way contributes to the evil occultic acts you describe?

perhaps if we would just stop trick-or-treating, the occult wouldn't remember it was halloween every year?

even if that were true, they'd just pick another day..."

It sounded like you were taunting him or something. It came across as disrespect and uncharitable whether you meant it that way or not.

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Something sets each of us off, and it is not necessary to respond in kind and tell them good riddence.
When someone has an obvious trigger point you don't sit there and push back.
Hugs not slugs work far better.

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Kilroy the Ninja

look ya'll, quit picking on Al, he's not that far off of center.

A little more tact might have been appropriate but something everybody has to remember is this: this is the internet. People can be anyone they want to be. Al's right about not being guilted by someone one the internet - particularly if he doesn't know them personally.

I'm not saying that the horrible acts upon offeritup's friend did not occur, but I am saying that Al did acknowledge these attrocities and simply asked a simple question.

Opher (offer?) is really sensitive about this (as they should be), but has to try and see it from an internet perspective.

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Horrible things do occur on Halloween, [b]but October 31st is also [i]Hallow's Eve[/i][/b]. Are we suppost to not celebrate on this day, just because the commercially seculared version is more popular? The same can be said about Christmas, Easter, and Valentine's Day. :blink:

I'm sorry that you're leaving, if I came off as rude, I apologize. :(

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[quote name='Nicole8223' date='Aug 25 2005, 01:02 PM']He doesn't think we should tell our children there is a Santa either.  We can tell them the gifts are from Jesus.
My Dad still writes From Saint Nikolas and From Baby Jesus and I'm 23! :D

[quote name='Kilroy the Ninja' date='Aug 26 2005, 07:14 AM']Halloween (as we know it now) is Christian in origin - we can't let those pagans take our holiday!! 
To be completely honest the costuming at All Halllows Eve is actually Druidic in origin but the name I just wrote is the attempt to Christianize. At my parish we have an All Saints party, admission is a bag of from the parents and the kids are to dress up as their facoorite saint.

[quote name='thedude' date='Aug 27 2005, 09:39 PM']Awesome site about the Santa/St. Nicholas dillema for Catholic/Orthodox families:
He's got a different name in most countries, however St. Nick stems pretty much from the same story!

[quote name='RC_' date='Aug 30 2005, 11:57 PM']When I was 11, my costume ran along those lines...got a T-shirt and had my dad roll over it with the car, gave a nice tire track, then had fake blood all over.  Said I was run over by a car...
The Irony KILLS me :blink:

[quote name='Twentie Fow' date='Aug 31 2005, 07:00 AM']The American traditions of both Halloween and Christmas blind people to the Catholic devotion which should be exalted on those days. 
Christmas trees, satan claus, material gifts etc. have nothing to do with my observance of the Catholic Holiday.

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Aug 31 2005, 07:05 AM']But they can if you let them :D:

The fir tree symolizes eternal life, the gifts represent the gifts of the magi etc. THere is nothing wrong with using good elements of popular culture to our advantage. Its the Catholic thing to do . :D:

I'll Agree with CMom! And the Star on top of the tree represents the Star of Bethlehem. (We put our Creche under the tree).

[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Aug 31 2005, 07:08 AM']My major complaint about Halloween is the endless supply of candy that lasts at least until Christmas. I just can't believe it is healthy for small children to consume large amounts of candy practically year-round... but I digress
CHRISTMAS!!! Wow, my mom had to ration the stuff or we'd have been on the ceiling for days!

[quote name='ofpheritup' date='Aug 31 2005, 09:32 AM']This is going to be my last post on Phatmass. There are some of you that I will miss. I am tired of trying. I am tired of being ridiculed. I get enough of that carp in my life allready. I do not need it off of a site that is supposed to be CATHOLIC.  Some of you know how wrong you are.

I was expecting a more Christ-like response to my opinion.  Stupid me.

I have attempted to raise awareness as to what happens on Halloween and what my friend has experienced in her life.  I have received only ONE person expressing any concern for what she has gone thru.

I was wanting to "educate"  in the hope that people would 1) become aware. 2) Spread the news. 3) Stop celebrating Halloween.  4) Spend the evening in prayer. Especially for the babies that are being killed.

Aloysius you are right in saying that "they'd just pick another day." I totally agree. And so instead of acknowledging Halloween and recognizing it. I would like to ask you to pick another day.  All it is for you (I am speaking to the world now) is a day to stuff your face with candy. So why can't you pick another day? 

Aloysius I did not appreciate the sarcasm. I found it thoughtless and rude.You have come across as close minded and selfish. Not once have you show concern for my friend and others like her who have lost children thru Satanic Rituals on Halloween.

Dressing up and stuffing your face doesn't give anything to or take anything away from Halloween.  Any idiot knows that. Don't you?

The only concern and point I have been trying to make SINCE MY FIRST RESPONSE is the actual 'HELL" that occurs.  I have not criticized anyone for celebrating. That is not my place, that is not my business.

You know what I just realized something. I am wasting my time doing this.  Some of you will understand, some won't.  I don't care anymore.

I just wanted to make people aware.  I AM OUT OF HERE.

Aloysius you can be proud of yourself, you have me to the point where I am crying.

I am sorry opheritup :( If I'd have paid attention to this thread I would have been on your side. I work with people who have disabilities, including mental ones. For something to cause that kind of damage to a person is just sick :(

[quote name='Aloysius' date='Aug 31 2005, 09:56 AM']you need to learn not to read too much into posts on the internet.  guess what I say to anyone who says they're going to leave phatmass and attempt to make anyone feel guilty over it?  "good bye and good riddens"

welcome to an internet forum, where I asked you a very simple question.  I understand, the occult is EVIL.  what more do you want me to say?  I know that's a horrible evil thing you described, but you still haven't convinced me as to why we shouldn't celebrete halloween because of it.

anyway, if you really are going, good bye, good riddens, and good luck with all your future endeavours.  I don't get guilt-tripped by anyone over the internet.

I never ridiculed you, I asked you a question about your position.  I was really wondering; you seemed to oppose us dressing up and getting candy on halloween... I asked you if us doing that had any baring on the evil stuff the occult (which I despise) does
And you call yourself Catholic? I'm sorry but behaviour like you displayed is not Christian whether it's in an internet forum or not! And "I'm SORRY if I offend you, THIS IS AN INTERNET FORUM afterall"

[quote name='Kilroy the Ninja' date='Aug 31 2005, 10:13 AM']look ya'll, quit picking on Al, he's not that far off of center.

A little more tact might have been appropriate but something everybody has to remember is this:  this is the internet.  People can be anyone they want to be.  Al's right about not being guilted by someone one the internet - particularly if he doesn't know them personally.

I'm not saying that the horrible acts upon offeritup's friend did not occur, but I am saying that Al did acknowledge these attrocities and simply asked a simple question.

Opher (offer?) is really sensitive about this (as they should be), but has to try and see it from an internet perspective.
If someone is as sensitive as opheritup is on the subject we ought to be aware of that! And I quote "Whatsoever you do to the least of these, you do unto me"

Let me just say that, even if opheritup is gone. I apologize for the behaviour of all satanist and I pray that the appalling activities they practice will stop.

O my Jesus forgive us our sins and save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls t oheaven ESPECIALLY those most in need of thy mercy.

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whatever man... I don't have to prove anything about my chrisitanity to faceless people on the internet. I was not mean, it was read into my posts. I asked a simple question. maybe that last post was not as 'polite' or something as it should have been, but I'm not an emotional touchy-feely type person. if you're looking for someone to empathize with your emotions, talk to a friend in person where they can see your emotions. on the internet, I communicate solely with words. the words mean what they mean.

it never ceases to amaze me how quick people are to judge someone "unchristian" if they don't display empathy and emotionalism through a form of communcation that only really allows words from faceless sources.

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