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halloween is pure evil and no one should ever celebrate it! just turn off your lights and throw holy water at anyones that tries to come to your house!


i for one will be scaring people at my house again like i have in the last 2 years or so with friends.

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Theologian in Training

I wrote a paper on the pagan origins of Christmas and how mostly pagan beliefs were "Christianized," when I find it I will post some excerps.

I do remember that the Christmas Tree was developed as a result to proselytize and Christianize the Druidic worship of trees. There are a bunch of others, when I find it I will post it.

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For the most part, the HSfamily hasn't done a whole lot with Halloween in the "scary" realm... We've done non-scary costumes and parties, but nothing scary. My kids went trick or treating for the first time last year (we used to go to parties at church, but since we don't go to that church anymore....). This isn't because I think Halloween is satanic or I'm prudish about it... My daughter (and my son to a lesser extent) has a very active imagination and is really sensitive about "evil" and "scary" stuff. So, since that stuff isn't fun for them, we avoid them.

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Halloween was one of my favorite nights as a kid. I'd absolutely love setting up the "haunted house" in the basement.

(But then, everyone knows I'm evil. I even chose a pagan philosopher for my username!)

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It's all how you raise your children.

Will you let society dictate how you celebrate holiday's? Or will you raise your children to know that a beautiful Catholic feastday is the next day, have fun with candy and pumpkins and enjoy it fully, ending with awesome Catholic days.

You can buy buy buy all the presents in the world (which will be probably trash in a couple of years) or will you teach your children the real meaning of Christmas with the presents you give them.

I love Cmom's ideas. :notworthy2:


Edited by jmjtina
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listen, ofpheritup,

we all know that satanic and occultic things are evil. we all know what happened to your friend was evil.

but please show us how the dressing up and getting candy contributes to that evil.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Aug 29 2005, 08:53 PM']I understand that. I think you don't want to set children up to believe that Jesus acts like Santa Claus in that you ask for something and BAM it shows up on Christmas morning. Just be careful not to turn Jesus into some sort of magical stocking filling being. Imagine how ticked off your kids will be to find out He doesn't work like that.

That makes sense. I understand what you mean know!

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I just read this article and it makes a lot of sense.


Check it out....and let me know what you think.

I think I am convinced. Halloween is fun, and a great time to witness to others.

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I rather liked being scary.

My tastes ran to the grotesque though. Once I painted my face white, then squirted a whole tube of fake blood on my hairline and said I had a head wound. It was humorously over the top, in my opinion. I mean, come on I was 12. I was a creep. I did feel bad though, cause I scared a little fairy princess :( .
I met my best friend that night, but we didn't know it til later.

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Aug 30 2005, 04:44 PM']I rather liked being scary. 

My tastes ran to the grotesque though.  Once I painted my face white, then squirted a whole tube of fake blood on my hairline and said I had a head wound.  It was humorously over the top, in my opinion.  I mean, come on I was 12.  I was a creep.  I did feel bad though, cause I scared a little fairy princess :( . 
I met my best friend that night, but we didn't know it til later.

When I was 11, my costume ran along those lines...got a T-shirt and had my dad roll over it with the car, gave a nice tire track, then had fake blood all over. Said I was run over by a car...

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so how about it ofpheritup? are you going to explain to us how the dressing up stuff and the candy in any way contributes to the evil occultic acts you describe?

perhaps if we would just stop trick-or-treating, the occult wouldn't remember it was halloween every year? :huh:

even if that were true, they'd just pick another day...

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The American traditions of both Halloween and Christmas blind people to the Catholic devotion which should be exalted on those days.

[quote]The Christmas mystery

525 Jesus was born in a humble stable, into a poor family.202 Simple shepherds were the first witnesses to this event. In this poverty heaven's glory was made manifest.203 The Church never tires of singing the glory of this night:

The Virgin today brings into the world the Eternal
And the earth offers a cave to the Inaccessible.
The angels and shepherds praise him
And the magi advance with the star,
For you are born for us,
Little Child, God eternal!204
526 To become a child in relation to God is the condition for entering the kingdom.205 For this, we must humble ourselves and become little. Even more: to become "children of God" we must be "born from above" or "born of God".206 Only when Christ is formed in us will the mystery of Christmas be fulfilled in us.207 Christmas is the mystery of this "marvelous exchange":

O marvelous exchange! Man's Creator has become man, born of the Virgin. We have been made sharers in the divinity of Christ who humbled himself to share our humanity.208[/quote]

Christmas trees, satan claus, material gifts etc. have nothing to do with my observance of the Catholic Holiday.

Edited by Twentie Fow
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But they can if you let them :D:

The fir tree symolizes eternal life, the gifts represent the gifts of the magi etc. THere is nothing wrong with using good elements of popular culture to our advantage. Its the Catholic thing to do . :D:

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My major complaint about Halloween is the endless supply of candy that lasts at least until Christmas. I just can't believe it is healthy for small children to consume large amounts of candy practically year-round... but I digress

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I agree. When my kids were little we never had sweets in the house, so this was a big deal to them.
They usually ate it rather quickly, then had to wait another year for more. :)

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