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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Aug 27 2005, 05:23 PM']just say Saint Nicholas does it.
That's what I will probably do.

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Thy Geekdom Come

Halloween, when centered on the occult, is bad.

Halloween, when centered on innocent fun, candy, and having an alter ego, is fun and enjoyable.

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The United States is one of the very few countries that still celebrates Halloween. It isn't specifically a "satanic" holiday, if it was, Europe would be doing it (since they're having big problems with it). Instead, satanics celebrate their holiday on Christmas Eve.

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Awesome site about the Santa/St. Nicholas dillema for Catholic/Orthodox families:

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[quote name='thedude' date='Aug 27 2005, 11:39 PM']Awesome site about the Santa/St. Nicholas dillema for Catholic/Orthodox families:
We always celebrated St Nicholas day with small presents, and St Lucy day with candles.

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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Aug 27 2005, 08:01 PM']The United States is one of the very few countries that still celebrates Halloween.  It isn't specifically a "satanic" holiday, if it was, Europe would be doing it (since they're having big problems with it).  Instead, satanics celebrate their holiday on Christmas Eve.

Christmas is as well but on a smaller scale.

I am wondering what is behind the "attempted downplay" of Halloween?

I met a friend of a friend the other day and in the conversation he mentioned he used to be a Satanist. I told him about this topic.

He said that is how Satan works. He wants the lie spread that all Halloween is, is innocent fun. When nothing could be further from the truth.

I remember hearing, I don't know where that "the greatest lie that Satan can get people to believe is that he doesn't exist." The same thing applies to the lie that all Halloween is, is innocent fun.

Take it or leave it folks. I know better, I have had personal experience in learning about it. I am here trying to warn you. And so now you know.

I would like to suggest that you take some time to pray about this. What you do past this point is your responsibility. I have done what God has asked of me.

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Only someone who does not fully participate in the Christian (and indeed Catholic year) would avoid celebrations of both Halloween and Easter. Both of these are celebrations which are part of the Church's calendar, and deserve family recognition and thought.

Halloween, as I said earlier, is the Eve of All Hallows (All Saints). A Catholic family could, perhaps use it as a day to reflect on the Christian dead. Christmas of course is the culmination of Advent in celebrating the first coming of our Lord.

Whatever pagan associations people have made with it are absolute bull. Most of these are simply Satanist and/or Wiccan or medieval witchcraft inventions that were created to stir fear in the hearts of Christians against such elements in the 1600's. Most of the times the witchcraft symbols, etc. came from Christians who knew little or nothing about actual witchcraft.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Aug 25 2005, 03:09 PM']My children's Christmas presents came from my husband and me. Santa was a nice man who represented the spirit of giving, but he was not our giver of gifts.
[b]I would have a problem saying the presents were from Jesus because that would be lying :)[/b][right][snapback]698680[/snapback][/right]

Yeah, I'd be careful with that, too.

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[quote name='ofpheritup' date='Aug 28 2005, 11:06 PM']YES, HALLOWEEN IS SPECIFICALLY A "SATANIST'S"  HOLIDAY.
Christmas is as well but on a smaller scale.

I am wondering what is behind the "attempted downplay" of Halloween?

I met a friend of a friend the other day and in the conversation he mentioned he used to be a Satanist.  I told him about this topic.

He said that is how Satan works. He wants the lie spread that all Halloween is, is innocent fun. When nothing could be further from the truth.

I remember hearing, I don't know where that "the greatest lie that Satan can get people to believe is that he doesn't exist."  The same thing applies to the lie that all Halloween is, is innocent fun.

Take it or leave it folks.  I know better, I have had personal experience in learning about it.  I am here trying to warn you.  And so now you know.

I would like to suggest that you take some time to pray about this. What you do past this point is your responsibility.  I have done what God has asked of me.

Halloween is the eve of a great Catholic feast, and a night where kids get dressed up and get candy. If people want to make it more than that, there is little we can do about it. Its not a downplay, we are treating it as it should be treated, cause its not a personal trigger point for us as it is for you.
I am not going to let a bunch of perverts ruin my day.

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[quote name='ofpheritup' date='Aug 28 2005, 10:06 PM']
He said that is how Satan works. He wants the lie spread that all Halloween is, is innocent fun. When nothing could be further from the truth.

I remember hearing, I don't know where that "the greatest lie that Satan can get people to believe is that he doesn't exist."  The same thing applies to the lie that all Halloween is, is innocent fun.

Take it or leave it folks.  I know better, I have had personal experience in learning about it.  I am here trying to warn you.  And so now you know.


An alternative for that night would be PRAYER.
That is what I do instead of saying I can't do anything about it.

I have never been " a can't kind of girl." Can't in our family meant we were either lazy of didn't care. In a large Catholic family neither one was an option.

Let us talk about the power of the rosary.
Spiritual warfare guys spiritual warfare.

I am with St. Francis (?) when he said "I have done my part may Christ
teach you yours."

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' date='Aug 29 2005, 08:00 AM']Yeah, I'd be careful with that, too.

I guess I look at it like this: God is the giver of every gift. The gifts are from Him. Without Christ, we wouldn't be giving each other gifts on Christmas. I don't think it would be a lie to say the gifts are from Jesus.

The lie is when you say the gifts are from Santa. I was SO mad when I found out I had been lied to. It caused me to question everything! I want to be honest with my children, and I think this is a way to do it without spoiling the surprise and mystery of the holiday.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Aug 29 2005, 08:15 AM']Halloween is the eve of a great  Catholic feast,  and a night where kids get dressed up and get candy.  If people want to make it more than that, there is little we can do about it. Its not a downplay, we are treating it as it should be treated, cause its not a personal trigger point for us as it is for you.
I am not going to let a bunch of perverts ruin my day.


Hallow's Eve is a Catholic holiday, which also lies on Halloween. Easter has pagan origins as well, but the Catholic Church converted it into a celebration of Christ's resurrection. If I'm correct, even Christmas was placed near a pagan "winter holiday". The Catholic Church did this deliberately to fight paganism, and I guess it worked.

No one is denying that Halloween has pagan origins, and that Satanics use this holiday. But we also have to be aware of it's Christian roots (Hallow's Eve).

Edited by Paladin D
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[quote name='Nicole8223' date='Aug 29 2005, 09:40 AM']I guess I look at it like this: God is the giver of every gift.  The gifts are from Him.  Without Christ, we wouldn't be giving each other gifts on Christmas.  I don't think it would be a lie to say the gifts are from Jesus.

The lie is when you say the gifts are from Santa.  I was SO mad when I found out I had been lied to.  It caused me to question everything!  I want to be honest with my children, and I think this is a way to do it without spoiling the surprise and mystery of the holiday.

I understand that. I think you don't want to set children up to believe that Jesus acts like Santa Claus in that you ask for something and BAM it shows up on Christmas morning. Just be careful not to turn Jesus into some sort of magical stocking filling being. Imagine how ticked off your kids will be to find out He doesn't work like that.

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Why don't you just tell your kids the truth - you buy the presents because you love them.

worked for my kids, and they didn't wonder why the neighbors kids always got bigger and better presents than them.

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