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Halloween is really "All Hallows Eve." "All Hallows" is an old, old term for "All Saints" (remember the Lord's Prayer "hallowed" be thy name), so the concept is of the darkness before the light of this holy feast day. It should be remembered, however, that in traditional celebration, All Saints can also be a feast day involving the macabre, considering that historically it is accompanied by the display and procession of saints' relics, etc.
Hallowe'en is indeed a good time to consider the damned souls in Hell, but also a time to think about Christian death, as well as the demonic spiritual powers which rage against it. Involving images of horror and so forth do not seem, in my mind, to be inappropriate reminders of the darker side of human experience, both spiritual and natural.
I think Hallowe'en is a good time for the children and parents to think about death itself. I would suggest a visit to the local graveyard where you place candles on the graves of loved ones, and talk about how we keep vigil for our own salvation in Christ's kingdom. Also, one could involve prayers to the Archangels and guardian angels, in order to consider the ways they help us through the night of this life.

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I must also say that, as someone who looked into both Satanism and Wiccanism, and other pagan cults, only Wiccanism has a definite attachment to the night as the feast of "Beltane" (at least I think that is the correct one, there are four major seasonal feasts). The pagan contingent, if they are some Celtic or Druidic offshoot, sees it as the night of darkness (the Tanist of Lughnassadh, lord of misrule). Really, however, both of these groups' activities coincide little with the celebrations that go on in most average homes. The crossover between Celtic paganism and the Christian activities of the feast, and the abuses that took place therein, are almost universally discarded (for example, monks dressing up as demons and ghouls during the evening Mass or Vespers).
Trust me, compared to what went on during the Middle Ages on this vigil, today's celebrations are mild and have little to do with most pagan elements.

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From what I understand, Halloween is chump change to a Satanist compared to Christmas Day. That's when the real stuff goes down.

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I don't know how to say this. But I have to. I am trying to think of a way that I can get my point across and not be too graphic.

I had a friend whose Dad belonged to a coven. While she was growing up she was (starting at the age of 9) given hormone shots. Over the years she was impregnated at least 5 times that she can remember. The babies were sacrificed in the coven's rituals.

Halloween is the day that the greatest amount of babies are ______!
I can't bring myself to type it.

Today because of the abuse she is mentally ill. She has Multiple Personality Disorder. She has 30 personalities. I've met most of them, they're interesting.

I used to think Halloween was harmless. Guys it is no joke.

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[quote name='ofpheritup' date='Aug 25 2005, 09:00 PM']I don't know how to say this. But I have to. I am trying to think of a way that I can get my point across and not be too graphic.

I had a friend whose Dad belonged to a coven. While she was growing up she was (starting at the age of 9) given hormone shots. Over the years she was impregnated at least 5 times that she can remember.  The babies were sacrificed in the coven's rituals. 

Halloween is the day that the greatest amount of babies are ______!
I can't bring myself to type it.

Today because of the abuse she is mentally ill. She has Multiple Personality Disorder.  She has 30 personalities. I've met most of them, they're interesting.

I used to think Halloween was harmless.  Guys it is no joke.

For 99.99% of the people Halloween is a day to scare people and get candy. Grave sin can occur on any occasion.

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[quote name='Nicole8223' date='Aug 25 2005, 01:34 PM']My fiance and I have discussed whether or not we would celebrate Halloween with our kids.  Since the holiday is of pagan origin, and it is one of the biggest nights of the year for Satanic worshippers and witches and stuff, it seems like a bad thing.  Obviously dressing a child as a witch or devil is not "cute," but how do you feel about having kids dress as something that is innocent (like a princess or angel or something) and trick-or-treating?

I feel really torn about this.
There are lots of things that are of pagan origin, but if they are taken out of the pagan context, and don't involve any sins of paganism (ie, idolatry, spells, etc..) they aren't bad.

I know a guy who thinks that the USA is evil because Washinton D.C. is full of "pagan" architecture and the money uses pagan symbols and all this stuff.. But how many people go to D.C. and worship the idol of Abraham Lincoln? hehe

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Aug 25 2005, 08:14 PM']For 99.99% of the people Halloween is a day to scare people and get candy.  Grave sin can occur on any occasion.



The percentage is wrong unless you can convince me that only
1 percent of the world are Satanist's. I think the percentage is higher than that.

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[quote name='ofpheritup' date='Aug 25 2005, 09:18 PM']THANK YOU.


The percentage is wrong unless you can convince me that only
1 percent of the world are Satanist's.  I think the percentage is higher than that.

You are welcome. And you missed the point. Horrible things can happen on any occasion. If satanists decided Easter and Christmas or Thanksgiving were days to commit grave sin would you and the rest of the world take them off the calendar?

I have no clue what the actual small percentage of satanists is and I don't care [except to pray for them].

I am sorry for your friend and her horrible childhood. I hope she is in therapy and she is integrating well. Tramatic events have ruined for her what could have been an innocent time of visiting the neighbors and an overindulgence of chocolate. And for almost everyone out there, that is the extent of Halloween.

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Kilroy the Ninja

Ditto everything Cmom said.

Halloween (as we know it now) is Christian in origin - we can't let those pagans take our holiday!!


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Theologian in Training

I too am in complete agreement with Cmom. There was a guy in the seminary (who has, unfortunately, since left) who was very unhappy with me because I told him I liked Halloween. In fact, to get into the spirit, I carved a pumpkin in my seminary room and displayed it for all to see (inside my room).

Anyway, he was trying to tell me that it is essentially a pagan holiday, that we give the evil spirits their due, things of that nature. Yet, try as I might to explain it to him, he never wanted to hear my side.

As far back as I can remember I always loved Halloween. I got to dress up as someone else, scare myself a bit, and get lots and lots of candy :) I never saw anything wrong with it, and still, to this day, do not.

It is a time for the kids to dress up and have a little fun and the parents to live vicariously through their kids, or if that is impossible (in my case) to be a child once again :)

Besides, who hasn't waited for the Great Pumpkin hoping he will bring toys to all good little girls and boys? :)

Oh, also, you should look up the origin of the Jack O Lantern, there is a reason it was named after jack and there is a reason we light them up. I won't spoil it, but look it up and have a little fun with your imagination and a little ghost story.

God Bless

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Because of the pagan origins we do not dress up and go trick or treating.

We do have fun with haunted houses and scary stuff like that.

We celebrate All Saints Day with the homeschool group that we are in. Maybe you could start one at your Church.

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[quote name='Nicole8223' date='Aug 25 2005, 02:02 PM']PS...He doesn't think we should tell our children there is a Santa either.  We can tell them the gifts are from Jesus.
I think in Austria at least, the tradition is that the Christ Child brings the gifts on Christmas. It's His birthday and He shares gifts with everyone. I think it's a cool idea. :)

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