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My fiance and I have discussed whether or not we would celebrate Halloween with our kids. Since the holiday is of pagan origin, and it is one of the biggest nights of the year for Satanic worshippers and witches and stuff, it seems like a bad thing. Obviously dressing a child as a witch or devil is not "cute," but how do you feel about having kids dress as something that is innocent (like a princess or angel or something) and trick-or-treating?

I feel really torn about this.

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my dad will NOT have anything to do with holloween. But he will let us dress as saints and watch tv. lol I don't think that Holloween should not be celebratied by Catholics though. just my opinion.

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Yes, Halloween has pagan origins, but so does Christmas. However, Halloween has not been Christianized, so it still holds to the pagan ideas. We have never celebrated it. We used to get candy and hand out Christian literature, but not anymore.

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We always dress up and have candy, have apple cidar and pumpkin pie and I actually run a Haunted House to raise money. :)

Halloween is all about being an alter ego for a night and being a bit scared of things that go bump in the night.

:ninja: Boo!

The next day we go to Mass and have an All Saints Day cake with all the family name saints listed. Te next day [All Souls DAy] we pray for all our family members who have died.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Aug 25 2005, 02:56 PM']We always dress up and have candy, have apple cidar and pumpkin pie and I actually run a Haunted House to raise money. :)

Halloween is all about being an alter ego for a night and being a bit scared of things that go bump in the night.

:ninja: Boo!

The next day we go to Mass and have an All Saints Day cake with all the family name saints listed. Te next day [All Souls DAy] we pray for all our family members who have died.

This sounds great to me. I think it is fun to be scary and scared sometimes, in fun, at least. But my fiance is pretty convinced about not celebratnig the holiday. I'm not sure what to do....

PS...He doesn't think we should tell our children there is a Santa either. We can tell them the gifts are from Jesus.

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I think Halloween is pretty harmless. Every year I try to dress up as something outragous. Last year I was an alien with a long silver dress and I handed out candy to little kids at my school, and they thought it was nuts. One year I was a very realistic looking werewolf. I'm also a haunted house junkie. Me and my friends always go, and they I nearly have a break down when they start chasing us with chain saws.

As long as you don't take it too seriously I think that it's fine. I just use it as an opportunity to dress up like an alien or some other interesting creature. Lets face it, if you dress like an alien when it's not Halloween you belong in the place with the padded walls.

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[quote name='Nicole8223' date='Aug 25 2005, 03:02 PM']This sounds great to me.  I think it is fun to be scary and scared sometimes, in fun, at least.  But my fiance is pretty convinced about not celebratnig the holiday.  I'm not sure what to do....

PS...He doesn't think we should tell our children there is a Santa either.  We can tell them the gifts are from Jesus.

My children's Christmas presents came from my husband and me. Santa was a nice man who represented the spirit of giving, but he was not our giver of gifts.
I would have a problem saying the presents were from Jesus because that would be lying :)

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I like the way you think, cmom! I like the way you celebrate both holidays.


I just saw what you wrote about saying the gifts are from Jesus. Technically, God is the giver of all gifts. Everything we have is a gift from Him....I think we were thinking along those lines.

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i found this idea for Halloween on Lifeteen:
U could have a party and dress up in costumes that don't depict horror (saints, superheroes,etc) and make Jack-o-lanterns and do bobbing for apples, stuff like that, then put a bonfire in the back yard and meditate on the Luminous mysteries of the Rosary.

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Gal. 5:22,23

I have always let my children go trick or treating. However, I was very particular about their costumes. I don't decorate my home for Halloween, but go nuts decorating it for Autumn. I put up the decorations in September and they remain until the day after Thanksgiving, when we put up the Christmas decorations.

We never did the Santa thing. When my oldest daughter asked me who brought the presents I told her the truth. She then felt the need to tell her younger brothers right from the get-go where the presents come from. One year we had a cake on Christmas morning and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. That was really cool. And every year before we open presents, we pray and read Luke 2.

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[quote name='Nicole8223' date='Aug 25 2005, 01:34 PM']My fiance and I have discussed whether or not we would celebrate Halloween with our kids.  Since the holiday is of pagan origin, and it is one of the biggest nights of the year for Satanic worshippers and witches and stuff, it seems like a bad thing.  Obviously dressing a child as a witch or devil is not "cute," but how do you feel about having kids dress as something that is innocent (like a princess or angel or something) and trick-or-treating?

I feel really torn about this.

I always did it for the candy and sometimes because I got to dress up in costumes...But candy won out. :D:

There are a few things we do that are of pagan origin, and I cannot think of one good example off the top of my head right now...but there are a few. :) We even took over pagan temples and made them Catholic churches (Pantheon, etc.). We took on the pagan basilica (which is where our term comes from as well) along with a few other things.

And so I wouldn't worry too much about it. :) As long as you realize that there are such things out there as some celebrate, just enjoy the candy and good, old-fashioned, wholesome, home-made costumes! :D:

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

heres a really good article i like about it.


31 October and 1 and 2 November are called, colloquially (not officially), "Days of the Dead" because on these days we pray for or remember those who've left this world.

The evening before All Saints -- also known as ""All Hallows" -- has come to be, unofficially, a time to remember the souls of the dead who are of neither the Church Triumphant nor the Church Suffering, and to face the realities of Hell. This Vigil of All Hallows' is known as "Hallows' Even," or "Hallowe'en." On All Hallows' (All Saints), we commemorate the Saints in Heaven, and on All Souls, we commemorate the souls in Purgatory.

31 October:
Hallowe'en: unofficially recalls the souls of the damned. Practices center around the reality of Hell and how to avoid it.

1 November:
All Saints: set aside to officially honor the Church Triumphant. Practices center around recalling our great Saints

2 November:
All Souls: set aside officially to pray for the Church Suffering (the souls in Purgatory). Practices center around praying for the souls in Purgatory, especially our loved ones

The earliest form of All Saints (or "All Hallows") was first celebrated in the 300s, but originally took place on 13 May, as it still does in some Eastern Churches. The Feast first commemorated only the martyrs, but came to include all of the Saints by 741. It was transferred to 1 November in 844 when Pope Gregory III consecrated a chapel in St. Peter's Basilica to All Saints (so much for the theory that the day was fixed on 1 November because of a bunch of Irish pagans had harvest festivals at that time).

All Souls has its origins in A.D. 1048 when the Bishop of Cluny decreed that the Benedictines of Cluny pray for the souls in Purgatory on this day. The practice spread until Pope Sylvester II recommended it for the entire Latin Church.

The Vigil of All Hallows (Hallowe'en) came, in Irish popular piety, to be a day of remembering the dead who are neither in Purgatory or Heaven, but are damned, and these customs spread to many parts of the world. Thus we have the popular focus of Hallowe'en as the reality of Hell, hence its scary character and focus on evil and how to avoid it, the sad fate of the souls of the damned, etc.

Customs of this day are a mixture of Catholic popular devotions, and French, Irish, and English customs all mixed together.

From the French we get the custom of dressing up, which originated during the time of the Black Death when artistic renderings of the dead known as the "Danse Macabre," were popular. These "Dances of Death" were also acted out by people who dressed as the dead. Later, these practices were moved to Hallowe'en when the Irish and French began to intermarry in America.

From the Irish come the carved Jack-o-lanterns, which were originally carved turnips. The legend surrounding the Jack-o-Lantern is this:

There once was an old drunken trickster named Jack, a man known so much for his miserly ways that he was known as "Stingy Jack," He loved making mischief on everyone -- even his own family, even the Devil himself! One day, he tricked Satan into climbing up an apple tree -- but then carved Crosses on the trunk so the Devil couldn't get back down. He bargained with the Evil One, saying he would remove the Crosses only if the Devil would promise not to take his soul to Hell; to this, the Devil agreed.

After Jack died, after many years filled with vice, he went up to the Pearly Gates -- but was told by St. Peter that he was too miserable a creature to see the Face of Almighty God. But when he went to the Gates of Hell, he was reminded that he couldn't enter there, either! So, he was doomed to spend his eternity roaming the earth. The only good thing that happened to him was that the Devil threw him an ember from the burning pits to light his way, an ember he carried inside a hollowed-out, carved turnip.

And when you carve up your pumpkin, keep the seeds to roast! Here's a recipe:

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

2 cups pumpkin seeds (approx.)
2 TSP melted butter or oil (approx.)
Salt to taste
Optional: garlic powder; cayenne pepper; seasoned salt; Worcestershire Sauce; Cajun seasoning; or Hot Spice Mix (1/2 tsp. Tabasco sauce, 1 tsp. cayenne pepper, 1/2 tsp. cumin, 2 tsp. chili powder)

Preheat oven to 300° F. Toss pumpkin seeds in a bowl with the melted butter or oil and any optional ingredients of your choice. Spread pumpkin seeds in a single layer on baking sheet. Bake for about 45 minutes, stirring occasionally, until golden brown and crispy. Store airtight.

Option: If you roast them without any of the above optional flavorings, you can now flavor them Spicy-Sweet by doing this:

Heat a TBSP of peanut oil in a skillet, add 2 TBSP sugar, and the seeds. Cook the pumpkin seeds over medium high heat for about 1 minute or until the sugar melts and starts to caramelize. Place pumpkin seeds in a large bowl and sprinkle with this mixture: 3 TBSP sugar, 1/4 tsp. salt, 1/4 tsp. cinnamon, 1/4 tsp. ginger, and a pinch of ground cayenne pepper.

From the English Catholics we get begging from door to door, the earlier and more pure form of "trick-or-treating." Children would go about begging their neighbors for a "Soul Cake," for which they would say a prayer for those neighbors' dead. Instead of knocking on a door and saying the threatening, "Trick-or-treat" (or the ugly "Trick-or-treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat"), children would say either:

A Soul Cake, a Soul Cake,
have mercy on all Christian souls for a soul cake!


Soul, soul, an apple or two,
If you haven't an apple, a pear will do,
One for Peter, two for Paul,
Three for the Man Who made us all.

While Soul Cakes were originally a type of shortbread, it is said that a clever medieval cook wanted to make Soul Cakes designed to remind people of eternity, so she cut a hole in the middle of round cakes before frying them, thereby inventing donuts! Fresh plain cake donuts would be a nice food to eat on this day.

Cake Doughnuts (makes 20)

2 quarts canola oil
2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
1/4 cup sour cream
1 1/4 cups cake flour (not self-rising)
3/4 cup granulated sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp coarse salt
1 1/2 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
1 packet active dry yeast or 0.6 ounces cake yeast
3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons nonfat buttermilk
1 extra-large whole egg
2 extra-large egg yolks
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
1 1/4 cups nonmelting or confectioners' sugar

1. Heat oil in a low-sided six-quart saucepan over medium-high heat until a deep-frying thermometer registers 375°. Lightly dust a baking pan with all-purpose flour, and line a second one with paper towels; set both aside.

2. Meanwhile, place sour cream in a heat-proof bowl or top of a double boiler; set over a pan of simmering water. Heat until warm to the touch. Remove from heat; set aside.

3. In a large bowl, sift together all-purpose flour, cake flour, granulated sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and nutmeg. Make a large well; place yeast in center. Pour warm sour cream over yeast, and let sit 1 minute.

4. Place buttermilk, whole egg, egg yolks, and vanilla in a medium bowl; whisk to combine. Pour egg mixture over sour cream. Using a wooden spoon, gradually draw flour mixture into egg mixture, stirring until smooth before drawing in more flour. Continue until all flour mixture has been incorporated; dough will be very sticky.

5. Sift a heavy coat of flour onto a clean work surface. Turn out dough. Sift another heavy layer of flour over dough. Using your hands, pat dough until it is 1/2 inch thick. Using a 2 3/4-inch doughnut cutter, cut out doughnuts as close together as possible, dipping the cutter in flour before each cut. Transfer doughnuts to floured pan, and let rest 10 minutes, but not more.

6. Carefully transfer four doughnuts to hot oil. Cook until golden, about 2 minutes. Turn over; continue cooking until evenly browned on both sides, about 2 minutes more. Using a slotted spoon, transfer doughnuts to lined pan. Repeat with remaining doughnuts.

7. Gather remaining dough scraps into a ball. Let rest 10 minutes; pat into a 1/2-inch-thick rectangle. Cut, let rest 10 minutes, and cook.

8. When cool enough to handle, sift nonmelting sugar over tops; serve immediately. (Recipe from Martha Stewart).

Other customary foods for All Hallows' Eve include cider, nuts, popcorn, and apples -- best eaten around a bonfire or fireplace!

Another Hallowe'en custom is the old Celtic "bobbing for apples." To do this, fill a large tub two thirds full with water and float apples in it. Children take turns trying to pick up one of the floating apples using only their mouths (hands are not allowed and must be held or tied behind the back!) -- very tricky to do! The first to do so wins a prize (some say he will be the first one to marry someday). You can make the game more fun by carving an initial into the bottom of each apple, letting that initial indicate the name of the person each apple-bobber will marry, and/or using different colored apples with different assigned meanings or prizes. (You can play a dry version of this game by tying the stems of the apples to strings and suspending them. If you do this, carve any initials at the tops of the apples. Of course, all of this sort of thing is a parlor game and should never be taken seriously or cross the line into divination!).

...and tell scary stories! If you want the perfect poems to relate to your children on this day, see Little Orphant Annie, The Raven, The Stolen Child, and the Wreck of the Hesperus. And here are those poems and some stories for you to download in Microsoft Word .doc format:

Little Orphant Annie by James Whitcomb Riley (2 pages)
The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe (3 pages)
The Stolen Child by William Butler Yeats (2 pages)
The Wreck of the Hesperus by Henry Wordsworth Longfellow (3 pages)
The Monkey's Paw, by W. W. Jacobs (11 pages)
The Lottery, by Shirley Jackson (5 pages)
The Tell Tale Heart, by Edgar Allan Poe (4 pages)
The Cask of Amontillado, by Edgar Allan Poe (7 pages)
The Masque of the Red Death, by Edgar Allan Poe (5 pages)
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, by Washington Irving (22 pages)

After teaching your children about the frightening realities of Hell, teach them how to protect themselves from evil. Warn them that magic (the art of performing actions beyond the power of man with the aid of powers other than the Divine) is real, that there is no such thing as "white magic," that playing with the occult -- whether by divination, necromancy, the casting of spells, playing with Ouija boards, etc. -- is an invitation to demons to respond, and that it is from demons that magic gets any power it has. Remember St. Michael to them, teach them about the power of sacramentals and prayers that ward off evil when piously used (the Sign of the Cross, Holy Water, blessed salt, the Crucifix, the St. Benedict Medal, St. Anthony's Brief, etc.), teach them to call on the Holy Name of Jesus when they are afraid, etc.

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Our Church always held a big Halloween party for the kids. We would all dress up and play games for candy, holy cards, Bibles, etc. That was always really fun. So I see no problem with celebrating Halloween in the terms of just dressing up and playing around.

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For 10 years our whole church did a Haunted Hospital and raised thousands of dollars for charity and good works.
My job was to stamp their hands and ask if they had made their wills
I also inquired what they thought of rats.:D:

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