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a Non-Catholic telling people to follow Jesus

Dust's Sister

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Dust's Sister

[quote]Follow Jesus not the pope! The pope is a human being not GOD, he isn't more holy than you or I. He is the head of the catholic church which is an organisation, he isn't a direct link to God or anything like that. A true christian follows the bible, not the pope's interpretation of it!

Jesus has more influence than either Michael or the pope.

The catholic church is so corrupt its not funny. If the vatican distributed all their wealth they could eradicate third world hunger three times over! They own yankee stadium for godsake! that's very godly huh?

Follow Jesus not the catholic Church, and yes they are VERY different things.

Download the sermon by Bishop TD JAKES off of Kazaa called 'Great Things Come in Small Packages' if you want to understand what I am talking about.

[b]Then, I PMed this person this:[/b]

[quote]Hi, I have debating whether to respond to your post about the Catholic Church on the Pope vs. Michael Jackson thread in public, and I think it's better if I just PM you. I think your post is offensive, telling people to follow Jesus and not the Catholic Church. I don't think you understand where the Catholic Church comes from. I am starting to take R.C.I.A. classes just for events like these so I can explain to people where the Catholic Church comes from. Do you know how old the Catholic Church is? It's been here since Jesus's time. He told Peter to build his church, and he did. That church is the Universal Church is which means "Catholic". Do you think Catholics don't follow Jesus Christ? What do you think we believe in? Just God? I just don't understand your post, telling people to Follow Jesus, not the Catholic Church. I wish I could explain it better so I can tell you where I am coming from, but to let you know, I am Catholic if you havn't figured it out already, but I just wanted to say that your post is offensive. BTW, The Catholic Church does not go by the Pope's intrepretation of the bible, The Catholic church has been going through these traditions FOR YEARS since Peter. The POPE has no authority to change the doctines.

Please have more knowledge about the Catholic Faith, before you tell people to not be Catholic. I DO Follow Jesus Christ.

I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just trying to word this the best I can. Go to [url="http://www.phatmass.com/"]http://www.phatmass.com/[/url] to find out more about the Catholic Faith.

Just tell me, did I answer him good so far? I don't have much knowledge, but I just had to say something about that post. You see, I go to this Michael Jackson board, and people had a topic; Who is more influencial, the Pope, or Michael Jackson?... and I don't know what they mean by that, but I think that is a STUPID comparison. Anyway, lets not talk about that, I just wanted to see if I answered this guy okay, and what else I should say to him. I am taking R.C.I.A. Classes, and I can't wait to learn more so it's situations like these to where I can explain to people. Hopefully this person comes here.


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That is an extremely stupid comparision. As for your post, it was very good. The person who posted above obviously has no debating skills or tact of any kind. He uses no logic in his posts at all.

I don't agree with you; I'm not Catholic. However, neither do I agree with him.

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[quote name='dUSt' date='Aug 24 2005, 05:27 PM']I never knew that the church owns Yankee stadium. hahaha

hahahaha first time i heard that....

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[quote name='dUSt' date='Aug 24 2005, 05:27 PM']I never knew that the church owns Yankee stadium. hahaha

So if I'm a Sox fan am I considered schismatic?

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[quote name='hierochloe' date='Aug 24 2005, 08:21 PM']So if I'm a Sox fan am I considered schismatic?

LOL!!! Probally.

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