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Islam, a religion of peace?

MC Just

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That is just not true.

Islam was born with the Sword, has always lived by the sword and will die by the Sword (hopefully Saint James Matamoros sword).

My Priest this last weekend during his homily said that if we christians and americans dont stop aborting and contracepting that the muslims will out number us all because they will over populate. They dont believe in abortion and contraception..

There is much truth to that...Muslims claim there will be a islamic flag over the white house by 2015?

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some of the most peaceful ppl i know are Muslims, and in Seventeen, they did an interview w/an Iraqi Muslim girl and she said that she reads the Koran everyday and it says to live peacefully.
Although the word that Islam comes from, according to Catholic answers, does not mean peace, the Arabic word salaam is actually the word that means peace.

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I could very well be wrong but to the best of my knowledge, Islam allows abbortion before the second or third trimester (as stated to me once by a muslim classmate in college). I don't know what they say about contraception.

People need to be careful what they believe about this religion called Islam. I hear so many conflicting versions of what it proclaims from people criticizing it that I hardly put any credibility in what someone says unless they are a Muslim educated in their own fiath themself. Even then they don't speak for all Muslims (look at the variations of belief within Chistianity for goodness sake, no different for Islam afaik).

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they dont belive that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead.........ya some muslims are peacefull but look at the radical ones.....they'll kill first and ask questions last.........their religion is probally the beast described in revelations.......

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